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Signed Up April 5, 2016
Last Posted September 7, 2020 at 12:59 PM
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#113 why dafuqwizat didn't cheat: in TF2 General Discussion

"wizat is cheating". So you guys are the type of people who believe wizat exists?

posted about 4 years ago
#104 jediflamaster banned for life on etf2l in The Dumpster

posted about 6 years ago
#99 Made a list of all OP weapons I can think of in TF2 General Discussion
naightmehrsince I run the ambassador and dead ringer 24/7

Mate lol
I don't want to be mean about it but this tells me more about your spy play than actually looking up any of your competitive history[/quote]

Not quite sure what you mean by that.. I'm a platinum/ etf2l high spy, even if I run the dead ringer and amby only, I get more picks than a knife + invis watch spy. Even the best spy in etf2l premiership runs the dead ringer and amby 24/7, and he got voted for the best spy 2 seasons in a row, he even got voted for best player in the previous prem season. =)

posted about 8 years ago
#69 Made a list of all OP weapons I can think of in TF2 General Discussion
DatDrummerGuySentinelWhy is the razorback on your list? It's in no way op
It's a hard direct counter to one of the biggest sniper's counters, spy, which is also a very weak class countered by simple awareness. It forces the spy to use his primary, and die most of the time in a competitive setting.

It's pretty useless in pubs but broken everywhere else.
SentinelIt takes up a slot just to block a single backstab from a class that can kill you in 2 shots in a second at that range anyway (Amby hs and 1 regular shot)
Teams play around sniper, and he gets a lot of heals. The spy is dead before he can fire his second shot.

You also took your time to look up my profile? Gosh. Of course I play steel HL, I can't commit to anything else, I just play HL with friends. So, because I play spy in a low level HL team, all my points are invalidated?

The razorback isn't even effective at low levels.

You sure are good at argumenting. If you want to show me I'm wrong, well go ahead. The razorback is a pretty controversial item. But don't just throw a screenshot of my profile to say "LUL HL NOOB", give actual points, you know.

This shit triggers me like no tomorrow... "It forces the spy to use his primary, and die most of the time in a competitive setting" You make it sound like using your primary as a spy is a major problem and saying that using your primary makes you die most of the time in a competitive setting is just you being bad with the primary, that's your own problem and you should improve that, spy is also by no means a weak class. In my opinion having the razorback disabled is a lot more annoying than having it enabled, just because a razorback sniper should by no means be a problem for a competent spy that can use his primary, since I run the ambassador and dead ringer 24/7 I haven't had a single scenario where I would've thought "wow the razorback is really OP" Jarate counters spies a lot harder than a silly razorback, especially dead ringer users like myself.

"Teams play around sniper, and he gets a lot of heals. The spy is dead before he can fire his second shot" <- This is a perfect scenario where you need to use your brain, a medic can never heal a sniper 24/7, there are always moments when the sniper is alone, doesn't have an overheal or he's on low health. Depending on what gun you use the most, you need to plan out when you're going to kill him or at least call out his position for your friendly sniper or flank to pick him off. If you're a letranger/revolver spy I can understand that it gets a bit harder to kill a sniper from long range, but at the same time it means you need to suicide for a sniper pick depending on what watch you're using and when your team is planning on moving in, you can't expect your sniper to win every fight. In most situations you're the one who is supposed to kill the sniper, never back away from a fight with one, always pressure the sniper. Oh and if you're dead before you can hit your second shot, you might want to position yourself better or run the dead ringer ;-)

posted about 8 years ago
#3 [Stream] Nightmare in Requests


posted about 8 years ago
#1 [Stream] Nightmare in Requests

Name: Nightmare
Country: The Netherlands

Since recently I've given streaming a try, in the past I was kinda skeptical about the idea since it might cause lag or stuttering but that has been tested and my stream works fine without any performance drops. My stream contains etf2l high spy games, ugc plat spy games or just some casual.

So yeah, i'd like to get my channel highlighted here, hopefully that's possible.

posted about 8 years ago
#795 flatHUD in Customization
GizmonaightmehrI just downloaded the newest flathud and I had this bug in the previous version as well, but the player health shows up in a very weird positions in my hud

I'm pretty sure it's supposed to look like this:

So what's the source of this problem? Is it some command in my config perhaps that's causing this? Would like to fix it as soon as possible..
tf_hud_target_id_disable_floating_health "1"

Thanks, this solved the problem :o)

Tho I'm wondering how that was turned off.

posted about 8 years ago
#793 flatHUD in Customization

I just downloaded the newest flathud and I had this bug in the previous version as well, but the player health shows up in a very weird positions in my hud

I'm pretty sure it's supposed to look like this:

So what's the source of this problem? Is it some command in my config perhaps that's causing this? Would like to fix it as soon as possible..

posted about 8 years ago