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Signed Up October 6, 2012
Last Posted February 11, 2013 at 5:09 AM
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#18 My roommate caught me cumming on his cat's head in The Dumpster

>right click
>Save image as...

posted about 12 years ago
#5 lf dota ppl in Off Topic

Play dota with my group sometime!
I play with a person who smokes hash oil 24/7, a guy who likes gaybuttsex also gets high and drunk, an Australian, and a giant beaner with a nasty beard who is apparently an MGE master.

and we mic spam good music too

play time is usually 11pm to 4am

posted about 12 years ago
#34 Homeopathy? in Off Topic

"equivalent of taking 1 grain of rice, crushing into a powder and dissolving it in a sphere of water the size of the solar system"
No science can back up homeopathy. Avogadro would get mad! Every time you dilute a compound the chance of a single molecule appearing in a solution lessens.

I don't think you can dogmatically believe in science. It is not like religions, rather it has a group of people continuously working to explain and understand the natural world, not the spiritual. And scientific discoveries and facts are usually backed up by a whole bunch of work published in journals, and you can even follow their experiment on your own (if you have the resources) and see if you come to the sam conclusion.

svejkI am sure no scientist champions their theory as fact.

I think your're confusing the term scientific theory here.

posted about 12 years ago
#45 Fuck Chemistry in Off Topic
b4nnyI am familiar with those first three sites, and i'd say that videos of this nature were a big reason I have gotten so into science these past few years (specifically sixtysymbols really got me into physics). They're presented in an interesting, informative and entertaining way all at the same time. Thanks :)

MIT's lecture

OR pick a different chem course
There's a lot!!!!

there are many other lectures too other than chem.
their vector calculus lecture helped me through the tough part of it :D

posted about 12 years ago
#133 Post your setup in Off Topic


posted about 12 years ago