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Signed Up October 24, 2015
Last Posted April 22, 2024 at 9:54 AM
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#3 New dedicated MGE server in Asia in Projects

Sadly this server has been auto-updated to 64bit so MGE mod is broken now, finding alternatives...

posted 8 months ago
#1 New dedicated MGE server in Asia in Projects

TL;DR new MGE server for Asia players:


MGE servers have often been laggy in Asia. Some servers got broken after the 64bit update as well so I created this server for other MGE players.

posted 8 months ago
#19 Reworked standard crosshairs pack in Customization
Hmm it might be cuz of my config files, but i really aint sure wt config line affected the crosshairs, since the melee and the shotty of soldier and demoman works fine, but not the rocket launcher, pipe and sticky
You must be using the no explosion script. The no explosion scripts are the same weapon txt files that define the crosshairs so you need to combine the 2. it's pretty easy. In this thread I made a text tutorial (comment #19)


posted about 7 years ago
#17 Reworked standard crosshairs pack in Customization
RobotnewDiGiTIt seems like the config for all rocket launchers including the default, direct hit, airstrike does not work though?
Edit: also pipes and sticky of demoman
Should be working all of them.

Hmm it might be cuz of my config files, but i really aint sure wt config line affected the crosshairs, since the melee and the shotty of soldier and demoman works fine, but not the rocket launcher, pipe and sticky

posted about 7 years ago
#15 Reworked standard crosshairs pack in Customization

It seems like the config for all rocket launchers including the default, direct hit, airstrike does not work though?
Edit: also pipes and sticky of demoman

posted about 7 years ago
#7 class-specific PREC settings ? in Customization

Thanks! Never known the change before this thread.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 class-specific PREC settings ? in Customization

Sorry for not explaining well, but I do understand and is editting the class cfgs. The problem is since TF2 is now using its own demo recording, it does not seem that PREC settings like prec_mode are even supported in the game. Therefore I am not sure how to set the corresponding preferences directing in script instead of going through the control panel.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 class-specific PREC settings ? in Customization

Thanks, but when I tried the prec commands they don't seem to be supported, as supported commands should be auto-completed or given suggestions right? Is there a website where I can check all available commands?

posted about 8 years ago
#1 class-specific PREC settings ? in Customization

Hi, I am reworking my configuration scripts, but I am not sure if using different prec config per class is possible if I put them for class scripts like prec_mode 3 on medic and prec_mode 1 on soldier. Or is it universal and only work before u enter a server?

posted about 8 years ago
#17 Sage's Linux FPS guide in TF2 General Discussion

One common problem that I would like to ask regarding the gamma though. changing the brightness slider in settings does not change the actual brightness in game, and I have already set fullscreen. Is there a solution for it?

posted about 8 years ago
#209 m0rehud black in Customization

Not really sure why but after I install the HUD posted by T0m, it is not different from default HUD except for broken elements and different font?

posted about 8 years ago
#17 Team Finland AMA!! in TF2 General Discussion

How do u train your rockets?

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Steam crashes every 5 minutes on linux mint in Q/A Help

Reported thx, hope will get a solution on that soon as it is crashing even more frequently now...

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Steam crashes every 5 minutes on linux mint in Q/A Help

I run tf2 on linux mint, but after a steam update two days ago my steam starts crashing every 5 minutes or so. What has the it done to break my steam?

posted about 8 years ago
#1 More viable DR? in TF2 General Discussion

so i was thinking about how to make dead ringer more viable in terms of hiding and escaping. Instead of the current triggering method, I suggest that holding m2 will take the watch out like current one. However on release it will act like invis watch. The regeneration of the cloak will be like cloak-n-dagger, without regeneration when cloaked, and drains on getting hit like the current one or invisible like invis watch. Not sure but will it be more viable?

posted about 8 years ago
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