b4stianninjajiroHey guys, need some help!
How do I add the "Thanks (username) for supporting this map!" label? I tried messing with the zpos values and the ypos values in statsummary.res, but it still won't show up.
Don't have a screenie :/
Any advice?
Thanks in advance!
Did you actually support a map? Otherwise, i would just suggest taking a look at the statssummary.res of a HUD that has it, and implementing it into yours.
Well, I saw on FoxPeace's stream where he was using bwhud, and when he joined turbine, it had that label. I looked at the statsummary of that hud, but there wasn't anything different.
And no, I didn't actually support any map :p. Is there a way to do that? Sorry if I'm being ignorant :/