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Signed Up May 18, 2014
Last Posted June 13, 2018 at 2:54 AM
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1 ⋅⋅ 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 ⋅⋅ 62
#78 Anyone here bilingual/multilingual? in Off Topic
learn spanish w/ me so I can communicate w/ peruvians in dota
Can anyone tell me if using duolingo is worth it?
From my perspective it just seems to teach you words and phrases, not how certain languages actually work.

It's really helpful for embedding simple grammar and vocab. I've used it a lot this year for German (doing year 12) and it's really helped me with just remembering how to conjugate verbs and stuff (I barely knew any German at the start of the year, don't ask). The main advantage is the instant feedback which is really useful, I've found its lessons are also structured quite well. Best used in tandem with other things though, like classes or books or videos etc

posted about 9 years ago
#6 South American Pubbers vs. Pros next sunday in TF2 General Discussion

That spy's name is classy

posted about 9 years ago
#22 Scatter Aim Help in Q/A Help
MuffinDaFluffini thought this was a nice community

Tf2's community might be but that says nothing about tftv's. Anyway try chris' net settings as posted above. They'll probably help.

posted about 9 years ago
#112 Rhapsody's Performance Config in Customization

Stabby's pixelated stuff is due to him forcing his graphics card to run on a lower level of detail, not any cvars as far as I know.

posted about 9 years ago
#78 i52 Fragmovie in TF2 General Discussion

Someone give the man a hard drive, please

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Problems with Mumble in Off Topic

I had this myself once it's actually an option in mumble which i accidentally clicked on. Don't know how to deal with it properly but i just uninstalled mumble and deleted all its registry entries then reinstalled and the settings were back to default.

posted about 9 years ago
#19 TF2 update for 10/15/14 in TF2 General Discussion
sevennnhow do I fix not being able to join a server when I have shadows on

Turn shadows off?

posted about 9 years ago
#78 Interests? in Off Topic
vibpMaths, especially, Complex Analysis. The branch unifies many topics in Mathematics, like exponentials and trigonometric functions (Euler's formula), it also is a nice tool for people working on some really hard integrals (contour integration is almost like witchcraft: example), number theory, etc. Except that, I find asymptotics and computational complexity to be quite nice.

Holy shit that's awesome
I dont understand a word though haha

Also this thread is pretty cool, really interesting to read

posted about 9 years ago
#36 What Are Your Casting Preferences? in TF2 General Discussion
DavidTheWinmi would like to watch whoever is getting ubered in first person pretty much 100% of the time
Would you rather watch the pocket being ubered if I could show you the roamer hitting a double airshot or a scout coming in on the cleanup for a 3k or something along those lines? Similarly, say the casters are talking about the demo on mid but I can see the roamer is going to go huge, would you rather miss the roamer going huge to have the player the casters are talking about on camera?

Genuine question, it's something that's conflicted me for a little while. Currently I go for show all the cool shit and it seems to go down well in general, but there's still a part of me that thinks people might prefer seeing the general flow of an uber or watching the player the casters are talking about. However, when I see that happen and the sniper hits a headshot I've seen complaints about the camera guy. Can't win I guess?

Any opinions welcome.

Roamer airshots and scout 3ks all the way. I much prefer being able to see something cool happening even if the casters miss it than to just have to work it out from the kill feed. I kind of feel like that at least one of the casters should somehow be watching the same povs as the camera guy, probably not possible to sync that though which is a pity.

posted about 9 years ago
#45 no tuition in germany in Off Topic
The point I was trying to make is that the government is not the source of all problems and people do need to take care of themselves. I'm not buying into any of the crap you are talking about I am speaking from personal experience where guys are getting payed $100 000 a year and still can barely get by. It makes no sense to me at all. Your personal experience with your mother is not anymore or less than important than my own. I can't speak in about the American system because I don't know it at all... However you are in control of your own destiny and you can make it happen. It's awesome that your mother can do that and it is unfair. If it really is that bad in America move to Canada.

The thing is that the people with salaries of $100,000 will still have access to things if they aren't free (generally people who really 'can't manage money' spend it too much, so they're quite capable of spending a bit more for an education). It seems a bit weird to talk about salaried workers in a discussion about tuition fees though, they're not normally the ones who need tertiary education because they've already had it... I do see where you're coming from a bit more now but in reality, I think, a salaried worker who just for example pisses it all away (alcohol) will still be able to have access to something as important to them as education, whereas it's just not an option for people from a financially disadvantaged background.

I'm not actually American, I'm Australian, but there are plenty of similarities in the systems. For example:

SetsulBut not everyone can win, right? So who loses? Simple: The banks. If your states goal is to maximize the banks' profit (wether or not the crippling debt for everyone who persues higher education is a bonus) then sure, go ahead.
But if your state cares more about banks than about you, I'd consider moving.

This is why our tertiary fees are growing :| it's going to cost me in the tens to hundreds of thousands over 3-5 years to go to uni and our government wants to increase it. They're also talking about forcing those with 'outstanding' student loans to 'repay' the debt even though if they haven't already then that means they've never earned enough for it to start being taken out of their salary on top of their tax (it's a bit complicated but basically they're targeting stay at home parents and the poor and disabled) so apologies if this is a bit of a raw subject for me lol

On the other hand free tuition might be one of the reasons my German penfriend didn't get offered a place at a uni this year or last year :S At least one of the advantages of our system is that basically everyone gets offered a place somewhere, it just might be at a shitty uni. If only because of the fees they can squeeze out of us.

Apologies for the ramble

posted about 9 years ago
#40 no tuition in germany in Off Topic
pine_beetleFree is stupid. Go get a job and scholarship or whatever make it happen. For all the problems with the government there are just as many or more problems with people's ability to manage money.

So fuck all the poor people eh, they deserve it because 'they are bad at managing money'.

Maybe when every job done is fairly reimbursed then you can make that argument, but for the moment all you're doing is buying into the usual crap that unpaid labor (like all the housework my and likely your parents did while bringing us up) is worthless. Sorry but um no. Likewise none of this accounts for an uneven distribution of opportunity or any prejudices that come into play even when you are being paid (eg women getting paid something like 78% of what men are in the American workforce).

For example my mother's actually damn good at managing money, she does all the finances and juggles all the balance transfers etc etc, and yet because she stayed home to look after her kids her superannuation is nonexistant while my dad has a few hundred grand. Is that fair? Does she now deserve to have to work past retirement age because, well, because she was good at managing money?

It's pretty obvious by now that this capitalist system is inequitable, so rather than blame the victims perhaps you could consider what you could do to change it. The future Albert Einsteins and Isaac Newtons from the gutter and the Third World will thank you.

posted about 9 years ago
#22 no tuition in germany in Off Topic

It's similar down here to in the US except the politicians who are just now deregulating the fees which will push some up to ~$200k over the four or five years all had the benefit of free tertiary education in the seventies, so I find it hard to sympathise with that point of view. It's like they don't realise that this is exactly what taxes were invented to pay for.

posted about 9 years ago
#27 Termo i52 Frag Compilation in TF2 General Discussion

So bonobo and sheep are taking a break?
sheep trying to sell all his tf2 items scares me, is he quitting? :S

posted about 9 years ago
#61 book recommendations in Off Topic

I don't know if you're allowed to do short stories, but if so you could try Peter Carey's collection, hell one of the stories in there is called American Dreams! We studied it this year and it was one of the main themes throughout all the stories, although he does come at it from a 'minor country's' perspective (Australian). I think it would definitely make for an interesting angleif you're allowed.

Have to disagree that Gatsby is bad just because it uses plain language, there's a lot of depth to be found beneath its apparent simplicity.

posted about 9 years ago
#16 my tf2 favourite list keep getting whiped in Q/A Help
hoolinot really sure but i think your favorites list is stored on the cloud
so there might be some conflict with your client downloading a blank favorites list or something iunno

I play tf2 on two separate computers and the favorites lists are different. I do have the cloud save off though. And my favorites rarely wipe, it only happens to me like once every three months

posted about 9 years ago
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