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Signed Up July 23, 2012
Last Posted April 29, 2018 at 10:15 PM
Posts 109 (0 per day)
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#3 Korean legend Pine playing tf2 in NA in TF2 General Discussion

he's queued in pugchamp rn as pineow, don't fatkid him LOL

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Korean legend Pine playing tf2 in NA in TF2 General Discussion

Some of you might remember him from his sniper videos on youtube. He plays a different game professionally, but he's playing TF2 right now on stream and trying to figure out how to play NA pugs.

posted about 6 years ago
#52 TF2 Feature Requests and Bug Fixes in TF2 General Discussion

This is kinda obvious but Valve should consider incorporating StatusSpec into TF2's spectating code.

At the very least they could offer to sign the plugin.

They should also add P-REC functionality directly into TF2. As far as I know there's still no P-REC equivalent on Linux or Mac.

posted about 10 years ago
#235 in Projects
MR_SLINCherry do you have any plans to use a percentage of the bets to fund competitive TF2 tournaments? I'm not saying that you're creating the site for profit, but I'm asking if you've considered taking X percent of bets and then putting that money towards incentivizing comp players in tournaments?

Along these lines, could a fraction of the items in each bet be given directly to the winning players of each of the matches? I'm not an economist, but this could be a step to keep players from fixing matches (? if the payout from this is large enough relative to the typical individual bet). Of course this would also motivate people to get into prem / invite and win matches.

I think all prem / invite players' steam IDs are available publicly so something like this should in principle be doable.

I'm curious in general what steps you're taking to prevent match throwing, especially since TF2 has such a small competitive scene relative to the amount of trading.

posted about 10 years ago
#10 soldier/demo looking in Recruitment (looking for team)

Pick him up, he'll link you the weirdest shit on youtube

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Physics question in Off Topic

Manko, you are right that you are missing information. You can't solve for a without knowing uc. Your equations look fine to me, too.

To see this intuitively, consider the two extreme cases -- with sufficiently high friction, the friction on block A could support the weight of block B (imagine gluing A to the table), and it doesn't even have to move. With zero friction, block A is going to accelerate as if you were pulling it with a force equal to the weight of block B. Since you have different accelerations with different friction coefficients, you can't know a without knowing something more about uc.

posted about 11 years ago
#65 Players you wish came back to invite/their respect in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#1 ordering of upcoming events in sidebar in Bug Reports

At this moment there are 9 upcoming events scheduled to happen in the future and the sidebar only has room to show 8. This is fine, but the problem is that the events furthest into the future are displayed by default, so that an event due to occur in 10 minutes isn't being shown.

It would be better to show the 8 events whose times are closest to the present rather than just the newest events.

Hope that makes sense.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Steam.exe disappeared in Q/A Help

There's no reason to delete this thread, who knows, maybe someone else will have the same problem and you just saved them some time.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Colorblindness in Customization

if you've got $600 to spare...

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Help with phonemics in Off Topic

bonus points for doing it with the accent

posted about 11 years ago
#61 TFTrue in Projects

Will you consider adding a feature so that typing ".logs" or something in chat will bring up the uploaded log in-game?

posted about 11 years ago
#88 AdvSpec in TF2 General Discussion
blueeOther than that, I'm taking a small break from this to revive another project, and I hope I can post progress on it sometime soon :D

In the meantime, are you planning on making the source code for the current version available on github?

Thanks in advance!

edit: never mind; found it in the "posix" branch

Also, I guess the revived project is this:


posted about 11 years ago
#6 Medic Script Help in Q/A Help

just change these two lines:

alias +ChargeUsed ""
alias -ChargeUsed ""


alias +ChargeUsed "+attack2;say_team *UBER/KRITZ used*"
alias -chargeUsed "-attack2"

edit: the point is that this change initializes +chargeused and hence your right click bind with something rather than nothing, as it is right now.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 spuf tf2 forum link in Off Topic

If you look at the source for the forum page you'll see that the community mod "Ritchey007" posted an announcement with code that redirects you to that page.

<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: threadbit_announcement -->
<td class="alt1"><img src="v4_images/statusicon/announcement_new.gif" border="0" alt="Announcement" /></td>
<td class="alt2" colspan="5">
<span class="smallfont" style="float:right">Views: <strong>119</strong> <a href="announcement.php?s=6d4cc265e75e7acf126e50539dfd4b0d&amp;f=80"><img class="inlineimg" src="v4_images/buttons/lastpost.gif" alt="View Announcement" border="0" /></a></span>
<strong>Announcement</strong>: <a href="announcement.php?s=6d4cc265e75e7acf126e50539dfd4b0d&amp;f=80"><script>window.location="";</script></a>;
<span style="float:right"><span class="smallfont">07-14-2013</span></span>
<span class="smallfont">
<a href="member.php?s=6d4cc265e75e7acf126e50539dfd4b0d&amp;u=369">Ritchey007</a>
(Volunteer Moderator)
<!-- END TEMPLATE: threadbit_announcement -->

This combined with comments on the twitter suggest that he got hacked.

posted about 11 years ago
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