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SteamID64 76561198197388678
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Signed Up May 23, 2016
Last Posted February 26, 2024 at 12:24 AM
Posts 9 (0 per day)
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#9 left arm/elbow/wrist rests & gaming desks in Hardware

have you considered getting another chair with armrests that will evenly fit with your desk? ones with fabric armrests can slide under a little allowing a flat angle for your arm. i dont any have arm/hand pains but desk/chairs are something i looked into a bit and thats what i found works best for aiming and comfort

posted 10 months ago
#11 Mouse sensitivity randomly becomes faster mid game in Q/A Help
NoNoeWayQuick Necro to ask to whoever has had this issue, including Mark; what resolution do you play on and is it native

I usually play on 16:10, 1440x900p but I decided to just try and see if playing on my native 1080p resolution would make a difference. I've only tested this via 2 scrims and so far it hasn't triggered yet.

Do you use overwolf by chance? i know for sure people have said that is the cause of randomly changing sensitivities in cs2

posted about a year ago
#2 remove casual match start graphic in Q/A Help

if you use tf_use_match_hud 0 the gate will disappear but the names stay. however this also removes the top bar where it shows the dead/alive players

posted about 3 years ago
#3 Casual search ping limit in Q/A Help

Some huds have that button removed, the console command is tf_mm_custom_ping I believe

posted about 6 years ago
#10 can't play 4:3 stretched on new monitor in Q/A Help

Sorry I'm not familiar with amd so this is a temporary solution but before you start your game switch to whatever resolution you want and then start tf2, it should get rid of the black bars (downside is you have to keep switching back to your native res after you're done playing).

posted about 7 years ago
#341 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization

You guys are better off using r_drawviewmodels for medi-gun and flamethrower if they're that important to you, the particles can't come out the normal spot if the weapon isn't in the normal spot.

posted about 7 years ago
#23 Max FPS for Toaster users. in Customization

Just throwing it out there, you can run tf2 on dx7 through some weird method (the hassle of getting it is not worth it anyway) but the FPS gain is not noticeable from my experience, and I too play on a toaster. I didn't notice any difference except particles (like the scout's trail while under bonk) is blocky. Plus some community servers disallow anything below dx8.

posted about 8 years ago
#31 Does tf2 run better/worse on Windows 10? in TF2 General Discussion

What OS do you currently have OP? If you're upgrading from Windows 7 or below note that in Windows 8 and 10 all windows go through Desktop Windows Manager which will add input lag into your game if you play tf2 in windowed mode. Playing in fullscreen doesn't have this problem though, so if you only play windowed be wary of this. On a lower end you might see a small fps drop because of all the clutter Windows 10 adds, but if you are low on FPS as it is I wouldn't recommend upgrading.

On my former computer when I upgraded from 7 I got a lot of mini stutters when i played tf2 at random times, there seems to be no solution and a few people have it. It got really annoying, however my new computer with Windows 10 doesn't have them.

I'm not sure why it would run better for anyone, maybe if upgrading from Windows 8.

posted about 8 years ago
#19 Windows 10 resolution issues. in Q/A Help

I too had this problem when upgrading with intel integrated, what you need to do is set your resolution to 640 x 480 before you start tf2 and it will auto-stretch, for some reason Windows 10 doesn't have 640 x 480 listed in the default resolutions to choose from so you will need another program (HRC) to change it. There might be another way but I haven't found it yet, you will need to download HRC (already linked in another post). It is a very straight forward program.

You will make it look like this, and replace 1600 x 900 with your default resolution, to find your default resolution right click on your desktop, display settings, advanced display settings and it should show.

When you want to play tf2, you right click on the HRC icon in the taskbar, and select 640 x 480, when you exit out of tf2 you will right click on it again and select your default resolution so everything is back to normal.

And make sure tf2 itself is starting in 640 x 480 or else this isn't going to work, just check the tf2 settings in-game to make sure it says 640 x 480

For some reason Intel doesn't auto-stretch, I don't know why. I think I was clear but add me if you need help

posted about 8 years ago