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Signed Up January 18, 2019
Last Posted February 11, 2022 at 12:18 PM
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#1 Last Straw FPS Issue in TF2 General Discussion

I recently returned to tf2 after taking a few years off. Currently, I play on an alienware. Since coming back to tf2, I've struggled with maintaining over 100+fps on any maps that are not turbine and 2fort. I've tried everything, including mastercom low, comanglias toaster, dx80, even going into my BIOS and turning on high performance mode.

My specs are as follows :

Intel i5 7300 @2.50 4 cores
Geforce 1050ti
I can average around 3.25 GHZ when playing. This seems like it would be enough to run tf2 at a high frame rate, especially with max performance settings throuout my setup. Does anyone have any other suggestions?

posted about 2 years ago
#3 Will I have framrate issues with new laptop in TF2 General Discussion
BilbertI have that CPU with a GTX 1060. I can run a benchmark for you, but I remember it giving more than 120 FPS consistently.
1920x1080 with mastercomfig.
Edit:75097 frames 508.545 seconds 147.67 fps ( 6.77 ms/f) 9.639 fps variabilityI couldn't find the benchmark demo, so I just did a random ESEA demo on Sunshine.

Awesome, thanks a bunch

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Will I have framrate issues with new laptop in TF2 General Discussion

Not sure if this is the right place to be asking this, but I figure that if anyone can help me, people on this forum can.
My roommate is moving, and selling all his stuff cheap.

I'm thinking about buying his alienware laptop for cheap, mainly to play tf2 on. I know that desktops are far superior in every way, but I'm curious if this Alienware will be able to give me a consistently high framerate.

The specs include :

i5 7300 HQ 2.50 (can be clocked to 3.50)
nvidia GTX 1050 ti Geforce.

I plan to play on ultra low settings, with an fps config. I'd appreciate any advice at all.

posted about 6 years ago