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SteamID64 76561198040993656
SteamID3 [U:1:80727928]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:40363964
Country Scotland
Signed Up February 2, 2013
Last Posted March 31, 2024 at 6:14 PM
Posts 543 (0.1 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 6.2
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Zowie AM
Keyboard CM Storm Quickfire TK
Mousepad qck+
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#91 Most overrated prem/invite players of all time. in TF2 General Discussion
vulcKaidus is also mentioned in those “who’s the best demo” threads and that couldn’t be further from the truth

Kaidus was overrated pre i55 imo but ever since playing with that lineup he's been the best demo in Europe pretty much uncontested. Also bear in mind he's not gonna be putting 100% in outside of big games because of his RSI because if he does he's limiting how long he can continue playing.

posted about 6 years ago
#44 Who is your favourite player to watch? in TF2 General Discussion

Learnt so much watching numlocked
Duwatna too but I'd rather watch a 30% heal pre nerf demo than a 20% heal post nerf demo
Plat streams way back were nuts and his S11 lan performance was fucking insane

Of new age players, funs always looks godlike when he plays, and adysky has the most nuts med bombs

posted about 6 years ago
#185 i63 Confirmed in TF2 General Discussion

Wade left ESA. Rewind 3 is far from a guaranteed event, and as much as I'd like another international event in NA, I feel like the longer we wait for someone to throw something together, the less interest outside spectators will have in international tf2 competition - let alone regular competitive tf2. We know iseries will be offering a tf2 tournament with Multiplay's backing, and at present this doesn't seem in jeopardy going forward. That's food for thought.

As it looks at the moment, froyo will continue to dominate NA, and se7en will continue to dominate EU (it's a similar story in other continents), and that's just not an interesting story line for tf2 as a game. Seeing the competition at a high level fuelled my interest in the game over anything else, and if there isn't a high level of competition on display I don't think tf2 will retain players well. There's obviously more factors involved, but that's just my 2c.

posted about 6 years ago
#31 Who used to be “the best tf2 player” in TF2 General Discussion

Best pyro was stevepander

posted about 6 years ago
#13 Who used to be “the best tf2 player” in TF2 General Discussion
alderarcticjoe was the best scout to have his own training routine for scout aim

Do we know what this training routine was?

posted about 6 years ago
#8 Phone Apps to Help Organization/ Productivity in Off Topic

Wunderlist. Can't recommend it enough, it's a simple to do list app but the functionality is great.

posted about 6 years ago
#52 Would buffing bhops benefit TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

I think the way bhop is implemented in tf2 currently is perfectly fine. It can be used for very few things practically like maintaining a little bit extra speed on some rollout jumps and cheating rampslides elsewhere, and if you can do it consistently-ish on a class like medic you can actually make decent gains when escaping etc.

It's very very situational atm, but I don't think it needs to be anything more than that.

posted about 6 years ago
#8 ESEA S27 GF: froyotech vs. Ascent in Matches

farmaloo dont disappoint me ur nuts

posted about 6 years ago
#5204 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Does anyone know if you can edit the class avatars in the match hud to be other images? Perhaps the class icons?

posted about 6 years ago
#5 ETF2L S29 LBF: Ascent.EU vs. OMNI5.EU in Matches

eSports with eEmes

posted about 6 years ago
#91 Please Ban The Crossbow in TF2 General Discussion

Oh it's this thread again.. hold up lemme just launch rustle_jimmies.exe

posted about 6 years ago
#53 psa to dm players in TF2 General Discussion

You play against people that play 'gay' in dm: it's annoying.
You play against people that play 'gay' in games: it's annoying.

Like AS IF people always play fun in actual games. Knowing your limits is part of it and playing against people like that can be perfectly good practice because that's sometimes how it goes down in real games.

If you want to purely work on mechanics you should be spending more time on bot maps, jump maps, shit like aim hero etc. DM is fun to hop in and play but if you're putting significant time into it to improve I'd recommend something else.

posted about 6 years ago
#57 Ster talks about the TF2 casual and comp community in TF2 General Discussion

Are the people that are starting to get into comp tf2 right now going to be dissuaded from it by a guy like star crying in a video? I doubt it.

This will not affect anyone in any significant way. Other esports personalities already think of us as a meme community, and it's their loss. We should welcome the ones with open minds (warowl, bardolph etc) but it's not worth anyone's time paying attention to shit like this (has he ever been of note in any form of competition?).

posted about 6 years ago
#62 is coming to Europe with a $1,000 prizepool in TF2 General Discussion

i hope whoever does this in eu either enjoys it or gets something out of it

i just know im not going anywhere near it

posted about 6 years ago
#3 Povohat's mouse accel in TF2 General Discussion

I've been using this for a couple weeks now and I really like it, some things in tf2 feel more natural with a bit of accel - as someone who doesn't play as much as I used to I feel like it almost corrects for me not being super warmed up, and when I do get warmed up the accel doesn't feel out of place at all. It's​ definitely worth trying and with settings you can configure very specific ways for the driver to work. Really good shit!

Only question I have is how do I get this to start minimised? It launches on startup as I'd like but I'd rather not have to minimize the GUI everytime I boot my PC.

posted about 6 years ago
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