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Last Posted January 20, 2020 at 12:56 PM
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#67 Corruption in South American TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
Yeah like you guys should check who you are and what you did before even giving an opinion, its kinda funny people that did the same racist and xenophobic stuff keep giving opinions

Well, I've never actually had a breakdown on the internet to "not know myself" so I wouldn't know, would you care to explain it to me? I'm sure you've got lots of experience in that area.
I've never claimed to be a saint, but when you've been smelling garbage all your life you know when something is rotten and need to point it out.
What else you got?

Im repeating it, first check who you are and what you did before giving opinions, im not going to talk with a racist and xenophobic person

posted about 5 years ago
#65 Corruption in South American TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
Skyline42asdobamersYeah but ninjax isnt hitler and he didnt get banned for making fun of a death person
Amazing, you've missed my point by a wide margin. I never called him Hitler, I just used that "Do" guy's logic against him. Also banned for making fun of a death person is a whole other issue that doesn't make any points claimed here invalid, so stick that argument up your ass because it holds no grounds.

Yeah like you guys should check who you are and what you did before even giving an opinion, its kinda funny people that did the same racist and xenophobic stuff keep giving opinions

posted about 5 years ago
#62 Corruption in South American TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
Skyline42asdFun Fact: Ninjax played in pepito's team in UGC~

Fun fact :


posted about 5 years ago
#59 Corruption in South American TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
Skyline42asdDohe's one of the most recognized players of SA out there (the second, only behind powah IMO), that's why he can be "our voice". You're just a big baratão who thinks (inside your in your Pyroland alike nazipard brain) that you're an Invite level player like him.
Recognized doesn't mean he can speak for us.

By that logic Hitler can speak for Germany since he's so recognized.

Yeah but ninjax isnt hitler and he didnt get banned for making fun of a death person

posted about 5 years ago