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SteamID64 76561198025858897
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:32796584
Country England
Signed Up September 5, 2012
Last Posted September 23, 2021 at 2:47 PM
Posts 1339 (0.3 per day)
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Keyboard Ducky Mini
Mousepad Overclockers' Fuck Off Huge One
Monitor BenQ XL2411T
1 ⋅⋅ 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 ⋅⋅ 89
#117 i52 LAN Fundraiser in News

So the fundraiser has flexible funding. If the fundraiser doesn't reach $12k, you'll still be sending at least one of the teams, correct?

posted about 10 years ago
#2258 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

Konr Wangs

I'm sorry

posted about 10 years ago
#2 a little i52 showmatch feedback in TF2 General Discussion

There also seems to be an actual lack of advertising the fundraiser. Put in the stream title, make some kind of stream overlay that mentions it, I don't know

posted about 10 years ago
#29 i52 Showmatches Set #1 in Events

How to raise money on a fundraiser:
1) don't advertise at all including in stream title or chat
2) ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ fl1p: yo fl1p ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

posted about 10 years ago
#45 help with t-shirt design in Off Topic

Did a bit

I stole images from Google so if this is actually any good I could just make custom ones in SFM I guess

posted about 10 years ago
#2 E3 2014 in Off Topic

xbox will announce something disappointing
sony will too
nintendo will say smash brothers once and I will shit all over my penis

posted about 10 years ago
#58 i52 LAN Fundraiser in News

So is Lange planning on attending again for production stuff or has that already been answered and I'm ignorant

I want to buy Lange a drink

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Crosshair color help? in Customization

I didn't add customization for the circle crosshair, so open up scripts/HudLayout.res and the first thing you'll see is xHairCircle. Change fgcolor to "0 0 0 255" if you want it pure black, or if you want it transparent, change the last number and make it lower, for example "0 0 0 150"

posted about 10 years ago
#39 i52 LAN Fundraiser in News

Donated a good $125, might donate more but I still have my own LAN fees to cover on some things. Best of luck on the rest of the donation drive. Do it, team.

posted about 10 years ago
#35 i52 LAN Fundraiser in News

Question: if I contribute and I get the perk with the shirt, would the shirt be printed by the time the Americans come over to i52? If so, would one of them be willing to bring it over? Worth asking, but if not, no concerns.

posted about 10 years ago
#14 needs volunteer guide writers! C'mon kids in Customization
raysIf you want to link my tutorials on your site, feel free. I'm starting those up again soon, and it might be good for people that like visuals more than written guides.

Cheers Rays, much appreciated

posted about 10 years ago
#6 needs volunteer guide writers! C'mon kids in Customization
flatlineWould we be writing about things that already have coverage (such as rays's hud from scratch tutorials)? I'd like to do one on font installation myself.

Yes, I'd want pretty much anything submitted, even if there is already a guide on it elsewhere, although I'd prefer it to be in greater detail than most guides provide (not Rays' guides of course, they're flawless)

karppohIdea: use hud guides that are already out there, fill and add things that are needed

eg. Flame's guide to custom huds

The problem with that is getting permission from others who have written these guides. If I can't get permission, it's not going on site.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 needs volunteer guide writers! C'mon kids in Customization

Font Installation - Flatline
Client Scheme - Ultraz
HUD Crosshairs - hanbrolo
Main Menu - Voloder

nothing asked

When submitting your guide, consider that a wall of text is ugly as sin, especially when including code and all sorts of other junk.

Try and space everything out nicely, and if possible, use a whole bunch of dashes
or something similar to
///////////////code or image///////////////
to split up stuff like codes, images, paragraphs and so on, if you're writing on a plain text document. If writing on a plain text document, be sure to write what image (if any) needs to go where, by it's file name. That way, we don't put the wrong images in the wrong places on the site.

You're free to use stuff like Microsoft Word or other programs to write your guides in, all you need to do is send the file over. Make sure to send all images and other necessary files over with it. You can either attach them as files in an email, or upload them to something like Dropbox. It doesn't really matter.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 needs volunteer guide writers! C'mon kids in Customization

So has been a little on the quiet side with this whole site update, but I can assure you it's happening. One of the things we're going to be implementing is a guides section for people looking to install their own HUDs and edit them too.

We want to cover many different aspects of HUD editing, ranging from crosshair implementation to custom vtfs, menu editing to animation customization. That's where you come in. Whereas I'd love to write a whole bunch of stuff about HUDs, I don't have the time. So, we'd love for members of the community to write up some guides for us.

You can pick whatever topic of HUD customization you like. It can be something simple or something obscure, it doesn't really matter, as long as you make it as detailed as possible. So much so that if I gave it to my mother to do, she'd be able to do it.

Your English doesn't have to be top notch either, as I can clean up any guides submitted. Be sure to add any and all code that is vital to the end result. Make sure to take screenshots of the HUD if you're using stages to write your guide with. We'd also prefer it if you use the TF2 Base HUD as a template when editing files, as to make it universally readable for anybody using any HUD.

You'll be credited in full for your contribution, and if you've got a full HUD release, it'll be mentioned on the guide page next to your name.

If you wish to contribute, let me know by posting below. You can also reserve a topic to write about, which'll be put in the post below this one.

You can send all guide submissions currently to me via email at deflorate[at], or via private message. Just send over the files necessary in an uploaded .zip, .rar or whatever. Dropbox, Mediafire, whatever you want. Don't send me viruses though I swear to god dickhead

We want to make HUDs as accessible as possible. Help us do that, yeah?

Thanks friends!

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Mario Kart 8 in Other Games

I get hit with more lightning than I do blue shells

posted about 10 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 ⋅⋅ 89