RIP Yomies. Viva La Sincostan.
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SteamID64 | 76561198025760952 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:65495224] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:32747612 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | September 21, 2012 |
Last Posted | November 20, 2015 at 2:07 AM |
Posts | 44 (0 per day) |
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As long as I get my Whoops back when I return next season, you can have him. For now.
I wasted all my gifs on the last thread.
Hey! We're looking for a medic, and we keep hearing good things about you. Let me know if you're interested.
We hadn't practiced the "rescue mission" strat, so that play was a coin-flip.
Also, introducing Bagwette, our graceful demoman.
this dude right here is the dude, with rockets
IM team LF pizza
Hey guys, One Upper here.
My team and I just finished playing in our first season of Open. You can check out our team page and roster from S14 here. We ended the season ranked #9, and even won a playoff match in the postseason.
The thing is, we want more. When we heard that there was going to be a Main division added to TF2, we realized there might be a spot for us in IM. We've got a lot of hungry players on our team, and we enjoy playing with each other, so we're moving on up.
I'm hungry, too. Unfortunately, I have a full plate outside of TF2 for the majority of S15. So, with me on the bench, The Manly Maws need to find a Medic.
We'll be hearing from people and trying them out for the next couple weeks. If you are interested, you can leave a reply here or contact me directly. You can also add our leader on Steam to discuss as well.
One Upper:
Here are a few things to consider if you want to try out. We are usually looking for scrims on any and all days except Mondays (due to Highlander). On average, we start scrimming around 8:30EST/5:30PST and finish around 10:30EST/7:30PST. We will scrim on weekends and in-house PUG. You will need to be able to pay your own league fees and premium subscription. We have our own practice server located in Dallas.
I look forward to hearing from you Medics out there.
See you S16,
One Upper
Hey! I'd be interested in this. My team The Manly Maws ( just finished our first season of Open and went 12-4. I'm definitely looking to improve and get some tips from a higher-level medic.
Name: One Upper
Team: Manly Maws (ESEA-O S14)
Country: USA
Bio: This is my third season of competitive TF2, and our team's first go at ESEA Open. We also have a HL team (420Wizards) in this coming UGC summer league. I'll be streaming our scrims, matches, and other team oriented happenings. I've been streaming for a few months already and have a good list of highlights and past scrims/matches.
We have found our roamer. Thanks for all the interest. Good luck to the rest of you guys.
This guy is a great player and loves learning about the game. He's got a great attitude and is a pleasure to play with. Any team would be lucky to pick him up.