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Country Aruba
Signed Up April 6, 2013
Last Posted August 21, 2017 at 8:42 PM
Posts 31 (0 per day)
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#32 great american solar eclipse in World Events


posted about 7 years ago
#11 great american solar eclipse in World Events

I made this tutorial on how to view the eclipse safely.
500 hours ms paint


posted about 7 years ago
#12 favorite old school tf2 videos in Videos


posted about 7 years ago
#107 new years resolutions in Off Topic

apply, get accepted, and attend grad school

lose 30 lbs by the end of April, for a total of 90 since March

don't get back into tf2

posted about 8 years ago
#11 is liking traps gay in The Dumpster


It's not gay if they are wearing a skirt

posted about 8 years ago
#16 pelt lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Did pretty good when my open team rang him last season.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 looking open s22 in Recruitment (looking for players)


posted about 8 years ago
#20 "Kill Donald Trump" T-Shirts Are Being Sold Online in The Dumpster


I don't like Trump, but misquoting him isn't going to help anyone.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 looking open s22 in Recruitment (looking for players)


posted about 8 years ago
#40 Completely justified bans thread in TF2 General Discussion


Got permabanned from scrap for solving a puzzle raffle 20 minutes before the solution was leaked on 4chan.

posted about 8 years ago
#13 lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

I was on two open teams with him and he fragged both of them.

Solid pick up

posted about 8 years ago
#10 Ripples in space-time discovered in Off Topic

Way more hyped for this than for the solar system possibly having a ninth planet again.

Based on the observed signals, LIGO scientists estimate that the black holes for this event were about 29 and 36 times the mass of the sun, and the event took place 1.3 billion years ago. About 3 times the mass of the sun was converted into gravitational waves in a fraction of a second—with a peak power output about 50 times that of the whole visible universe.

This is actually insane. And that doesn't even include energy released through other means during the collision, though I'm not really sure a black hole collision would produce light...

I wonder if these kind of events are much more common than we previously thought, and we have just don't see them often (because black holes) or if the discovering scientists got lucky finding these waves so quickly. This detection came before the official observing run even started, so presumably they have many more data that have yet to be analyzed and reduced. Having recurrence rates and distributions for these kinds of events would be amazing.

I really hope these observatories become a standard for observing/early detection of large gravitational events in the next couple years, instead of just a means to further prove one of the most widely accepted and understood theories in physics.

I see it going the same route as neutrino detectors where a couple were built at first just to see if they were there, and now there are a number of them all working together for much more than mere detection.

posted about 8 years ago
#51 Worst Christmas Present in Off Topic


On the back my sister highlighted the bullet point saying that it "Can be used over and over again!"

posted about 9 years ago
#4 fen lft scout s21 in Recruitment (looking for team)

He got that cs aim. Definitely worth a tryout.

posted about 9 years ago
#40 Girl at my school committed suicide in Off Topic

About a year ago my best friend tried to kill himself. I knew he had been going through some really tough times, but I never knew it was as bad as it was.

I don't really want to go into detail about him, but he only sought out help after the incident. A couple days after he got out of the hospital we sat down for the first time in the 12 years I have known him and talked about real issues that he has been having in his life and what he was going through and feeling for the past decade. Soon after he started going to therapy and taking medication for depression. He still has a long road ahead, but thankfully he is doing much better now.

Even so it terrifies me that I could have lost my best friend without ever learning what he was going through. Or that he could have hid his attempt from everyone close to him and continued to suffer alone if he didn't seek out help himself.

We are pretty similar so I know he didn't try to get help sooner because he didn't want to seem like a bother or a burden to anyone, that it was something that he needed to deal with himself. I know first hand that it's incredibly hard to reach out to another person for help, but friends, family, and even video game acquaintances are nothing to be afraid of.

posted about 9 years ago
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