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Country France
Signed Up August 4, 2014
Last Posted February 29, 2024 at 8:18 PM
Posts 197 (0.1 per day)
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#9 Democall poland.tf 2024 in LAN Discussion


posted 11 months ago
#9405 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about a year ago
#13081 stream highlights in Videos


posted about a year ago
#5 24" -> 27" in Hardware
Brimstone1440 27" > anything smaller for every application

Strong agree, also made the switch to 1440p 27" recently and its been fantastic for litteraly everything (games, video and photography editing, watching high quality content, litterally whatever)
Also it'll take you 3 days at most to adapt dw

posted about a year ago
#1380 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization

Anyone knows how to get the match hud (aka the class icons with health bars at the top of the screen) like those used in this vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lD0ps9KF3Y ?

posted about a year ago
#12968 stream highlights in Videos


posted about a year ago
#12967 stream highlights in Videos


posted about a year ago
#7 A new NTF2CL takes place this weekend in News
OlghaYou'll also be able to watch live on my channel twitch.tv/olgha to follow how the better team wins the cup :^)
(+ we have Aelkyr in)

Winning team vibes: https://imgur.com/a/caFwxZu

posted about a year ago
#3930 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Thanks Setsul

Clearing CMOS was how I learned to manage a successful boot after an over aggressive OC that manages to boot but shuts down the PC during stress testing. At any rate it's super situational and once I got it tuned like I want I agree that I basically won't ever need that.
Good points for the SSD thanks, I hadnt paid attention to memory types

posted about a year ago
#3928 PC Build Thread in Hardware


Thks a lot for the comments on my first message, I've build the following list on PC part picker: https://fr.pcpartpicker.com/list/DzLXgb
And I have a couple questions left before going out to buy the parts.

1/ Regarding the mobo (https://fr.msi.com/Motherboard/MAG-B650-TOMAHAWK-WIFI/Specification)
- Its among the cheapest AM5 boards in France with the basic features I want and it should be enough to get the most out of the CPU considering I will only moderately OC it
- As you said Setsul I checked for the front pannel connector and seems like it works out with the cases I've been considering. But just to make sure, it this (https://imgur.com/a/ryf3orF) what you were talking about ?
- Idc about PCIE5 since 4 is enough to get the most out of past & current-gen GPUs + I don't need PCIE5 speeds for storage either
- I've never had a mobo with a BIOS that doesnt support the CPU out of the box, but from what I understand I should be able to flash it by myself with an USB thanks to the Flash BIOS Button (?)
- Not sure how clearing CMOS works when there's no dedicated button

2/ For the PSU (https://www.amazon.fr/Seasonic-SSR-750FX-Focus-Gx-750/dp/B077J9G9CH) which I couldnt add to the PCPP list for some reason
- Has good reviews and is fairly priced in France

I've done the basic compatibility / clearance checks but feel free to point out if I've missed something. Just looking for feedbacks / second opinion basically

posted about a year ago
#3919 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Hi, after roughly 8+ years its finally time for an upgrade for a myriad of reasons
My current system specs are: i7 5280k / 16Go of somewhat slow DDR4 / GTX 980.

I wanna switch to a 1440p240Hz (even though 240hz has poor availability for the monitors I'm targeting - more on that below) and I'll be using the new build for both for gaming and productivity applications (split should be roughly 75-80% gaming /20-25% productivity). Since video editing should be the most demanding productivity task I'll be doing, I don't think it warrants particularly optimizing the build for it. Given all that, I'm thinking:

- 7800X3D, and planning to reuse a NH-D15 I have in another build
- RX 6950XT (probably the XFX Speedster merc319, cheapest in France and looks solid)
- 32Go DDR5 6000 36-36-36-96, which is looking like the new gold standard for DDR5
- Mobo: Don't need fancy features, just a decent amount of USB ports at the back, enough lanes to max out the GPU and space for an NVME, 1-2 Sata SDDs and an HDD at most + Front IO (incl. 1 USB-C) + 2.5G net (a plus, not a must). Idk how realistic it is to find something with decent power delivery for under 250€ with those criteria but any board recommendations or general advice would help.
- PSU: with everything and depending on the calculator, I get around 660-680W of consumption. I'll most likely be lightly overclocking both CPU and GPU, so I'm guessing 700W should do it. I only have experience with EVGA and Seasonic and both have been great but open to suggestions for this too.
+ Storage
+ Some case that'll fit all that, probably the Fractal Design Meshify 2 Compact or something similar

For monitors, I've been tracking prices of 27", 1440p, 240 Hz, IPS ones for the following models:
- Gigabyte M27Q-X: super overpriced and poor availability in France
- MSI MAG274QRX: same issue
- Iiyama GB2790QSU-B1: decently priced but has almost no trustable reviews online
I don't know of any other options rn and I wanna stay in the 450-470 range as much as possible

I'm mostly looking for feedback/criticism if some of the choices don't make sense + advice on some of the parts I know less about

Thks in advance!

posted about a year ago
#9291 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about a year ago
#202 Free Game Megathread in Other Games


posted about 2 years ago
#9040 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 2 years ago
#9008 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 2 years ago
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 14