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Country France
Signed Up August 4, 2014
Last Posted February 29, 2024 at 8:18 PM
Posts 197 (0.1 per day)
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#114 m0re hud in Customization
decemberhow do you get rid of the white health background when overhealed?

Hi, pretty much same question here although I'm trying to get rid of the blinking red cross when low on health while still having the red health count.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 Trading keys for games in Off Topic
VulcanWhat do you mean by region locked key?

Keys that can only be activated in certain countries tho usually USA is out of that list, so you should be fine. But still take time to double check before making a deal

posted about 7 years ago
#8 Sensitivity Frustration in TF2 General Discussion
ppaleunI stay at 1 sense that is just crazy high, and I simply deal with the fact that I have to have insane discipline playing scout and sniper. (6.7 cm/360)

But then you probably dont main scout nor sniper because your tracking habilities are greatly reduced.

The thing is, that the fact that some "pros" that use 2 senses (Stark, nation, ...) only works for them because they have managed to build muscle memory with it over extended periods of time. For you, as most people suggested here, you should pick a sense that's comfortable for the class you main and then practice with it to the point where you can play projectile classes with more ease. Finding a middle ground could also be an alternative in case you can't seem to get used to play solly and demo with such low senses but still prefer having 1 sens for all classes.

posted about 7 years ago
#2 help me out in Off Topic

steal it

posted about 7 years ago
#110 m0re hud in Customization
bLa HedHealthAccount.res

* Hud , and there is no way to change the position of it in that file

posted about 7 years ago
#108 m0re hud in Customization


Where is the file that controls the position of the green number that pops up in the lower left of the screen when you pick up an health pack ?

posted about 7 years ago
#7 Help using tf2 offline bots in Q/A Help
CheesyMacgyverI need to create an aim training map

Could u post a DL link once it's finished ? :)

posted about 7 years ago
#5 Puoskari joins Arctic Foxes in TF2 General Discussion

Ayy, happy for Puo

posted about 7 years ago
#4372 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization


So I've been running the Thalash crosshair for a long time now (seeker with green dot used in this Vid) and I wanted to do a crosshair animation. Basically, I wanted the base seeker the overshadow my crosshair whenever I hit somebody, with a flashy color (light blue for example). I went to the HudDamageAccount.res file first to write this

		"fieldName" "Hitmarker"
		"ControlName"	"ImagePanel"
		"visible" "1"
		"enabled" "1"
		"xpos"	"r435"
		"ypos"	"r248"
		"wide"	"26"
		"tall"	"26"	
		"image"	"replay/thumbnails/seeker_thalash"
		"scaleImage"	"1"

Then went to the HudAnimations_Custom.txt file (which is the animation file for my hud, a modified verion of m0re hud) and typed the following:

event Hitmarker
	Animate	Hitmarker	Alpha	"140"				Linear 0.0 0.0	// start
	Animate	Hitmarker	FgColor		"0 0 0 140"		Linear 0.0 0.0	// start
	Animate	Hitmarker	Alpha	"0"			     Linear 0.0 0.25 // end
	Animate	Hitmarker	FgColor 	       "0 0 0 0"     Linear 0.0 0.25 // end

event DamagedPlayer
	RunEvent Hitmarker	0.0

After testing and messing around with the pos values to get it centered, the seeker correctly puts itself above the entire crosshair, which is what I wanted to do. Still, I did'nt managed to change the color of it when it blinks and I have no Idea of to use the Alfa and FgColor lines to control that.

Any help or suggestion appreciated :)
Also tell me if something is unclear about my post or if you need extra screenshots!

posted about 7 years ago
#11 crosshair flash on hit in Customization
marmadukeGRYLLSi feel like an asshole but i spent a while digging through old threads/using google and reading various steam/etf2l threads and cannot get this to work again. i remember pre steam pipe update or w/e that shit was called it worked fine. just want my hud crosshair to flash red on hit.

using broesel hud blue edit,

event DamagedPlayer
Animate DamageAccountValue Alpha "255" linear 0.0 0.0
Animate DamageAccountValue Alpha "0" linear 10.0 0.2
Animate DamageAccountValueBG Alpha "255" linear 0.0 0.0
Animate DamageAccountValueBG Alpha "0" linear 10.0 0.2

Animate “Crosshair11” FgColor "255 0 0 255" Linear 0.0 0.1
Animate “Crosshair11” FgColor "0 255 0 255" Linear 0. 0.200001

doesnt work

please help, thanks friends

This might sound dumb but u need a bracket ( } ) to close the code lines.

posted about 7 years ago
#79 cp_prolands in Map Discussion
lootIn my opinion you shouldn't be able to freely stand there and spam spire with less risk of getting caught out. On stock blands that spot is a bit of a splash deathtrap, but it's still rare to actually get frags unless your opponent overextends and does a dumb

Issue 2 is the ability for defenders to instantly clear left shutter/trash with even less effort than it took before

Issue 3 is the scout winger jump up there is a bit overpowered

I think it wouldn't be as bad if you removed the sheet metal from the ground

Did the scouts you played against even used that sortcut ? If yes, how did you felt the impact of it ?

posted about 7 years ago
#10 Giving a RL signed by lansky to whoever wants it in Off Topic

Wow that's so neat, good luck in the future man ! Thanks for giving back to the community :)

posted about 7 years ago
#19 TF2 update for 5/15/17 in TF2 General Discussion

Seemed to have been the case everytime a new update drops these last few months... :///

posted about 7 years ago
#3 AMD vs Intel + Questions in Hardware

Historically, older AMD CPU performed quite inconsistent and worse thant Intel ones in source engine (TF2, CS GO) and I can attest of that myself having two system with one of each. Still, idk if the new Ryzen gen has made it better or if that gap between the 2 brands concerning TF2 is still a thing.

For the GC, you might want to make sure you only buy what you need, cuz realistically, unless you are doing 4K or 1440p at very high fps, you don't need a 1080ti nor a 1080. So I'd suggest that you focus on your needs by checking out benchmarks and comparaisons on the internet. Also, going for an AMD GPU allow you to choose a Freesync monitor down the road, which is a nice technology from what I've read and is alot less expensive that GSYNC (the Nvidia version of it).

Lastly, for the network, you should definetly check what kind of ethernet card your pc has already (usually decent mobos have more that sufficient ethernet controllers). But obviously going for more means that that part would not bottleneck your connection in any way.

I don't claim to know everything about pc so if someone sees something that I've written that seems very strange or untrue, just correct me.

EDIT: Ninja'd

posted about 7 years ago
#52 cp_prolands in Map Discussion
lettobring too many variables into the mix at the same time though and you won't be able to clearly tell the impact each had

True, that's why I think we should only start with a few changes and see how they play out by testing them in actual games. Then gather feedback before modifying any other stuff. Because realistically, too few changes won't bring an impact to the game that's worth testing, hence starting with a few new features to test.

posted about 7 years ago
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