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Signed Up July 25, 2012
Last Posted September 14, 2014 at 2:06 AM
Posts 31 (0 per day)
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#17 Is ginyu returning this season? in TF2 General Discussion

it's all max's fault

posted about 10 years ago
#7 ETF2L Highlander Nations Cup #3 Quarter Finals: USA vs England in Events

We use european servers

Hergan5MerchantHergan5Pings are going to make a HUGE difference I think
Isn't it just straight up hosted in Europe because it's ETF2L? Either way murica has this in the bag.
I dunno

European servers. So far we haven't had anything too bad ping-wise. We had one where Skarlett had less ping than he had on a CEVO match server that night.

posted about 10 years ago

sorry I was a few years late

posted about 10 years ago


posted about 10 years ago
#8 mustardoverlord maybe lft main+++ in Recruitment (looking for team)

his internet is real bad but he is ok

posted about 11 years ago
#6 ryan/mango | scout | open in Recruitment (looking for team)

i told him I'd pay his esea fees once and I actually will because lying is bad

posted about 11 years ago
#20 Favorite Character/Actor in Off Topic

Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Robert Downey Jr., Michael Fassbender, Idris Elba!, Hugh Dancy, David Tennant

Vegeta, Hannibal, Loki, Magneto, Spock, Moriarty (BBC Sherlock), Tony Stark, The Master (Doctor Who), John Luther, Chase Young, Data (Star Trek: TNG), Joshua Graham (Fallout), David Xanatos, Walter White, Admiral Adama (BSG 2004)

i like too many characters to list them all :<

posted about 11 years ago
#124 Who got you into comp TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

Some lady banned me from a pub server I frequented because she thought I was turning her clan against her and some other silliness. My router was dumb and I couldn't search through servers so I played tf2lobby instead and got on an open team a bit later.

posted about 11 years ago
#31 ETF2L HL Nations Cup: USA vs. Portugal in Events

I made the lineup for the USA team, not Max. Many of them are probably going to be on Ginyu next season, but not all of them.
If I have to play medic, I prefer to play with people I am comfortable with; they're all top players in their classes in highlander still.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 ETF2L HL Nations Cup: USA vs. Portugal in Events
finndyduwatna returns

only because xalox can't make it.
duwat still hates highlander

posted about 11 years ago
#79 Emotional Experiences in Off Topic

both of my parents have died and so has one of my cats

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Scout LFT open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Honestly this guy is pretty good. Should be playing on a solid open team, despite the lack of 6s experience. His DM is easily high open.

posted about 11 years ago
#24 SLIN DAY in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#6 shlaner lf medic mentor in Mentoring

I'm already on your friends list if you want to go over a demo or somethin

posted about 11 years ago
#31 rays lft high open/im scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

he double piped me in a pub today :<

posted about 11 years ago
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