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Signed Up May 14, 2014
Last Posted April 17, 2015 at 5:29 AM
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#2 leaked batman vs superman trailer in Off Topic

You know what, I change my mind about batfleck. I'm not sure how old batman is in the movie but Afleck's size reminds me of the older batman in the animated films. holy crap I didn't realize how michelin man the cartoon batman was.

posted about 9 years ago
#17 panda population grows in Off Topic

posted about 10 years ago
#47 Favorite Superhero? in Off Topic

My second favorite is frank Richards lol no explanation for that one.

My favorite villain is def thanos hands down

Superheros that become increasingly OP are the worst ones. Heck, sometimes even Batman is guilty of that when DC thinks being rich is synonymous with fucking magic.

For me, it'd have to be (in order): Goku, Batman, Spiderman, Hulk

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Good Shows/Movies in Off Topic

Inspired by that bad shows/movies thread, here we recommend shows that you've enjoyed or recently watched and want to discuss.

I'll start off with House of Cards, Suits, and The Grand Budapest Hotel.

posted about 10 years ago
#30 Legend of Korra in Off Topic

I kinda see where Fenryr is coming from, he just justifies his point poorly.

The legend of bending coming from animals is more believable and plays well with the universe of TLA (themes of respecting nature, fire nation are the industrialists etc etc). When LOK changed that to the lion turtles giving bending (which also killed the fantasy of lion turtles from the first series for me, but I digress) because they're just some omnipotent being, it ruins the believability and well-delineated universe of TLA. This sort of ties in with my comment of how even a simpleton can lightningbend and metalbend and that nothing is really special anymore. They could have very easily kept those abilities a "legendary skill" but hey, when they give a villain bending overnight (because spirits!) and then have him master an ability that even the avatar couldn't, you can see what direction the writers were headed with this.

posted about 10 years ago
#23 Legend of Korra in Off Topic
edyThis show gets really dark sometimes and I love it.
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That scene where Tarrlok killed both himself and Amon at the end of season 1 holy shit. And Zaheer just bending the air out of the earth queens body to kill her like what the fuck is this really a childrens show??

That's another thing that bothers me. So many elements feel lazily written, and certain things feel forced into the show (that god damn angsty romance), almost as if against the writers' intentions, and then they realize they need to somehow make the show unique like TLA did with its darker tones and just smashed some edgy bits here and there to make up for it.

I'm probably over thinking it at this point but Legend of Korra certainly did not have the same style and subtlety as TLA.

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Though I will admit, Tarlok an heroing did make me shit my pants a bit. But that was the only redeeming factor of that series.
posted about 10 years ago
#18 Legend of Korra in Off Topic

Just finished catching up on book 4. This should be the last season and I'm hoping they really finish with a bang. The entire series overall has been a disappointment for me but these first two episodes were very powerful and I hope it's building up to something good.

posted about 10 years ago
#13 Legend of Korra in Off Topic

It's a good show, but I was really hoping for much more considering how good the last airbender was. Besides the forced angsty teenage romance, the weak antagonist development (something TLA did categorically well), new plots every season (subjective), what really bothers me the most is the lazy writing for the fights. The last airbender had such style when it came to the fights, incorporating a diverse amount of real world martial arts.

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Now, even an orphaned homeless kid figures out how to bend lightning and the final fight during harmonic convergence, it was just a mess of giant godzillas flailing their glowing energy dicks around. It's a cartoon, impressing by way of scale only really cuts it for the kids.

They're missing the flair that TLA had. Zuko vs that commander guy, Zuko and Iro doing the dragon form, Toph vs earthbenders, Sokka's sword training, I could go on and on.

It's not that Legend of Korra isn't good, and if you haven't seen TLA, by all means it's a good show. But since it's tried to connect to TLA in its timeline, you can't help but compare and that makes the whole show that much weaker. If you've seen The Dark Knight Rises you might understand where I'm coming from.

posted about 10 years ago
#21 Windows Equivalent of the Macbook Pro? in Hardware

I wish someone on the windows side of the market would come up with something similar to the macbook pro in build quality and looks. The only thing stopping me from getting one is the OS and the fact that bootcamp mars your battery life.

posted about 10 years ago
#16 ESEA introduces matchmaking in TF2 General Discussion

Wow, I'm a bit cynical in that we're only getting this as a by product from CS, but holy crap about time.

If this gets on track into a version that supports TF2 well, we might be looking at a big turning point in competitive TF2.

posted about 10 years ago
#23 Best internet canada? in Hardware
ZamblerI'm on telus.

As much as people hate Telus, it's more consistent than Shaw for others in BC.
I average around 60 ping to chicago and around 85-90 to dallas.

I'm on telus as well and in vancouver I ping 55-60 to chicago and 70-80 to dallas.

posted about 10 years ago
#82 i52 - great event, disgraceful viewers in Off Topic
Makspanda__at least boundaries set at the players area.
I think you missed the fact that those are massive sc2 tournaments with like 5+ sponsors paying for all that shit. This is just a bring yo set up and play thing.

I think the scale of tf2 as an esport might have just escaped you there

You quote my post and not seem to have read it. Like beetle said, having some rope up would help.

Whatever im grasping at straws here as im guessing rope wouldnt deter some drunk idiot from harassing players so we should all agree any dickbaggery be punishable by brute force

posted about 10 years ago
#79 i52 - great event, disgraceful viewers in Off Topic

Out of all the mix^ players he could fuck with the idiot picked one of the biggest ones?

In any case im surprised spectators are allowed to get that close to the players to begin with. I mean SC2 players get a god damn soundproof box to play in there should be at least boundaries set at the players area.

posted about 10 years ago
#90 Rules Don't Matter? [The UGC Experience] in TF2 General Discussion

man when i realized OP was serious

posted about 10 years ago
#22 Humans Need Not Apply in Off Topic
BLoodSireI'm a bit cynnical toward the bit on the creative emulation... We marvel at created things not just for their sudden existence or appealing quality, but for the human element that produced it.

Straw man. Even if mechanical creativity will never exist because of your seemingly untenable reasoning, the point remains that a large majority of human occupations will be replaced by machines at an exponential rate.

What WOULD we do when unemployment rates are at an all time high? How do we as a collective society prepare for such circumstances?

posted about 10 years ago
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