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Signed Up October 25, 2012
Last Posted October 23, 2016 at 6:16 PM
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#3 Community vs Pro's 5 is here! in TF2 General Discussion

Gonna be awesome!

Also, incredible promo video.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Newbie mix appreciation thread in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#48 Original/Witty Renames & Redesc's in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#6 Retro Maps in TF2 General Discussion
charlestevsNow lets get 2 top teams to dual it out on cp_pro_dustbowl !!!!!!!!!!! :)

You'd have to pay their way to LAN before they'd do that willingly...

posted about 11 years ago
#2 7HUD in TF2 General Discussion

Looks nice! Will try it out this week.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Need IM level 6s teams for CvP practice in TF2 General Discussion

What's CVP?

edit: nvm I am stupid

posted about 11 years ago
#199 i49 in TF2 General Discussion
2sy_morphiendwe can finally find out if yuki is actually a dingo irl

12:53 PM - 2sÿ.c0m3 seE m3: aussies show up
12:53 PM - 2sÿ.c0m3 seE m3: and it's a dingo
12:53 PM - 2sÿ.c0m3 seE m3: a koala
12:53 PM - 2sÿ.c0m3 seE m3: a sheep
12:53 PM - 2sÿ.c0m3 seE m3: a kangaroo
12:54 PM - 2sÿ.c0m3 seE m3: a fuckhuge spider
12:54 PM - 2sÿ.c0m3 seE m3: and a cane toad
12:54 PM - 2sÿ.coquette: and their manager is steve irwin

Offclass to a drop bear for picks.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Why is this so funny to me? in TF2 General Discussion
YankeecosmophilicEvery person in this picture makes me laugh. Charity streams will be a good time for everyone.
I'm stoked. It's going to be three weekends in a row of great tf2.

Three? LAN, charity, and what else?

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Crate #50 in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#2 kill me in TF2 General Discussion


edit: oh god what have I created

posted about 11 years ago
#5 NA vs EU Highlander Showmatch #2: SNSD vs Ginyu Fo in Events

Lakeside? :/

posted about 11 years ago
#74 i49 in TF2 General Discussion
SalamancerIt's basically up to the teams to decide how much effort they want to put into recruiting either sponsors or community donors. I don't think the teams have a strong will to go to sponsors about i49. They would prefer to be sponsored to Dreamhack or something else with a bigger audience, and potentially bigger prize pot.

It's an endless cirle. Sponsors won't be interested in TF2 unless they can make money off of it, and there won't be any money in TF2 until it gets sponsored.

To get out of this loop, the catalyst needs to come from somewhere, and it needs to be substantial.

posted about 11 years ago
#69 i49 in TF2 General Discussion
KBlairLet's just beat the system and ship LAN players via UPS.

Fax the ethernet cable across the Atlantic and have a telepresence LAN.

posted about 11 years ago
#24 Competition Idea-Introducing New Players to Comp in TF2 General Discussion
Puke-N-SnotfraacOne of the things turning people off of competitive tf2 is a lack of knowledge concerning the competitive formats
This may be true but until there was evidence for it I wouldn't jump the gun. You need to survey pub players.

If you're serious about bringing players into comp, I wrote a script that datamined tf2lobby profiles for good players with no league experience. You could invite them to attend some kind of academy in batches of 100 a year. That is, if you were serious about it.

Here's what a TF2 "puber" has to say.
Besides the fact that I'm having issues with Mumble.
My biggest issues is How the hell do I get started? Where do I play, how do I find people to play with, considering I'm a TF2 Comp Noob (don't even know what class I'd want to play competitively)
I signed up was hoping to get into a "newbie mix" but haven't seen one since I did.

Usually every Friday or Saturday.

To find a team, post on the UGC forums (, etf2l forums ( or on the LFT forums here.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Valve fixed demos again, apparently in TF2 General Discussion

Tried it with a demo from early December that never worked before. IT WORKS :D

Playback is a bit jerky though.

posted about 11 years ago
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