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SteamID64 76561198006069420
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:22901846
Country Gabon
Signed Up December 2, 2012
Last Posted August 15, 2015 at 1:52 PM
Posts 49 (0 per day)
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#8 UGC-HL Platinum Power Rankings Week 3 in News

im sorry ukm i was lied to as well, highlander is filled with lies and misinformation

posted about 12 years ago
#32 Who says supports in dota cant carry? in Off Topic

Just build whatever it says, then every game take a moment to read what you're building and eventually you'll start to realize why you build certain things

And you get back into it by playing the game (of all things, this may be surprising)

I don't necessarily agree that you should follow guides, especially this website's. For example, look at how they skill Axe, you don't max counter helix until far later in the game, which implies they are not jungling Axe; I highly doubt that you will ever see Axe in lane, since his laning phase is pretty abysmal unless you go mana boots + hunger spam to be an annoyance. Another issue with guides is when people follow them perfectly, while the guide might be good for one situation, it cannot apply to every singe one available.

In TA's section they say to get psi blades at 2, 12, 13, and 14. While this may legitimate in a lane where the other person is an easy kill, if you're against someone with a better base range the harass you are going to take is going to be insane. Another issue is a lot of guides are outdated and aren't often updated.

Look at PL, while radiance rushing might not always be the best option is certainly is the current meta. This guide advocates running a vanguard and soul ring, where a radiance becomes a luxury item.

Hell, Sniper's section, tells you to max Shrapnel before Headshot and Take Aim, since PRC was put into the game, and affects Headshot, I can see no reason to max Shrapnel over Headshot, and Take Aim is easily one of the best laning phase skills due to its range increase so that you can farm far more safely.

posted about 12 years ago
#44 GC Highlander Team LF experienced players in Recruitment (looking for team)

UGC is leaking. I'm sorry everyone.

posted about 12 years ago
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