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Signed Up October 11, 2012
Last Posted November 4, 2016 at 7:48 PM
Posts 386 (0.1 per day)
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#470 recent/new release rap thread in Music, Movies, TV

below average

posted about 8 years ago
#10 Earbuds under $50 in Hardware

These are actually really good and they are super cheap. The sound quality is better than a lot of other earbuds I've used that cost a lot more, and you can buy like 2 or 3 of em at a time in case they break or something. I think smaka or someone used to recommend these all the time.

posted about 8 years ago
#34 Copa America in Off Topic


posted about 8 years ago
#19 Copa America in Off Topic
aratinga4Head B R A 7 1 L 4Head

Brazil just didn't really look real impressive at all through those games, except when they trounced Haiti but that's pretty much expected. Without Neymar, Douglas Costa, Thiago Silva, or David Luiz they weren't the same.

Meanwhile the goal of the semi-finals that Klinsmann set for the US is now very reachable. The game in Seattle should be an amazing atmosphere for the US, so hopefully they pull out the win.

posted about 8 years ago
#17 Copa America in Off Topic

Mexico, Columbia, and Argentina even without Messi are all looking strong. I guess we'll have to see who performs when it comes to quarters and teams have tougher matchups.

Going to the USA-Paraguay game in Philly on Saturday so pretty hyped for that.

posted about 8 years ago
#21 crossfire LFT im/open in Recruitment (looking for team)

crossfire is a fascinating velociraptor historian who enjoys taking frequent trips to murray's in a hurry to grab his favorite slice of warm pizza. because of this, he is an A+ pickup!

posted about 8 years ago
#240 recent/new release rap thread in Music, Movies, TV

new kendrick hype

posted about 9 years ago
#232 recent/new release rap thread in Music, Movies, TV

doubt we'll get jcole/kendrick anytime soon even tho j cole said it in the song. If anything it'll probably be a schoolboy album.

unless it's just being kept under wraps big time

posted about 9 years ago
#61 Star Wars in Music, Movies, TV
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Also, is anyone else disappointed that Snoke is CGI? I want practical effects for the big baddy :(
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If Snoke turns out to be Plagueis, the CGI for Andy Serkis' character would be necessary. If not, I don't really have a problem with it. A CGI villain would be pretty neat, especially such an odd creature like Snoke.
posted about 9 years ago
#54 Star Wars in Music, Movies, TV
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its confirmed in the movie that she is his daughter. remember the flashback of when the ship was taking off and she was screaming for it to come back? also she mentioned many times that she was "waiting for someone to come back". and yeah that does make sense, but if r2 knew they had the only missing piece of the map, he would have surely given it to them the moment he found out.
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It's never actually confirmed in the movie that Rey is Luke's daughter. One could say it's hinted at plenty of times, like Maz telling Rey that what she is looking for is not in her past but her future. Even in the flashback when the ship is taking off and shes yelling at them to come back, you don't know who she is addressing that to. You do hear obi-wan speak to Rey as well, so that add some more interesting things to the mix. There are several possibilities as to who's daughter she could be (some people have suggested her being somehow an obi-wan descendant, or a solo), with Luke's being the most popular and seemingly evident thus far.

As for the R2 thing, who knows for sure, there are a lot of possibilities and reasons for how he came back to power. Will be easier once we find out more about Rey I guess.
posted about 9 years ago
#50 Star Wars in Music, Movies, TV
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i still don't understand how r2 woke up from his low power mode or whatever. C-3PO mentioned him being low power mode since luke left and that he was really upset and stuff, but they never find luke. they destroy the giant planet destroyer and then he opens up the other 99% of the map. i mean the only thing i can see is that r2 was like hey they did this now i can help them find my friend but idk that seemed really poorly played out. apart from that, i really did enjoy the movie
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A lot of theories think that Rey is a skywalker relative or possibly Luke's daughter. That being one of the reasons R2 activated when she arrived.
posted about 9 years ago
#7 Recommend some rap/hip-hop for me please. in Music, Movies, TV

kendrick/jay rock/schoolboy/ab-soul
vince staples
j cole
joey badass
pusha t
asap rocky

posted about 9 years ago
#10 UFC 194 stream? in Off Topic

if you ever want to watch a ufc fight just go on r/mmastreams. download ace and/or vlc player and you'll be set for life.

posted about 9 years ago
#13 Games you played as a kid in Off Topic

Age of Empires II was the shit when I was younger.

posted about 9 years ago
#47 UGC Sandbagging at its finest. in The Dumpster

messiah stop sandbagging you scumbag

and i'm pretty sure pulse doesn't even play tf2 anymore lol

posted about 9 years ago
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