I don’t think the notion of dropping badlands/granary and possibly product (due to being the only KotH map in the rotation) for new maps is “extreme”. “extreme” would be completely revamping the map rotation. No one is trying to take out the maps that are best suited for comp play. B4nny/lucrative and co are just looking to improve upon the current map pool. Why leave in maps that are generally disliked and do not play fluidly with the current meta? The game has out grown some of the older maps. It’s time to replace them.
Walrex brings up several good points. Yes, there is a reason process snake and gully are the most heavily played maps. These maps should definitely stay in the rotation. The newer maps may not be on the same tier as the favored maps (although with time and dedication, I think some of them can be), but I’d still rather play them over some of the maps in the rotation. We should be looking to make the map rotation as strong as possible while adding a little bit of diversity to the pool. New maps will force people to think outside the box, try new things, and not mimic things they have seen other players do. This should be exciting but is instead generally frowned upon.
I’d like this entire situation to also pose as a PSA to all comp players/teams to also step up and give the new maps a chance and actually put some time on them before writing them off. I don’t mean to play it once or twice in a pug and be like “dis map sux L not fun” I mean ACTUALLY test it, practice it, and play it with your team in scrims. Play it for a season extensively. My team struggles to get anyone to even practice the new maps (we are strong advocates for the change and would gladly play any new map that is up for consideration). I appreciate the map makers making new maps but it boggles my mind how they have to get put under the microscope and ran through a gauntlet before even seeing true comp play. The gauntlet SHOULD be comp play itself, which is what some of the community is trying to do with the new map tournaments/pugs etc, and I applaud those who put the time and effort into organizing those as well as the dedicated developers trying to make maps for a group of players that are very difficult to please. Keep it up.