4812622HueyLewisDo flames really need a change? I haven't heard anyone complain about "w+m1" or dying to flames in general for a long time. I think the damage is fine right now, especially since it's still damage-over-time and most classes can out burst-damage you, both at range and up close.
If Pyro is useless in-game now and this change got his only situational use (uberstalling) removed, he should probably get some sort of buff to compensate, and his primary is a good place to start.
I'm pretty sure people don't complain about flames being overpowered because they don't get killed by flames very often.
Nobody thinks the pyro is useless. The complaint is that the class is no risk high reward such as being able to completely stop an uber with no skillful play from the pyro at all. Just camp a important choke and mash m2. The pyro does not need a buff just because it's not used 100% of the time by teams in 6s.