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Signed Up February 17, 2013
Last Posted June 11, 2017 at 5:04 PM
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#1 [Server] in Requests

Server update for

New to be added: | Chicago 1: | Chicago 2:

To be removed: | chi 1 -- broken for now, sorry | new york city -- broken for now, sorry

Still active: | sydney - connect (looks like this one is not on the page anymore) | los angeles - connect

posted about 7 years ago
#100 Ultiduo Cup in TF2 General Discussion

To those of you just finishing up watching the EU finals, we will be streaming the NA finals on a different channel. The NA stream will be VoxDei and flatline will be our hosts for tonight as we bring on the semi finals and the finals to follow. All will be best of 3.

The teams are:

Team Endgame
Team asiansighguy

Team "Froyo"
Team SoloUber

posted about 9 years ago
#48 - New site and start of the first season! in Projects

Matches have been scheduled. I appreciate everyone being patient with us. I wanted to try to give a few teams more time to complete their matches because I would rather not hand out forfeits. As we all learn, I want to be flexible with all of this. If, at any time, you're struggling with something, feel free to add me and I can do my best to sort it out. Best of luck in your matches this week!

posted about 9 years ago
#34 - New site and start of the first season! in Projects

Yes, as of now we have those 3 divisions. If we can get more people we can start to divide those out (maybe 5 eventually) to even more evenly matched games :)

Another friendly reminder to ready up! Please go to the team page and click the ready button to get matched tomorrow!

posted about 9 years ago
#30 - New site and start of the first season! in Projects

The beginning of the season is only 2 days away! Right now we have 59/111 teams readied up for the new season. If you haven't done so please do! Just go to your team page and click the ready button. This is how we will place you into matches on your team page.

Because of the large amount of signups in Europe, We have added servers in London, Paris, and Amsterdam thanks to George. Hopefully this will be better for ping and for the matches that you have each week.

Signups are still open until tomorrow!

posted about 9 years ago
#21 - New site and start of the first season! in Projects
OasisIs there going to be streams or casting for grandmaster games/matches?

Yes, we're planning on streaming the playoffs this season. We are thinking about doing a match of the week as well.

The signups are going great so far. 20 US and 20 EU teams so far have signed up. Rainman and ool have both created videos to promote the inaugural season. Let's keep the signups going!

posted about 9 years ago
#1 - New site and start of the first season! in Projects

Just an update from We are very excited with the new site that llamadillo has graciously spent his time working on! We are working on filling out the site, but the league format is all set up and ready for signups! In addition to this, Exile has put out an amazing new map to play on that is going up on the servers today. Everything is coming together quite nicely and I hope we will be able to bring the community together even further with the addition of these features, especially the new league. We are also aiming at training new players into bball with the tutorial videos currently on the site and in the works. There will be separate divisions just like the tournaments have been before this and possibly adding more depending on signups. As for more details on the rules and process of the league.

  • Maximum of 3 people on a roster
  • Opponents are assigned on Sundays while the match is completed until the following Sunday.
  • Matches for the week will be a best of 3 and all scores will be reported on the website under your team.
  • There is no scheduled match time--Each week you will schedule your match when it is suitable for you both.
  • Each game will go to 25 or time limit of 20 minutes, whichever comes first.
  • Respawns will be 2 seconds and there is no sitting on the rim.

Now for some things that we are working on/would like to do in the future

  • Player stats specific to bball integrated into the website
  • Voting and organization for frag videos on the site
  • Integrated pickup games on the website
  • Valve supported medal for winners of the league

This new website is a huge step into what we would love to accomplish with TF2 bball and would love any and all suggestions to make it better for everyone!

posted about 9 years ago
#21 BBall tourney for Autistic Self Advocacy Network! in Projects

Last chance to sign up! Signups close at 3 pm Central, Tournament starts at 4 PM Central. 8 teams in each US division so far. Stream prizes will include keys and signed weapons! See you there!

posted about 9 years ago
#17 BBall tourney for Autistic Self Advocacy Network! in Projects

Keep in mind that the tournament will have lower divisions for each skill level. Right now we have 13 US sign ups, 7 Grandmaster, 3 Noble, and only 3 Novice. Be sure to sign up! Its for a great cause and you'll have a good chance to win! Be sure to watch the Master of Classes bball tutorial at 630 EST and get an edge on your opponents! Sign ups still open until Sunday at 3PM.

posted about 9 years ago
#15 BBall tourney for Autistic Self Advocacy Network! in Projects

Still looking for more US signups! Getting close!

posted about 9 years ago
#12 BBall tourney for Autistic Self Advocacy Network! in Projects

One week to go!

Google doc sheet for the rosters.

Only 7 USA teams signed up for ALL divisions. Lets get on it!

posted about 9 years ago
#7 BBall tourney for Autistic Self Advocacy Network! in Projects
STOGEWill definitely be signing up, maybe post this on ETF2L as well to increase awareness? Not many Euro players (that I know at least) browse tftv

Definitely. Will be posting to ozfortress, etf2l, and reddit today as well. :)

posted about 9 years ago
#1 BBall tourney for Autistic Self Advocacy Network! in Projects

Welcome everyone! is finally getting a functional website! The new website being developed by armadillo is looking great. We're getting ready to launch it in the following weeks. To start everything off right, we're throwing a tournament to benefit Autistic Self Advocacy Network. This organization focuses more on the individual and empowering them to achieve through their disability. All proceeds will be donated to Autistic Self Advocacy Network. I am hoping for a great turnout from the bball and entire TF2 community!

(edit: After a thorough message from uberchain and further research, I have decided to change the charity to Autism Self Awareness Network as they fit my intentions more clearly. Thank you again for help)

This will also mark the launch of the league format bball divisions where teams will compete over 12 weeks followed by a tournament bracket to determine the best of each division. As of now, we have 3 different divisions for all skill levels: Novice, Noble and Grandmaster. Game nights will be decided between the teams with new opponents each Monday. With the relaxed scheduling, it will be easy to find a workable time with only three other players. The season will start January 13th after the holidays and will be doing official sign ups starting at the latest by November 15th.

Signup Page

Date: November 15, 2015

Time: 4PM Central time

Place: mumble

Prizes: 1 key per each member of winning team (and surprise giveaways to stream viewers!)
2 buds 6 keys to Grandmaster NA. donated by Exile

Servers are generously donated by

All participants please be in the mumble server as early as possible to report in. We hope to see you there!

Huge shoutout to rainman to create yet another amazing bball video (Date was pushed back)

posted about 9 years ago
#31 tournments in TF2 General Discussion

Next tournament is soon!

Time: Aug 16 4PM Central US; 4 pm Australian Eastern Time; 4 pm Central European Time.

Prize: One key to each winner on winning team.

Please meet in mumble for pairings and communication. If you're unable to use mumble, let me know. Hoping to get as great of a turnout as we had on Aug 2!

posted about 9 years ago
#28 tournments in TF2 General Discussion

Tournament schedule posted!

posted about 9 years ago
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