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Signed Up June 8, 2015
Last Posted January 3, 2016 at 11:21 PM
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#13 Subscriber Growth Chart of TF2-Youtubers 2014-15 in TF2 General Discussion

So i crunched my numbers.

February 1st, 2015: 195 Subscribers
January 3rd, 2016: 2131 Subscribers
Growth Rate: 10.93x


posted about 9 years ago
#8 Dingaling pitch issues after new update in Q/A Help
deetrMartyi just manually changed my pitch sound in audacity. sounds even better now imo
You can't change the difference between the max and min damage in audacity though, only the base sound

Nono, I get what he's saying. It's essentially what I asked in the original post.
If you change the pitch of your hitsound to be higher, then you can mimic the old style of the pitch changer. So "base pitch" will simply be higher for the game, and we can interpret that pitch to be low damage.

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Dingaling pitch issues after new update in Q/A Help
pazerpitch min and max values are clamped at a max of 100 since the update. likely has to do with valve forgetting to remap 0-100 as a percentage to 0-255

So it's on valve to fix this issue?

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Dingaling pitch issues after new update in Q/A Help

So it seems that the update that added a bunch of hitsounds into the game broke the pitch changes for the dingaling command. Instead of being a highpitch at low damage, it has the normal pitch at low damage, and then SUPER low at high damage. Is there a way to fix this without manually changing the pitch of the mp3 to be really high to compensate?

posted about 9 years ago
#6 New Command Idea for P-Rec: prec_write in TF2 General Discussion
Kaptainyou can add a comment to the bookmark command, prec_mark. For example
prec_mark "Multiple_airshots"
will write
[2015/09/30/ 22:10] Multiple_airshots ("20150930_2210_cp_badlands_RED_BLU" at 200)
instead of
[2015/09/30/ 22:10] Player bookmark ("20150930_2210_cp_badlands_RED_BLU" at 200)

I was unaware that prec_mark could do this. Thank you!

posted about 9 years ago
#3 New Command Idea for P-Rec: prec_write in TF2 General Discussion
Wiggerslamwill u even care to stop whatever ur doing in the match just to add notes to ur bookmarks???

As I said, "when you die"
Or at the half, whatever. Just when you have time.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 New Command Idea for P-Rec: prec_write in TF2 General Discussion

As a man who plays a lot of lobbies, pugs, scrims, and matches, I have a lot of killstreaks and bookmarks in my killstreaks.txt. However, I get very forgetful when organizing my bookmarks and when I'm getting ready to make a video, I get lost in a sea of Killstreak: 3's and 4's and 5's and Bookmarked lines. It can be very tedious to go back at the end of the day or week and sort through these demos to see what I found cool, interesting, or funny at the time that I hit my bookmark bind. There's gotta be some way for the disorganized to be more organized.

Personally, I haven't done much with anything like Linux or any TF2 plugins, so I'm not sure if this CAN be done, but I propose a new P-Rec command called prec_write, where you can write directly to the killstreaks.txt file from the console so that you can take notes for yourself as things happen.

For example, you're playing a match and you hit some amazing airshots, so you bookmark them. When you die, you can go to console and write

prec_write "Multiple airshot kills on above bookmark"

When you go back to make your videos, you can read right in your txt file what you did and when instead of just seeing the ambiguous "Bookmarked."


I was completely unaware that you could add comments to the already made prec_mark

prec_mark "Multiple airshots" would do the trick. Thank you kaptain!

posted about 9 years ago
#848 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
tetrominopodgy713Gottem? Granted I've only made it once, but ok.
oh i figured with 4 seasons there and how big your ego is it must have been more

First one we sucked
Second one I went to China (for study abroad) Week 8 and the team lost the week 8 + first round of playoffs
Third was last season

posted about 9 years ago
#846 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
Pellovleypodgy, stop responding

No you.

Ok, Smobo, that was my last one

posted about 9 years ago
#843 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
tetromino{DAT} podgy713: the popular vote won over an actual case
just like every time you make steel allstar!

Gottem? Granted I've only made it once, but ok.

posted about 9 years ago
#797 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
Jarrett000SheoYou guys are circlejerking p hard, it just makes you look more guilty and even bigger retards.This.

There's nothing someone needs help posting that they can't post themselves. I understand trying to vouch for someone, but anything more than that isn't really needed at all.

The only reason I'm vouching for him is because he's my friend and my teammate. I'm the leader of the team, so it's kind of my responsibility as well with all this. The hackusation doesn't only go to Rondego, but to the entire team.

What bothers me the most is that Rondego is giving you guys everything you guys want. Demos, justifications, but at this point, you guys just want to see him fail, no matter how much evidence there is disproving the hackusation. And then Etney comes along and thinks he's this high and mighty plat player who doesn't know what a fucking nospread hack looks like on a heavy (like honestly, have you SEEN nospread on heavy? It doesn't seem like you have.)

posted about 9 years ago
#780 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
Pellovleynot saying he is or isnt hacking, but it seems pretty easy to do extremely well as heavy when youre being tanked that hard in silver

Oh my god did someone just say something with a basis of proper information and not opinion on a tf2 thread? Holy shit that's unheard of.

posted about 9 years ago
#778 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion

Rondego uploaded a video with a camera on his mouse. If you guys still dont believe us, well then I'm not sure what will help. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEuGeBrDDeU

posted about 9 years ago
#774 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
MaxillawsbarycenterFrom watching Rondego's POV of the final round of the match, I didn't find anything suspicious at all. The DH twitch video, though, I can't really tell.MaxillawsEven if you are taking 40+% of heals as Heavy, getting 30+ kills and dying less than 10 times a lot of the time isn't normal.That probably means that the enemy team wasn't focusing him hard enough. And top fragging as heavy (in <=silver) isn't too difficult when the other team's being inattentive (the team that DAT was playing on upward most definitely was).

This was back when I was trying out in silver, and had never played heavy on a team before: http://logs.tf/825545?highlight=76561198054601537

Still, I can see why going from 13-11 to 46-5 in 20 minutes could be considered suspicious.
podgy713MaxillawsGood logs don't mean hacks you're right. Consistently crazy logs are fishy though.

Even if you are taking 40+% of heals as Heavy, getting 30+ kills and dying less than 10 times a lot of the time isn't normal.

This whole post is just riddled with fallacy. "Consistently crazy logs are fishy though." Maybe he's just good? I mean he did get Steel Allstar. I know the Allstar games are a popularity contest for the most part, but he did deserve his spot.

As for the 2nd part of your statement. Why isn't it normal? Watch the POV. we played passively and held really really well. Ron and I took care of the main doors while Lt and Oneal shut down their flank. It was amazing. The top scorers of our defensive hold were Ron, me, and Lt. He never died because we backed up at the proper times and he got kills because we held really well.

Also, Ron's post above just says it all.

You're telling me every single team DAT plays against is incredibly unorganized and don't know how to focus fire?

I mean it's possible but the chances of that being the case is extremely unlikely.

About your point saying maybe if he's just good.

If he is that good he wouldn't be playing in steel or silver

Like I said before, their team fell apart and disbanded a couple hours after our match. This was the first match we had with Rondego btw, so your crack about every team falling apart to DAT doesnt make sense.

posted about 9 years ago
#770 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
MaxillawsGood logs don't mean hacks you're right. Consistently crazy logs are fishy though.

Even if you are taking 40+% of heals as Heavy, getting 30+ kills and dying less than 10 times a lot of the time isn't normal.

This whole post is just riddled with fallacy. "Consistently crazy logs are fishy though." Maybe he's just good? I mean he did get Steel Allstar. I know the Allstar games are a popularity contest for the most part, but he did deserve his spot.

As for the 2nd part of your statement. Why isn't it normal? Watch the POV. we played passively and held really really well. Ron and I took care of the main doors while Lt and Oneal shut down their flank. It was amazing. The top scorers of our defensive hold were Ron, me, and Lt. He never died because we backed up at the proper times and he got kills because we held really well.

Also, Ron's post above just says it all.

posted about 9 years ago
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