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Signed Up March 25, 2016
Last Posted May 15, 2020 at 11:27 AM
Posts 160 (0 per day)
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#32 Biannual iseries idea feat. NA in TF2 General Discussion

"By March 29th, the charity had raised over $300,000, and the final tally on April 8th was $430,543.65." Just looked at 1 of the charity raising things tf2 had, 7 days and 300k raised. If valve had some in-game item for lans, I think it would defintly raise alot.

posted about 8 years ago
#17 Biannual iseries idea feat. NA in TF2 General Discussion
zeSIMONRe4lityI Think if valve put in the effort into advertising the events on the tf2 website or on the client it self , it would be much more successful .they did that already with i58

I think it would be better if it was kind of like the heavy v pyro thing on the main menu, where it would just show on the main menu background something like "*insert event here* coming soon, help raise money to send your favorite teams by buying *insert cool in-game item here*" The in-game notice "oh uhhh no prior notice in-game but there's a stream starting for the biggest event tf2 has but you are in-game atm anyways so why bother" is kind of useless for that reason. Idk, I might be wrong though, but I doubt the in-game thing helped get viewers, it just helped for future recognition.

edit: also, you know the news tab in-game, even that is better then a pop-up announcement, cause it stays there. And having it open on start up along with twitch streams would be pretty cool.

posted about 8 years ago
#67 i58 mvps in TF2 General Discussion

Yellow shirt guy and Muma are the MVPs, along with the production crew.

posted about 8 years ago
#31 What are your mouse settings and inches-per-360? in Off Topic

2200 dpi
In-game sens 3
Windows multiplier 1
Inches per 360: 2.5
Main: Medic / Soldier

I'd love to show my friend your sensitivity because he says mines is way too high.

posted about 8 years ago
#79 more Overwatch bans in Esports

Welp they did it.... Blizzard is getting ddossed

posted about 8 years ago
#33 TF2 update for 7/28/16 in TF2 General Discussion
CitroMaindanother thing i just noticed is that valve cant do anything right. i can change my viewmodel fov to whatever i want lol

Pretty sure that's what the slider is for, so you can change your viewmodel fovs.

posted about 8 years ago
#17 Ready Steady Pan could have a season 3 in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 8 years ago
#28 Medic class unpopular? in TF2 General Discussion

I main medic, and while I do go play soldier (well more like roamer cause I don't like pocket), it's mostly cause jumping around and getting med drops is fun as roamer. I don't find medic boring in anyway except with my own team that can't keep me alive from roamers that shouldn't get me -.- (ugc iron is fun :D) The crossbow is already kinda fun for me, idk how it can be made more fun unless it had a secondary fire with an insane 10 bolt launch after healing like 1000 health or some shit.

posted about 8 years ago
#30 omg in Off Topic

What the hell did I click on?

posted about 8 years ago
#21 A very scary number of cheaters in pubs in TF2 General Discussion

I haven't found a single hacker, then again i played only 18 games....

posted about 8 years ago
#18 Valve give us viewmodel options&community support in TF2 General Discussion
DarkNecridI think viewmodel cvars should be unlocked in matchmaking because they are a preference that doesn't provide a real advantage to players. There are many players in both popular competitive formats that have them on and off on each class, and each person has different preferences on what they like and find comfortable.

Pretty much.

posted about 8 years ago
#19 Which teams are going to i58? in LAN Discussion

Idk but I think b4nny, in his stream before Meat your Match came out, said something about he's going himself, or maybe I didn't hear him correctly over the spam on frontier, but I don't think he mentioned froyotech going.

posted about 8 years ago
#18 Valve has no clue about weapon balance? in TF2 General Discussion

Why nerf the loch-n-load? It's already dead and unusable, and you'd rather use stock.
Unless I'm missing something and the loch-n-load is actually good...

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Can you change your interp value when you're dead? in Q/A Help

I think you can change it when you change classes, not sure though.

posted about 8 years ago
#93 TF2 Blog: "The Meet Your Match Update is Coming" in TF2 General Discussion

All that matters is sunshine is an official map.

posted about 8 years ago
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