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Signed Up December 19, 2014
Last Posted January 13, 2015 at 9:59 AM
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#210 Ninox Aurora in Hardware
Thought I'd post here since theres some discussion going on.
I just wanted to say that the 50ms delay between clicks is to ensure the switch operates properly, especially as it ages.

Have a look at this page, under "Programming hint: Preventing problems caused by chattering":

Its something the factory done without me asking, a Shootmania player found it, because he couldn't do the microjumps (which you need to do a fast double click to pull off). Since it only really affects that game, I decided to leave it (it can't be changed now, unless I disable it in future production), I thought that better "behaving" switches was better for more people than double clicking faster than 50ms.

It doesn't just affect Shootmania. It primarily affects a game like Quake where you are required to rocket jump. But you can't reliably rocket jump with this mouse due to the delay of more than 50 ms between m1/m2. This mouse is useless for quake due to that defect and many people are reporting the same inability to rocket jump consistently. I hope this is something you can recover from and fix.

posted about 10 years ago
#203 Ninox Aurora in Hardware

Aurora vs Abyssus:


posted about 10 years ago
#185 Ninox Aurora in Hardware

And I returned my Aurora to massdrop because the mouse buttons are shit.

posted about 10 years ago
#143 Ninox Aurora in Hardware
ddrsensationporos1tyJust to confirm, most of these mice are being shipped with defective mouse buttons. Not only is it visually defective with one mouse button clearly higher than the other, but the buttons can't be clicked simultaneously so you can't rocket jump reliably for example. Return the mouse and wait for a fixed version.


Where are you hearing that it's most of them? If my mouse has either problem it's not too noticeable or it's non-existent.

Esreality, overclock.net, and here, for example. Common problem with the mouse being reported by many people. Bst has yet to address it either strangely, even though it is very widespread.

posted about 10 years ago
#141 Ninox Aurora in Hardware

Just to confirm, most of these mice are being shipped with defective mouse buttons. Not only is it visually defective with one mouse button clearly higher than the other, but the buttons can't be clicked simultaneously so you can't rocket jump reliably for example. Return the mouse and wait for a fixed version.


posted about 10 years ago