Account Details
SteamID64 76561198167450794
SteamID3 [U:1:207185066]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:103592533
Country Hong Kong
Signed Up March 24, 2016
Last Posted March 28, 2017 at 12:14 PM
Posts 26 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.4
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Steelseries Rival 100
Keyboard Razer Blackwidow Ultimate 2016
Mousepad Steelseries 3HD
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#17 what hud does b4nny use? in The Dumpster

anyone know the increase or decrease in the angle of b4nny's back to the ground from back when he was on eMg compared to now?

posted about 7 years ago
#81 b4nny Documentary in TF2 General Discussion
samifacewe've been ramping up a lot for Civil War and the Overwatch online tournaments so it's been busy around our offices. We should see something in the next few weeks, sorry for the delay!

Take all the time you need — I think most of us are hoping for a high quality, entertaining documentary, so there's really no need to rush. I'm sure most of us just want a great documentary to entertain us :)

posted about 8 years ago
#24 What is this in TF2 General Discussion

b4nny was trying to find an excuse for losing to Thalash but when he couldn't he just blamed paddie and cut him :(

posted about 8 years ago
#7 Viemodel Bug after Smissmas Update in TF2 General Discussion
yttriumlooks like you've got an animation mod installed that you forgot about because it stopped loading thanks to sv_,pure changing.

That's what I thought, but I couldn't find any custom files that edit animations in my custom folder, downloads folder etc.

I'm beginning to think that it's a bug on valve's part since when they put out the casual survey update, offline servers broke for mac. This might be the same thing happening again...

EDIT: I tried using sv_pure 2 on listen servers and nothing changes, so I'm pretty sure it's not related to sv_pure.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Viemodel Bug after Smissmas Update in TF2 General Discussion
deguaren't you using any kind of animation/model modifications?

I'm not using any custom animations, and I've tried removing my whole custom folder but it's still broken.

StevieDid you have any unique viewmodel commands in your config or such that you used prior to installing the update?

I use viewmodel_fov 75 and tf_use_min_viewmodels 1 for scout, soldier and sniper, and viewmodel_fov 85 and tf_use_min_viewmodels 0 for all other classes.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Viemodel Bug after Smissmas Update in TF2 General Discussion
michael-r_drawviewmodel 0

I use r_drawviewmodel 0 on primary and secondary and r_drawviewmodel 1 on melee, it's just annoying that the soldier holds his escape plan as a rocket launcher.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Viemodel Bug after Smissmas Update in TF2 General Discussion

As you can see, my viewmodels are kind of freaking out. This problem started right after I installed the Smissmas update. It's basically making it so that the animation of holding and reloading the weapon in each slot the same. The idle and reload animation for all of the soldier's weapons is the same as the rocket launcher, the idle and reload animation for the demoman's weapons is the stickybomb launcher, the idle and reload animation for the scout's weapons is the scattergun etc.
I've tried verifying the integrity of game cache, removing the custom folder and configs and restarting with -autoconfig, starting up my game with -default and reinstalling but nothing seems to work.
Does anyone else have this problem and/or have a fix?
Thanks in advance. :D

Also it seems to only be on listen servers. i.e. offline local servers.

EDIT: Thanks everyone for your help, but it seems to be a bug on Valve's part — I found out that many others using macs are having this problem too. So as with the previous mac listen server bug, I guess I'll have to wait until the next TF2 update — god knows when that'll be.

posted about 8 years ago
#7 PUGING IN ASIA in TF2 General Discussion

I'm in Hong Kong and I just either play on shana pugs, asiafortress pugs or suffer through high ping australian pugs

posted about 8 years ago
#7 tf2 update for 10/21/16 #2 in TF2 General Discussion

at last, the mac crash is fixed. valve cares. sometimes.

posted about 8 years ago
#15 My tf2 is broken af in Q/A Help
XenThePybrowhat launch options do you use?

have you tried putting -default in the launch options?

I use -novid

posted about 8 years ago
#13 My tf2 is broken af in Q/A Help
vanisv_allow_point_servercommand always

sv_allow_point_severcommand has always been set to always for me, still crashes.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 My tf2 is broken af in Q/A Help
Nakadais it a problem with the map perhaps? Have you tried joining a casual server?

Community servers work fine, but listen servers (servers created through the create a server button and training) don't.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 My tf2 is broken af in Q/A Help
kKaltUupsychst4bWiethoofdValidate gamefiles is the first place to start every time, then removing /custom and trying if it happens again.

@RipTide -insecure launch option allows you to load plugins on offline servers/stv/demos

I've tried validating game files, restarting my computer, reinstalling tf2, setting it to -insecure then relaunching it without -insecure, i've tried renaming the sourcemod folder, i've tried updating sourcemod and metamod, i've tried removing custom files and configs and using -autoconfig, i've tried starting it in windowed and fullscreen mode, i've tried all dxlevels, i've tried using a different hud, i've tried using the default hud, i've tried praying, i've tried begging, i've tried everything and it still crashes...

So at this point you're running TF2 without a custom HUD, no sourcemod, the custom / plugins folder removed and it's still crashing?


posted about 8 years ago
#6 My tf2 is broken af in Q/A Help
WiethoofdValidate gamefiles is the first place to start every time, then removing /custom and trying if it happens again.

@RipTide -insecure launch option allows you to load plugins on offline servers/stv/demos

I've tried validating game files, restarting my computer, reinstalling tf2, setting it to -insecure then relaunching it without -insecure, i've tried renaming the sourcemod folder, i've tried updating sourcemod and metamod, i've tried removing custom files and configs and using -autoconfig, i've tried starting it in windowed and fullscreen mode, i've tried all dxlevels, i've tried using a different hud, i've tried using the default hud, i've tried praying, i've tried begging, i've tried everything and it still crashes...

posted about 8 years ago
#3 My tf2 is broken af in Q/A Help

Same happened with me, I just started a thread about this yesterday

apparently it's something related to the new update breaking sourcemod, but after disabling sourcemod it still crashes, so I don't know the cause

It's also happened on a few dm and mge server's i've been on recently, but they work now.

posted about 8 years ago
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