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SteamID64 76561198107986832
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Country Romania
Signed Up September 1, 2014
Last Posted January 10, 2021 at 10:39 AM
Posts 102 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.2
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse crap
Keyboard crap
Mousepad crap
Headphones crap
Monitor BenQ G925HDA
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#15 What happened to the old STAR_? in Videos
CollaideIDK how someone can talk about "cherry picking" when it comes to the negative attention.

Imagine a scenario where you meet ten people in a day and upon greeting them 9/10 say 'hi' back and 1/10 says 'fuck you', what do you think you're more likely to focus on / remember?

Human brain is biased in that way

This is what I was about to say, not the first time I heard from a public figure who posts on youtube that it doesn't really matter how many positive comments you get, the negative ones get to you and stay with you more.

I also understand as a non-public figure how this is harder to understand or believe but it seems true.

One of the possible explanations to this bias, that I heard, is that this trait stayed with us from the prehistoric days when we as humans had to remember what hurt us so that we avoid it in the future.

posted about 4 years ago
#129 What mouse do you use? in Hardware

Free-wolf x2 wireless with g-skates (it's a g-pro wireless clone)

I bought it since it was really cheap on banggood (it's available on other more obscure websites as well, not trying to advertise the website too much) and I have been using it for 3 weeks now and I actually have no real issues with it

even though they lied about it's specs on the website lol - the dimensions are actually those of the g-pro wireless, on the website is advertised as the longest mouse ever at 139mm but in reality it's 124-125mm and the weight is actually 79g and not 69

but all in all it was worth the 25$ for an okay day-to-day wireless mouse (I wouldn't necessarily vouch for it in gaming)

I also have a g305 and the Free-wolf actually feels more balanced since it's rechargeable (the g305 feels too back heavy even with a AAA battery)

I have also used the XM1 and MM711 for a while - XM1 is one of the top wired mice for claw grip, really solid build all around and the MM711 is okay overall, however the primary buttons drove me crazy with their wobble, I even tried the fix for it and they were still annoying to me

posted about 4 years ago
#115 TF2 update for 8/21/20 in TF2 General Discussion
I know people used to say interp around .033 for scout was optimal - is that still the case? What is the optimal for hitscan and projectile?

EDIT: My game is actually switching my interp to 0.0152 for every hitscan class I play, and 0.03030 for all projectile classes. I literally can't find anything in the config doing this. Other friends with the same rates are not seeing the same thing.

0.0303 is actually the most recommended interp value for hitscan (there was a misunderstanding way back when interp values first started be thrown around) and 0.0152 for projectiles.

0.0303 is what you get with cl_interp_ratio 2 and cl_interp 0, same for projectiles but with cl_interp_ratio 1).

Not sure what causes the reverse of interps but an easy fix, I would think, is to put the desired interp values in each individual class cfgs.

posted about 4 years ago
#12 game gets dark when i tab out and back in in Q/A Help

I tested now to see if it's a driver related issue and (for me at least) it is

I used Display Driver Uninstaller and retried with the latest driver (issue still persisted) then I tried with the June one and still the same thing, however the May one (446.14) fixed the issue.

PS: I also tried Jacky's suggestion and it didn't work for me.

posted about 4 years ago
#2115 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
1) If I where to just download the medium/low or low preset and do as I did with the medium one without deleting anything first would it cause issues, is it as simple as that? or do I need to delete all of the files I already have downloaded first?

2) I am currently using an autoexec for interp settings that a person I met a long time ago provided me with, I am not sure what they are but they supposedly make playing more accurate - do I need to still have this with mastercomfig ? or can I get rid of this as I was told mastercomfig already has interp settings in the downloads? I main soldier if it makes a difference.

1) you should delete only the other comfig vpk (not the additional vpks you downloaded from the site like no footstepts for example) before trying a new one
2) interp settings are included in the comfig vpk so you don't really need a separate cfg for that

PS: props for how you wrote and spaced out your text :D

posted about 4 years ago
#264 The Mouse/Mousepad Thread v2 in Hardware
bktshey ill buy wireless mouse and im thinking of buying logitech g305 or g603 , which one is better and why?

If you like the shape and size of the g305 I suggest buying that one, since it's lighter (especially if you use AAA batteries with some tin foil or adapter) and lighter for most people playing FPSes means more control

I currently own, but stopped using, the g603 because I don't like the shape of it (it made my wrist hurt pretty badly after a couple of days of using it, I use a palm claw grip and have decently large hands)

Also the g305 is a bit cheaper, and sensor performance wise I don't think they are distinguishable.

PS: I haven't owned the g305 but a friend of mine does and I haven't heard any complaints from him in the past two months or so that he used it.

Also, I suggest this guide as well if you want to go down the rabbit hole of choosing the perfect mice for you :D


posted about 4 years ago
#7 AMD LOW LOD / PICMIP in Customization
Funkyradeonpro and regedit both have no effect on my rig, game just looks as normal, some help on this would really be appreciated

rx 5700xt
r5 3600

I believe it might be caused by mat_mipmaptextures being set on 0, try setting it on 1 and see if it works.

posted about 4 years ago
#5802 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
CaDDyAnd one more question, I want to change my damage text color to white, years ago I used to change "NegativeColor" numbers in "HudDamageAccount" file, but now when I change the values, nothing happens (still red colour), is something wrong with the hud or is there other way to change it ?

You can change the damage color from the advanced option from in-game settings.

posted about 4 years ago
#9 i robbed a pharmacy. in The Dumpster
flyingbuddyGrapeJuiceIII@Rekuso thoughts?
I wish I understood this reference

Rekuso's name was at some point "CVS pharmacy" probably from an inside joke that I don't know either.

posted about 4 years ago
#2092 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
wonderHey I get this error almost everyday (once-twice per day) when my TF2 crashes.

I use low masterconfig. I disabled steam overlay and it didn't help.

I remember having this error before using mastercomfig, don't remember exactly how I fixed it, however I am pretty sure it was caused by a community server's custom sounds.

Maybe try this - https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=299049

posted about 4 years ago
#10 Weird visual bug - constrasty colors in Q/A Help
osvaldoraduOut of that list, I think I had -nouserclip -softparticlesdefaultoff, if you determine that the issue is not from the headsfeet vpk I would try and remove "disable_d3d9_hacks" and "cl_clean_texture" (besides the 2 I mentioned at the beginning of the sentence) since I don't see how the other ones would cause this.After testing, sadly, removing all my vpks did not fix it, neither did removing a lot of launch options - I'm down to this :
-dxlevel 91 -full -w 1920 -h 1080 -freq 144 -console -novid -nojoy -nosteamcontroller -nohltv -particles 1 -nostartupsound

I don't really know what to suggest further, maybe try resetting your game to default (https://docs.mastercomfig.com/en/stable/setup/clean_up/) or roll back GPU drivers or even try to restore to a previous version of windows.

posted about 4 years ago
#8 Weird visual bug - constrasty colors in Q/A Help
-dxlevel 91 -novid -full -w 1920 -h 1080 -console -nojoy -noff -nohltv -nouserclip -softparticlesdefaultoff -reuse -usetcp -nostartupsound -primarysound -snoforceformat -nosteamcontroller -disable_d3d9_hacks -NoQueuedPacketThread +cl_clean_texture

Out of that list, I think I had -nouserclip -softparticlesdefaultoff, if you determine that the issue is not from the headsfeet vpk I would try and remove "disable_d3d9_hacks" and "cl_clean_texture" (besides the 2 I mentioned at the beginning of the sentence) since I don't see how the other ones would cause this.

posted about 4 years ago
#3 Weird visual bug - constrasty colors in Q/A Help

I also had this issue, for me it was from some more uncommon launch options, I would try removing those first.

posted about 4 years ago
#9 game gets dark when i tab out and back in in Q/A Help
razzmatazzraduI think it is related to some unusual launch options from mastercomfig, not necessarily the "-dxlevel" one, I removed any weirder ones today and it seemed to have fixed it
is this referring to the steam launch options? because in that case i dont have any there which i thought did have :/

yes, I was referring to steam launch options, very weird if you don't have any and you have this issue

posted about 4 years ago
#2 help with cfg.tf weapon specific crosshair in Q/A Help


I recommend using this, it's easier:

1. You create a folder in custom called "crosshairs"
2. You start the app and you click on file->generate config and you select the "crosshairs" folder
3. You can select now what crosshair you want for whatever weapon

PS: Got to be out of the game in order to change crosshairs and you have to have the first crosshair option (crosshair "none") selected in the in-game options.

posted about 4 years ago
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