Account Details
SteamID64 76561198045831242
SteamID3 [U:1:85565514]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:42782757
Country Austria
Signed Up February 10, 2014
Last Posted March 11, 2015 at 5:26 PM
Posts 12 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 0.7
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razzer Death adder
Keyboard Razzer Arctosa
Mousepad a big one
Headphones sony made in thailand
#18 might FPS problems in Q/A Help
SetsulWhy do you want to avoid rebooting? Are you confusing rebooting and reinstalling or did you never reboot since you got that pc?

About Risen 1: I'm sorry but that's just your GPU being shit.

Just because other people use that config doesn't mean it's good.
Just because it worked on a different pc doesn't mean it's good or will work on this one.
Especially since you wrote it yourself.
red_revoluti0nabout the powersupply: its a desctop pc, so.. ^^ but thanks anyway! :)I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean.

u got a bad day or something? im not forcing you to help me or read this post ^^

anyway, i ment reinstalling everything, like reinstalling windows. sry if rebooting wasnt the correct term

"About Risen 1: I'm sorry but that's just your GPU being shit." ok, if you say so. i dont agree, but ok ^^

about my config: i alternated it myself, i didnt completely write it myself. my base still is christ max fps config.

and again, im not forcing you to try to help me or read this post. im glad for every help that i get but thats no reason for me to take someone elses shit, no offence :)

posted about 9 years ago
#16 might FPS problems in Q/A Help
gargleburrycheck your autoexec config make sure nothings wrong with it.

power supply?

other than that I don't really see why your comp would be acting up like this.

my config is fine. i scriped a lot of it myself, but some of my friends use it/i used it on my old pc and it was fine.

about the powersupply: its a desctop pc, so.. ^^ but thanks anyway! :)

posted about 9 years ago
#15 might FPS problems in Q/A Help
ComangliaActually their's one more thing.

Did you install 2 different GPUs
ex1. you had 1 used it for a week waiting for the new one to come in
ex2. you had a new gpu that was partially defective and RMA'd it and got a different model
ex3. you installed a really old series of drivers and then installed the newest one

if you did any of those it's possible driver conflicts could be happening. (had the issue with bf4 myself when I upgraded to a new gpu)

and just to be 100% sure, you're using the dedicated GPU display ports (dvi/vga/hdmi/dp) and not the CPU based ones.

it could be that i have conflicts between drivers (i had the automatic windows updated driver installed first and then manualy got the newest one after that), also its not a custom build pc, i bought it as it is so there were a few things already installed on it. is there any way to check if that could be the problem or a way to solve it without rebooting windows? (parden my lack of software related knowledge, i swear i know other things :3 )

i use display port for my primary and hdmi for my secondary monitor

btw, i checked other games aswell and is not just tf2 (i had to reduce the textures in risen 1 to the minimum to get a good framerate)

posted about 9 years ago
#12 might FPS problems in Q/A Help
ComangliaWhat are your PC power settings?

Only thing I can think of if it's not temp related is you have your CPU going from 5-100% of it's clock speed like the default power settings suggest. When you want 100% at all times if you want max frames.

powersettings are on maximum preformance

posted about 9 years ago
#9 might FPS problems in Q/A Help
GGenI dont think its hardware related. Check for driver uptades

thats what i thought at first aswell, but as i said i just bought the pc 1 week ago, so i updated everything right away

posted about 9 years ago
#7 might FPS problems in Q/A Help
cmewhen do these drops happen? at any specific time in the game?(pushes, mids, etc)

i'm still trying to figure that out. i havnt found any consistency yet.

for example, i "stress tested" it in a 32 people hightower pub. first time i only had problems in a specific map area and only when i was looking at specific things (in this case outside spawn looking in the direction of the other spawn), next time i tried it (the next day after restarting the pc) i couldnt find any fps drops at all (again 32 people hightower). right after that i joined a viaduct lobby and the fps were going down constantly

posted about 9 years ago
#5 might FPS problems in Q/A Help
Vaporeonwhy dont you just play on dx8 if you cant get over 60 with dx9?

i am using dx8. however, i still get those drops down to 50, and thats the main problem for me.

sure, i dont realy get why my pc with those specs cant run tf2 in dx9, my main priority however is to get rid of those drops to 50

posted about 9 years ago
#4 might FPS problems in Q/A Help
GGenComputer might be overheating.
Install speccy, run it when you game. When you have drops, alt-tab and look at the temps.

nop, pretty much consistent

posted about 9 years ago
#1 might FPS problems in Q/A Help

hey, another fps problem thread - huray :3

i just bought a new pc, hoping i would be able to run tf2 somewhat smoothly.
sofar i tried up to 400 fps, no problem at all (at least on dx8, on dx9, even with phong 0 its about 60)
the problem is that i constantly get huge drops, down to 50 fps during games. (i tried to cap at 132, even at 61 - still drops)

here are my specs:
AMD Radeon R7 250
Intel Core i7-4790 CPU 3.60GHz (x8)
8 Gb RAM

& i got tf2 on my SSD

any ideas?
ty :)

EDIT: i use a max fps config

posted about 9 years ago
#2 [Stream] Red_Revoluti0n in Requests

forgot about the vod links:

feb 20:

feb 17:

feb 15:

btw my audio kept cutting out, but i think i fixed it now (some interaction with mumble), i might stream tonight and then post it no this threat as well (also made some changes to my video settings)

posted about 11 years ago
#1 [Stream] Red_Revoluti0n in Requests

Hello there,

I started streaming a few month ago. I started with indigames (spelunky, tBoI, ..), old nintendo games and a lot of other stuff.
I picked up streaming tf2 about 3 weeks ago and i enjoy it quite a lot. Im playing for a few years now and its still my favorite game. I dont have the highest quality stream right now but im trying to improve.

- Stream mostly TF2 content
Nowadays yes, i might stream a little something every now and then but mostly tf2

- Stream consistently over the course of the week
Im studing at university and have a 20 hour work so i might miss out on a week because of tests and what not but normaly i stream 2-4 times a week

- Provide a link to your stream

- Provide a brief description of your stream
i kinda stoped playing pubs so most of my streams are tf2 center lobbies, mge, jumpmaps, scrimms.

- State your country of residence
Austria (that means i speak german but 99% of the time i comm in english)

- Give a brief background of your league/division/team history
at the moment i am in a highlander and a 6es team. not realy worthy to even mention names, i might change soon (btw: im pyro lft ;))

Although i realy like the competitive side of tf2 i like having fun with the game so my stream could be considered a bit more casual and goofy.. at least i think of it that way!


posted about 11 years ago
#96 MangacHUD in Customization

spec mode is gray for me and its messed up on my resolution 1920:1200 .. any tips/solutions for that?
great hud btw!

posted about 11 years ago