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SteamID64 76561198899983267
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Country United States
Signed Up March 21, 2019
Last Posted March 21, 2019 at 5:52 PM
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#55 Scratchh LFT S31 in Recruitment (looking for team)

akemi may be stupid but he's not actually stupid enough to give himself away :)

posted about 5 years ago
#54 Scratchh LFT S31 in Recruitment (looking for team)

16:43 to EST is 4:43 PM.


posted about 5 years ago
#53 Scratchh LFT S31 in Recruitment (looking for team)
eddie_calderonredddddddddd ...I guess Scratchh then decided that hopping off of his main and hopping on to an MGE alt was the best plan of action as he rejoined on his alt ( and readded to my arena...

why are you linking to my account

I updated the link to a permanent one so you guys can't be trolls anymore! :)

posted about 5 years ago
#50 Scratchh LFT S31 in Recruitment (looking for team)
Scratchhreddddddddddi make alts for tftv.1. half of this is a lie
2. you're akemi and you're stupid enough to tell ekh0

cant believe you can be so stupid to try and tarnish someones name over MGE points. Actually pathetic

I don't know what's more embarrassing the fact that you think that I would give out my real identity or running to hide behind your own MGE alt to save face :(

posted about 5 years ago
#48 Scratchh LFT S31 in Recruitment (looking for team)

I have never interacted with Scratchh before this point so maybe this was a one-off thing, but I'd like to share either way.

Yesterday, Scratchh added to my arena in MGE and lost. He then went on an hour long shit spewing fest in the chat about how I was retarded for using an MGE alt to play MGE and how autistic I was. To avoid further conflict I played MGE with a friend before leaving the server.

Today, I was in MGE again and Scratchh joined my arena. He managed to beat me and then shit-talked me in the chat for a few minutes while I was MGEing other people. I guess Scratchh then decided that hopping off of his main and hopping on to an MGE alt was the best plan of action as he rejoined on his alt ( and readded to my arena. I then won two games in a row and taunted him because it was painfully obvious it was him on an alt account. (Remember how he called me autistic and retarded for using an alt?) I guess this made him so furious that he then went to my profile and sperg'd all over it for an hour. This is definitely the type of player I would love to have on my 6s ESEA League team!
Make sure to check out his comments.

posted about 5 years ago