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Signed Up September 23, 2014
Last Posted October 26, 2017 at 1:24 AM
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#74 GUIDE: Weapon-specific Custom Crosshairs in Customization
Vulcanwhats the script name for the pretty boys pocket pistol :)
edit: its named tf_weapon_pep_brawler_blaster

It's tf_weapon_handgun_scout_secondary (shared with the Winger). The one you listed is for the Baby Face's Blaster.

posted about 7 years ago
#72 GUIDE: Weapon-specific Custom Crosshairs in Customization
ripBenNZLI made some current weapon icons from the ones used in the backpack. They can be extracted from tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/backpack/weapon/c_models and don't need any editing.

I really liked this idea and I didn't see a download link so I've completed this if anybody is interested.


The only downside is that multiple unlocks share the same tf_weapon_....ctx file as seen here so I could only use one image for those.

Updated for the new weapons if anyone's interested

posted about 7 years ago
#51 GUIDE: Weapon-specific Custom Crosshairs in Customization
BenNZLI made some current weapon icons from the ones used in the backpack. They can be extracted from tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/backpack/weapon/c_models and don't need any editing.

I really liked this idea and I didn't see a download link so I've completed this if anybody is interested.


The only downside is that multiple unlocks share the same tf_weapon_....ctx file as seen here so I could only use one image for those.

posted about 8 years ago
#7 Crashing Problem on Heavy since Tough Break in Q/A Help

cl_ejectbrass 0 used to cause crashes in the past for heavy/scout. Try setting it to 1 if it isn't already.

posted about 9 years ago
#12 New TF2 Benchmarks? in TF2 General Discussion
4843 frames 26.225 seconds 184.67 fps ( 5.42 ms/f) 29.391 fps variability

CPU: 4820K @ 3.7GHz
GPU: GeForce GTX 760
dxlevel: 81
Resolution: 1920x1080
Full-screen or windowed: Full
FPS configs enabled: custom
Shadows enabled/disabled: disabled

posted about 9 years ago
#154 Windows 10 release day in Off Topic
Slayer6Is there anyone here with pirated windows 7?? Did you upgrade your windows 7 so microsoft can take the information and give you the key license or you just made a clean install?

If you used daz loader (or any other activator) to activate w7, that worked by using an exploit in SLIC injection. They patched this exploit in w10, so if you try to upgrade - it will first check their servers to see if your product key is valid, which it won't be - so you will only be running the trial version.

You could try a kms loader which 'might' activate w10, but those are rubbish and will probably get detected with later windows updates.

posted about 9 years ago
#196 shitty gut knife giveaway in CS2 General Discussion


posted about 9 years ago
#140 Disquse's HUD Fixes in Customization

Great stuff - thanks!

posted about 9 years ago
#3 My friend hithere is giving away skins in Off Topic

edit: it's legit

posted about 9 years ago
#32 No explosion smoke script in Customization
Zestyone of my friends completed this so it works with loose cannon and cow mangler explosions (and sentry rockets)

Unless I'm missing something, sentry_revenge is for the frontier justice - I'm not seeing what was modified there. Plus the cow mangler one doesn't seem to work so far - possibly due to its projectile type? Not really much of an issue though. Also don't you need to recompile these, or doesn't it matter?

posted about 9 years ago
#6 hitscan crashing in Q/A Help

Have you tried setting cl_ejectbrass to 1? It can cause crashes for some people if turned off.

posted about 9 years ago
#17 Gloves Glitch bug? in Q/A Help
AleXWorked Thanks! Just to know, what does that do?

Basically the game renders high quality models half way across the map even though you aren't close enough to see it. The LOD project aimed to lower the polygon count when you're far away, and appeared normal when you're up close. It helped to improve performance for some people, but it was a huge project and never got finished.

posted about 9 years ago
#15 Gloves Glitch bug? in Q/A Help
AleXand the LoD Project that idk what it does

Isn't that extremely outdated? What happens when you try removing this?

posted about 9 years ago
#87 Highschool stories in Off Topic

Myself and a friend set a toilet on fire once. The firefighters were somehow there in minutes with all of their heavy duty gear, and half the building had to be evacuated. From that day forward you had to sign in and out whenever you needed to go.

The same friend and I also wrapped up some dry grass in plastic wrap and sold it to the juniors saying it was weed. We used the money to pig out at the cafeteria every other day that week.

posted about 9 years ago
#174 Prism HUD & Clean TF2 in Customization
JarateKingripWhen I extract the misc_removal vpk to see what files it changed, it includes something to do with the minigun muzzleflash, but in-game unless I'm missing something, nothing seems to have changed. Is it meant to completely remove the muzzleflash?When I removed that, I was working by a "remove first, see what happens later" philosophy. I'm almost sure that it removes the old beta muzzleflash, even if that is no longer used by the game. Not the most elegant but no harm in it either.

I see, thanks.

posted about 10 years ago
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