Account Details
SteamID64 76561198185029021
SteamID3 [U:1:224763293]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:112381646
Country Mongolia
Signed Up September 10, 2016
Last Posted December 2, 2022 at 12:12 AM
Posts 256 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 3.85
Windows Sensitivity 7/11
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G102
Keyboard Defender Oscar SM-600 Pro
Mousepad -
Headphones Samsung Black Earplugs
Monitor Laptop
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#1425 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercomsrm6.8.0b4 caused some instability.
my whole computer lagged so hard while i was playing lobby that i needed to reboot.
and then after the neXt lobby ended my game just became straight black (net_graph was visible tho, even active).
And this did not happen on b3?

Also, what modules were you using?

i didn't manage to play with b3 bc you already released b4.
i was using preset_very_low.

posted about 5 years ago
#1422 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

6.8.0b4 caused some instability.
my whole computer lagged so hard while i was playing lobby that i needed to reboot.
and then after the neXt lobby ended my game just became straight black (net_graph was visible tho, even active).

posted about 5 years ago
#6 AFLAN18 | 15-16 December 2018 | Singapore in LAN Discussion
butterflyyyisn't singapore part of china???????????????? and they dont even speak english they speak like singaporean or something like that

singapore isn't even close to chinese border

posted about 5 years ago
#1408 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercomfigalias packet_buffer_balanced "setinfo packet_buffer balanced;cl_interp_ratio 1.15"

a missing interp_lan or you set just cl_interp_ratio?

edit: also

mastercomfigalias packet_buffer_very_high "setinfo packet_buffer very_high;cl_interp_ratio 3;interp_very_high"
setinfo packet_buffer_very_high ""

alias packet_buffer_high "setinfo packet_buffer high;cl_interp_ratio 3;interp_high"
setinfo packet_buffer_high ""

is that a typo too? they're similar and do same things, because

mastercomfigalias interp_high_very_high "cl_interp 0.0454545"
alias interp_high_high "cl_interp 0.0454545"
posted about 5 years ago
#12 How true is this? in Videos
Comanglia just below your refresh rate https://www.blurbusters.com/howto-low-lag-vsync-on/ . What this means though the deminishing returns of higher refreshrates on responsiveness also applies to input lag on VSync. More or less a 240.000Hz monitor with VSync on and a fps cap of 239.999 (for the euros out there 239,999fps) will have about the same kind of input lag as a VSync off 120Hz or about ~1.4ms more input lag than a 144Hz monitor vsync off, all while having 0 screen tearing and probably be the smoothest experience you've ever seen provided you can maintain a constant 239.999fps.

holy shit, so you can play with 1ms lag and vsync on?
for example i have 60 hz monitor, and constant 120 fps, how much delay do i get?

posted about 6 years ago
#8 allergies in Off Topic

i have an allergy to vaseline.
dont even ask how did i figure that out.

posted about 6 years ago
#1366 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

hey, just wondering, can you enable csaa without msaa?

posted about 6 years ago
#50 How many languages can you speak? in Off Topic

3, 2 of them are my native lol
russian, buryat, english

posted about 6 years ago
#1348 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

hey, just curious, why did you remove all of the comments in comfig.cfg?
they were pretty helpful when i checked through the file.
i use medium low preset, in case it's just an accident.

posted about 6 years ago
#2 Frog burger in The Dumpster


posted about 6 years ago
#1 quake live config in Off Topic

hey guys.
i want to start playing ql, but i don't know how to configure my game.
can anyone help?
like, show me the basic settings, net settings etc.
thanks in advance!

posted about 6 years ago
#11 logs.tf hits 2 million matches played in TF2 General Discussion

2 years ago i played my first lobby.
guy named Hugo didn't allow me to play medic haha (had 400h).
i played on a potato laptop with 10-15 fps, didn't know about any fps configs.
i'm actually crying, the game is not fun as it was before, dunno what's the reason for it.

posted about 6 years ago
#3 Good FPS but Stuttering in TF2 General Discussion

had the same.
fps was good, but game sluttered every minute.
i had 4gb ram, just bought another 4gb.
sluttering ended.
maybe there's a problem with your ram, try to check it.

posted about 6 years ago
#16 ETF2L Admin Inconsistency: Episode Two in TF2 General Discussion

i feel like i see through time and space while looking at this picture

posted about 6 years ago
#3 demoman help in Q/A Help

damn, forgot about rollout.tf
thank you!

posted about 6 years ago
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