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Signed Up September 28, 2015
Last Posted August 27, 2021 at 4:34 AM
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#68 ESEA S21 Playoffs: froyotech vs. Street Hoops eSports in Matches

b4nny is testing his students its like a teenage mutant ninja turtles thing where the master dies

posted about 8 years ago
#41 tf2center vs tf2stadium in TF2 General Discussion
DisqusewruDisqusetext(?)consider the followingSpecial for you, retarded kid: http://goo.gl/M0a9qg

Guys, you just don't know who he is. It's best russian freak. Everyone in our community laugh at them. And yea, this hypocrite hate russians but we is russian :S


posted about 9 years ago
#38 tf2center vs tf2stadium in TF2 General Discussion
strazyyyjust give it some time and tf2stadium mods will become just as bad as tf2center mods. the site may be functionally better but it'll go to shit in the future just like tf2lobby/tf2center.

If both sites do push for more updates and changes to make their site better and better, then hopefully both will stay around. A big negative of TF2Center are their mods and I'm pretty sure that TF2Stadium will take over and replace TF2Center will be more obsolete if this isn't changed.

Once I logged onto TF2Center and said the word "stadium" and I got chat banned

posted about 9 years ago
#18 tf2center vs tf2stadium in TF2 General Discussion
Disqusetext(?)wruconsider the following


posted about 9 years ago
#15 tf2center vs tf2stadium in TF2 General Discussion
wruaren't you rushing things a little bit?
you can't talk about tf2c's potential, the site's been around for years and clearly saw best days, now it's just a platform, pretty much nowhere to grow for them
tf2s was launched yesterday, you can't say for sure what's gonna be better, of course it has the potential in terms of the site itself, it looks neat, nice people running it, but the playerbase is nowhere near compatible to tf2c's and the site itself isn't finished (bugs, suggestions etc.), just got to wait and see what's gonna happen, the biggest rival is still has yet to come for both tf2c/s

and making this topic is literally 'lol lets have another drama thread about how bad/good this and that site is' which I don't like
Show Content
that russian dickrider annoys me a lot like honestly just stop it

Sorry if I annoyed you. That's not really what I intended this discussion to be about. It's not really the playerbase that I was looking to compare, but the usability of the sites, and most importantly how well the sites (will) accomplish their goal. The playerbase should mostly be based off this.

As the polls show, TF2Stadium seems like the preferred site even though it was just launched yesterday, and is constantly being updated from user suggestions.
On the other hand, TF2Center hasn't added anything major or new from the past years because there has hardly been any competition from other sites. In my opinion, TF2Center's ui is already worse than stadium's at this point.
Therefore, I feel like this arising competition is likely to create more room for major updates from TF2Center, as a result of the new competition, and maybe we'll be able to speculate and compare both sites' potential updates.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 tf2center vs tf2stadium in TF2 General Discussion
xattuuRybkaxattuuis this even a contested question?some people criticize stadium for mostly taking ideas from center and offering nothing more except some small gui features and a non abusive staff and i saw a huge argument on both site's chats about it sobasically what tf2center did to tf2lobby. it is the same service cuz thats what people want, just better, thats how bussiness works my man.

You're absolutely right, I forgot about the tf2lobby era

posted about 9 years ago
#5 tf2center vs tf2stadium in TF2 General Discussion
xattuuis this even a contested question?

some people criticize stadium for mostly taking ideas from center and offering nothing more except some small gui features and a non abusive staff and i saw a huge argument on both site's chats about it so

posted about 9 years ago
#1 tf2center vs tf2stadium in TF2 General Discussion

Which has more potential, and which is already the better site?

vote here: http://strawpoll.me/7140217

posted about 9 years ago
#15 Giving out matchmaking passes in TF2 General Discussion

please add me if u r giving

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Inconsistent starts in 6s in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 9 years ago
#13 arcadia lft low open in Recruitment (looking for team)

gateway to IM roster

posted about 9 years ago
#16 Stock LFT S21 in Recruitment (looking for team)
DirtyMortRybkaLots of potential out of this guy, I would say mid open is a big understatement from my experiences with him on demo and pocket.if mid-open is a "big understatement" in your opinion where do you think he would be? Playoff open? IM? pretty bold statement considering neither of you have any experience past ugc steel. Besides that, I played a few lobbies with stock and he seemed chill, worthy of a tryout.

yeah ure right im pretty shit i prob shouldnt have said that. i was just kidding mostly, but stock is actually a god imo

posted about 9 years ago
#11 Stock LFT S21 in Recruitment (looking for team)

stock's lft? no way i wanted him to be on my team but he was too good for my iron team the admins didnt allow it ;(

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Stock LFT S21 in Recruitment (looking for team)

Lots of potential out of this guy, I would say mid open is a big understatement from my experiences with him on demo and pocket.

posted about 9 years ago
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