If you don't like what sheepy says, that's your problem, it's pathetic to see people go "well he's a prominent part of the community so he should be held to 'higher standards", why don't you start with yourself first then. a lot of people act way more raunchy then sheepy ever does, once there's blood in the water and they act as despicable as possible, just to signal something cuz it ain't certainly virtue.
Vegetation=livestock=survival=society=thriving. It hurts to see such uneducated opinions in 2016.
The Chinese don't buy into the out of africa theory one bit and archeological evidence suggest a multiple source of origination
a spanish idiottbh I think he is genuinely unaware of his shitposting because he has the social awareness and skills of a 4 year old.
here we see a typical pendejo wandering out of his wind hound gallows party, and trying to show how much superior he is by pointing out something very obvious, becuase sheepy admitted to have autism, so why attack him on that, kaneco. is it becuase you are too much of a porto supping retard to do anything else?
saamHe purposely finds as many threads as he can to antagonize people as he can. I refuse to believe he doesn't like pissing people off because he hasn't even tried to change a little despite receiving a shitton of constant hate
yes hate is really good at convincing people to like you.
Maybe you should be able to actually write a decent argument towards sheepy and talk, instead of whining you can't handle him so going to a third party. You seem like a limp wristed faggot who almost doesnt deserve their freedom of speech