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Signed Up | January 1, 2017 |
Last Posted | April 2, 2021 at 6:16 AM |
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best night life?
Off Topic
Smoothiespain and italy are dope during night time
spain would be dope tho also watching football with the boyz
posted about 3 years ago
best night life?
Off Topic
i am looking to get a job in EU and was wondering what country would have the best night life to hang out and stuff. Money isnt the problem(im smart af) but please dont reccomend me some nerd countries(sweden)
posted about 3 years ago
daily reminder
The Dumpster
lmao admins are nonlifting nerds for dumpstering this
posted about 3 years ago
is this really necessary
TF2 General Discussion
buudsco_does anyone even click on that lol? writers wasting their timeIt's not even articles it's match fixtures (for etf2l they don't get put in recent discussion)
rgl pays the tftv admins
posted about 3 years ago
is this really necessary
TF2 General Discussion
does anyone even click on that lol? writers wasting their time
posted about 3 years ago
aoshi steps down
TF2 General Discussion
ShooshDoughy A lot of people (not necessarily saying league/tftv staff think this way, just in general) view any criticism as being an asshole towards them. Is a very fine line. Also much constructive criticism is completely ignored, not even acknowledged, just ignored because of who it came from.
I'm sure there has been constructive criticism that has been listened to and some that hasn't. Just because a criticism is made doesn't mean its right, it is up to the individual or organisation whether they want to act on it or not. Acting on every single piece of constructive criticism is insane. I wouldn't know about criticism being ignored because of who the person is - I'm not an admin.
However, the point of Aoshis post is that hes leaving due to the communities immaturity and abuse - thats not constructive criticism.
Doughy Whilst I agree people are overly abusive, there is a reason, the admin team makes many mistakes (personally I disagree with well over half the decisions they make) and they don't own their mistakes, they don't follow their own rules to a T, have very low understanding in player skill level, allow friends to sandbag relentlessly season after season, pussyfoot around to try to appease both teams instead of supporting the team in the right.
The admin team is there to be the faceless organisation that referees players matches. In a competitive game where one team will have to be viewed more favourably for every quarrel that occurs, you will annoy half the people playing. It is inevitable. That is a simple problem with the competitive nature in games. Happens in all sports everywhere.
Making mistakes does not equate to having to accept abuse from people? Also, just because something is a mistake to you doesn't mean its a mistake.
Doughy It is a misinterpretation, since he could still do the job but just didn't want to. The BS wasn't preventing anything was just making it annoying for him to continue, I completely understand not wanting to do this job, it seems awful
I'd hesitate to call receiving hate for years "annoying". Seems like that's undervaluing the effect it has had on Aoshi.
Doughy It is completely fair for anyone in any position of power to be expected to have a higher maturity level and be held to a higher standard than the rest of the population. This is true for any position in life. If they don't have that level, then they won't get the respect they need to reduce toxicity and abuse.
I have been in medical school for three years. From year 1 we have been told that we will receive abuse at some point in our career - I already have. However, at NO point in time is this acceptable. Regardless of your power position. In fact we're allowed to refuse treatment to patients if they're abusive - unless its an emergency. I speak to consultants who have had a tough scenario and be abused - are they not respected enough? Did they deserve it?
Doughy Of course, but I didn't. Nor did I criticise them for not being able to handle it. I've said many times I don't know why they do it, I've always related things to how I think and what I feel from my outside perspective as someone who doesn't flame admins, but also doesn't partake in their own decisions. I know I wouldn't do it for the same reason many others wouldn't. Too much work for too little reward.
Not everything people do is about cost-benefit. People do things all the time that don't exactly prove a benefit for them, at least materially, but they might get satisfaction mentally.
Also you essentially said Aoshi isn't mature enough to handle his feelings, how is this not criticism of him?
Doughy Plenty of therapists give advice on how to handle feelings. Most of them will ask how the person feels and get the person to actually know how they fell. They won't tell them it's right or wrong, but they will give advice on how to handle real life scenarios that make them feel in an undesirable way. This is what I did. I never ordered anyone to do anything, just gave some advice.
What was your advice?
You said "I also think the staff members should be mature enough themselves to move past the hate". - how is there any other way to interpret that than you're too immature to handle hate so stop. Imagine a therapist saying that lol.
Doughy Hopefully I explained why everything in your comment was wrong shoosh.Stop being a dick.
lmfao this guy is triggered af
posted about 3 years ago
aoshi steps down
TF2 General Discussion
ireSorry to hijack Aoshi's exit, for them, thank you for all your work, and I hope that whatever comes next for you treats you well, o7.
But, I did want to highlight rebite's quote. The absolute disregard for production and casters that people put out is absolutely shameful. People at every point entirely disregarding that both casters and production give their time for the community is so fucking selfish.
No one wants to imagine a #cov-eu where DuMmTm steps down, or where Arch and Beater refuse to produce. So for prem players, cooperate with us when you can, and EU, recognize what people do for you in casts, NA had louster200 leave and almost completely kill coverage, appreciate and thank the people who give their time for you, it does mean a lot.
you just have to make everything about you do you?
let the man have his moment you skinny nerd
posted about 3 years ago
Why aren't the other parties talked about anymore?
The Dumpster
i bullied kids like you in high school
posted about 3 years ago
TF2 in need of relationship advice.
The Dumpster
tell her to shut up and make you a steak, medium rare, just the way you like it
posted about 3 years ago
Where can I actually play the game?
TF2 General Discussion
damn i gotta dejavu off this thread
posted about 3 years ago
faceit tf2
TF2 General Discussion
bean_spruggetkbtoIs casual and competitive defined by the format and not the attitude of the players?The format of FACEIT incentivizes more competitive playing: you get points for winning, which means that if you decide to fuck around with some silly loadout etc. Different formats attracts different players; it would be an uphill battle for casual players to try to play casually in PUGs instead of Valve pubs.
kbtoand the claim about the balancing being awful about how it's always rolls and they need a working elo system would just turn it into a competitive mode as people would now care about win / loss.A working ELO system is not the same as caring about win / loss. A behind-the-scenes ELO system would mean that players play with their respective skill ranges. But having a ranking system that (roughly) displays that ELO incentivizes getting better and is what creates value of that win / loss. If you are a casual player and just want to fuck around, you don't want to care about raising your ELO; you just want to be in the right ELO: I assume that casual players don't really want to try, but still want to get a kill and win every once in a while.
kbtoloud uneducated hyper casual players who don't even know what they wantThat is pretty patronizing. It's not like these casual players are just where the special-ed kids go; it's the majority of the player base. They probably know what they want.kbtoso many of these players take a hive mind opinion off of some god awful videoThis whole thread is a circlejerk. I actually quite like FaceIt: it's much more gratifying to win and get kills when everyone is actually trying, and there are no bots.
Signed Up March 25, 2021
posted about 3 years ago