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Signed Up March 26, 2024
Last Posted May 1, 2024 at 12:16 AM
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#1 scratta LFT s15 High IM/Main in Recruitment (looking for team)

Roamer or Pocket Soldier
My schedule is very free and flexible. Looking for a team with a good environment for growth and success. Very willing to do what it takes to adjust my gameplay to the style of the team.

rgl -
steam -
discord - scratta

posted 10 months ago
#126 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion
yesodscrattaokyaaascrattaIf u actually think yen is cheating based on that vid you may want to gently rub your head and check for a soft spot.
What a waste of a first post on TF.TV
This is so dumb I couldn’t resist. Nothing in the video even mildly suggests cheating. Man puts it in slow motion to show us yen missing 6 pistol shots in a row at point blank while shaking his mouse…

Have u like, read anything? No one thinks yen is cheating 24/7. The accusation is that he is toggling.

Let's do a quick definition for those who are purposely (or maybe not) ignorant.
It means that he does not constantly have cheats (albeit aimbot, walls, etc.), but at certain moments he will toggle them on, to gain an advantage [cleaning up players, winning 1v1s, desperate defense (the heavy clip for example), etc.]

I even used the word in its definition, maybe that will make it easier for people to understand what this post is actually talking about.


Soft spot

posted 11 months ago
#121 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion
okyaaascrattaIf u actually think yen is cheating based on that vid you may want to gently rub your head and check for a soft spot.
What a waste of a first post on TF.TV

This is so dumb I couldn’t resist. Nothing in the video even mildly suggests cheating. Man puts it in slow motion to show us yen missing 6 pistol shots in a row at point blank while shaking his mouse…

posted 11 months ago
#118 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion

If u actually think yen is cheating based on that vid you may want to gently rub your head and check for a soft spot.

posted 11 months ago