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Last Posted January 17, 2013 at 3:46 PM
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#2 New Seattle SOAP DM server request in Requests

I checked the config and it actually allows 2 demomen.

posted about 12 years ago
#1 New Seattle SOAP DM server request in Requests

It's a 10-slot server located in Seattle, it was tested by around 8 players including b4nny. It now runs an plugin to block some unlocks that wasn't installed when it was tested. It has class limits set to 1 demo, 2 soldiers, 2 scouts, 1 sniper.

posted about 12 years ago
#3 Need help adding new Seattle DM server to list in TF2 General Discussion

Thanks, I didn't know there was a formal way to get this done. I'll post there.

posted about 12 years ago
#1 Need help adding new Seattle DM server to list in TF2 General Discussion

I started a thread asking for help with a new Seattle DM server I was setting up. Someone people helped me test it a few weeks back and it seemed to be working fine. Someone suggested getting the server added to the list of server list. Can someone help me with that?

The original thread is here:

The server info is here:


posted about 12 years ago
#13 New Seattle SOAP DM server, need help in TF2 General Discussion

That would be awesome. Who maintains that list?

posted about 12 years ago
#11 New Seattle SOAP DM server, need help in TF2 General Discussion

Fog, how did you get your server to show "SOAP DM" in the "game" column in the server browser? Is that something you can add to the server.cfg file?

posted about 12 years ago
#10 New Seattle SOAP DM server, need help in TF2 General Discussion

Thanks guys! I have the plugin to block some unlocks working. I'm going to add the spawns for process and add it to the rotation. It seems it's not too hard to create spawns for other maps.

posted about 12 years ago
#7 New Seattle SOAP DM server, need help in TF2 General Discussion

Sweet, thanks! What class limits are you using for your 10-slot servers?

Do you know if someone has added spawn points to support more maps like cp_process? I think the cfg file I got doesn't support cp_process but I've seen some streamers DM in it.

posted about 12 years ago
#5 New Seattle SOAP DM server, need help in TF2 General Discussion

Can someone who knows the person who runs the some of the other DM servers ask him/her how to get item blocking working? That's the main thing missing from this new server.

posted about 12 years ago
#4 New Seattle SOAP DM server, need help in TF2 General Discussion
2cbanny unleashed

Yeah, pretty much, one of the players helping me test the server invited him and boy, is he good!

posted about 12 years ago
#1 New Seattle SOAP DM server, need help in TF2 General Discussion

I recently got a 10-slot server and installed SOAP DM on it. Someone on Reddit offered to help me test it and he managed to get a bunch of people on it last night. Some of players connecting from the Seattle area got very good latency to the server, as low as 8-10ms.

I need help limiting the items players can use, I could not get a blacklist/whitelist working unless I set mp_tournament to 1, which I don't want to do. I checked a Chicago DM server and it shows in the chat with nice colors that an item you are equipping is blocked. How can I get that behavior too? Is it a plugin?

I would also like players to be able to call a vote to kick someone, I can do it as admin, but I won't be on it so frequently so I thought it would be nice to let players vote on it. Is this be even necessary? Can someone with an approved class and loadout start griefing? A hacker could also get in I guess.

So far I have a radio plugin which I haven't tested, a high-five enemies plugin and most of the base Sourcemod plugins. I also have a scramble plugin, but I tried to enable only the auto-balance features, so that it may move people around in case the teams happen to be too imbalanced in terms of frags per minute. I installed an AFK manager that kicks in (or should, haven't tested it) after a few players have connected, not sure if this one is even necessary.

Try the server here:


I tried getting some help and opinions on this reddit post, but it seems this forum is the place to ask:

posted about 12 years ago