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SteamID64 76561198071907140
SteamID3 [U:1:111641412]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:55820706
Country Australia
Signed Up April 22, 2015
Last Posted July 10, 2016 at 1:48 AM
Posts 58 (0 per day)
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#173 Introducing... The Mannterface! in Customization
saxtonhaleThanks for waiting!

In addition to fixing the HUD for the Meet Your Match update, a few other things have been added as well.

A changed menu, ditching the new "Find a Game" button for the classic buttons we all know and love!

The highly-requested more traditional scoreboard!

New font options, with Roboto and Cerbetica to start!
These are only a few fonts to come (likely candidates after this will be the m0re and YAHUD fonts), and I will add options for fonts as requested. While the entire HUD has not gotten the modular font treatment, it will soon.

Please let me know of any bugs you find, as I will keep a list of them and get through them.

Download the Meet Your Match update for the Mannterface now!


I have found one error, when you get a notification for a new item and click it to view it. It just makes the icon disappear but not put it in your backpack. THe menu that shows doesnt work in other words haha

posted about 8 years ago
#27 Evolve's MODIFIED Rhapsody's Config in Customization

Why zip the config? Just upload it to dropbox as a config file so we can read it in the browser.

posted about 8 years ago
#4937 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

Im not sure if I can request here.. Could someone make RaysHud's scoreboard work with manterface for me?

posted about 8 years ago
#166 Introducing... The Mannterface! in Customization

Could you please add an option for a bigger scoreboard kind of like RaysHuds?

posted about 8 years ago
#174 Confirmed MM Hackers in TF2 General Discussion

I personally think this thread would be so much better if people would add a .dem to prove that the person is hacking.. Unless its an obvious hacker that everyone knows haha

posted about 8 years ago
#172 Confirmed MM Hackers in TF2 General Discussion
fade-there's a diff between timing out (not abandoning) vs disconnecting (abandoning).....

also why did you record some random gameplay of you not cheating and expect that it's sufficient proof that you didn't cheat

Im not sure really but my game did time out because I had a Skype call open at the same time and it timed out too.

I recorded the demo because BenNZL requested me too.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Confirmed MatchMaking Hackers! in TF2 General Discussion

Confirmed MatchMaking Hackers

I'm starting this thread to show awareness of how many hackers there are in MM but to also make sure that people are not just pointing fingers at each other without providing proof.

By proof I mean providing a .dem file.

To keep this thread clean please provide the following in your post:
Account Name:
Profile Link:
Link to .dem file:

How to get SteamID3?

  1. Go to
  2. Input the presumed hacker.
  3. Copy and Paste the SteamID3 into your post.
  4. Done :)

How to get .demo?

  1. During the game open the console (Key: `) and type "record".
  2. Continue playing and grab proof of the presumed hacker by either spectating them or simply viewing how they are playing.
  3. At the end of the game type "stop" into the console.
  4. Copy the file from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf"
  5. Upload it to or
  6. Copy and paste the link into you're post and you're done! :)

What are you waiting for? Get out there and play some MatchMaking already!

posted about 8 years ago
#168 Confirmed MM Hackers in TF2 General Discussion
hobbbesBenNZLThe demo you provided me with you had terrible aim and movement, while playing against what looks to be pubbers.
But some how you didn't miss a shot when versing a full team of prem and div2 players on multiple occasions...
Came up against this dude in mm today, he didn't miss a shot before abandoning when his team lost the first round.

Actually I didn't abandon the game.. My internet dropped because of Telstra, it happens quite a lot to be honest.

Also I give up on asking to be removed from that list, I know im not hacking but if you think I do then thats your problem. Also I have only played again BenNZL once as far as I remember..

posted about 8 years ago
#164 Confirmed MM Hackers in TF2 General Discussion
Encreseiterseiter1BenNZLList of hackers me and my mates have seen in match making in the Australia/New Zealand region.

If experienced Aussies or Kiwis want to add to it message me on steam.

I was wrongfully called a hacker for simply using the shortstop and crit-a-cola which can basically kill in 2-3 shots and the shortstop has 4 bullets in a clip. I tried contacting Ben and did everything he said including sending a demo which proved that I wasn't hacking and he ended up deleting me as a friend because I was sticking up for myself.

I clearly don't hack in MM and TF2 itself, wouldn't I be a lot higher rank then "TroubleMaker" if I did? It honestly downgrades my account to have it on a list of hackers especially because I don't hack!

Bye :)
Having kaybee as one of your 15 friends on steam is one of the biggest reasons why I think this is bs

What is wrong with 15 friends? I only add people I actually talk to. Why does having Kaybee as a friend mean im bs?

posted about 8 years ago
#161 Confirmed MM Hackers in TF2 General Discussion
BenNZLList of hackers me and my mates have seen in match making in the Australia/New Zealand region.

If experienced Aussies or Kiwis want to add to it message me on steam.

I was wrongfully called a hacker for simply using the shortstop and crit-a-cola which can basically kill in 2-3 shots and the shortstop has 4 bullets in a clip. I tried contacting Ben and did everything he said including sending a demo which proved that I wasn't hacking and he ended up deleting me as a friend because I was sticking up for myself.

I clearly don't hack in MM and TF2 itself, wouldn't I be a lot higher rank then "TroubleMaker" if I did? It honestly downgrades my account to have it on a list of hackers especially because I don't hack!

Bye :)

posted about 8 years ago
#156 Introducing... The Mannterface! in Customization

Could you add an option for a bigger scoreboard..

posted about 8 years ago
#6 Launch tf2 on second monitor? in Customization

Nope sorry.. haha display fusion doesnt even fix this because tf2 launchs twice by the looks of it.

posted about 9 years ago
#303 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization
_Kermitseiterseiter1Medico_di_BiscottiWhy was
changed to 1? Does it not improve FPS anymore, or is it to stop the screen from lagging out when changing? 'Cus the latter part is fixed by putting
+mat_antialias 0
in launch options.

This is a slightly unrelated issue, but does anyone else's demos break when viewing them in
mat_aaquality above 0
if they were recorded without AA? So I leave it out of the cinematic config.
works fine, though.

Mat_antialias causes crashes now

??? I've had mat_antialias set to 4 for months now and I've been fine.

Yeah i meant it cant be set to 0.

posted about 9 years ago
#301 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization
Medico_di_BiscottiWhy was
changed to 1? Does it not improve FPS anymore, or is it to stop the screen from lagging out when changing? 'Cus the latter part is fixed by putting
+mat_antialias 0
in launch options.

This is a slightly unrelated issue, but does anyone else's demos break when viewing them in
mat_aaquality above 0
if they were recorded without AA? So I leave it out of the cinematic config.
works fine, though.

Mat_antialias causes crashes now

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Comanglia cfg UPDATE + Mac's Guide to FPS! in Customization

I did some benchmarks on your edit of Comanglia's config and Comanglia's official version and to be honest yours is a lot worse... You pretty much just took all the commands (besides a few as stated by Comanglia) and put them in different categories and removed a few comments. I have no clue why you would set "Mat_Queue_Mode" to -2.. Its just weird, thats legacy mode mate. Im confused on how your edit would be better...

posted about 9 years ago
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