OblivionageJust want to point out, @emma: amd cards scale a LOT better than nvidia gpus when it comes to sli/cf so idk where you got that from.
770 is mad expensive i don't think he needs it he should just opt in for the 7870 ghz or 7950 both will be amazing in CF if he ever needs it.
Also, i'm pretty sure b4nny streams at like 1k fps and he has a 2500k & 560 (at like 534p or something though) so i still think the i7 isn't necessary w/e just do what you want.
First of all it's wrong, it depends a lot on the game an both scale pretty decent recently.
The 770 beats a 7970 GHz and is hands down the best card for SLI right now. If you compare the price of a 770 and a 7870 GHz then we also have to compare a 7970 GHz and a 7870 GHz. Guess what, the 7870 GHz is cheaper. Now if we compare the 7870 with a 7750 we'll see that the 7750 is cheaper. Does that mean the 7750 is the best card? No, it's the cheapest with the least performance.
Last but not least: an i7 is indeed unnecessary, but OP doesn't even want to stream. And i doubt that b4nny is streaming at "like 1k fps".
WaldoJust going to point out that if one of the problems is his room getting hot, the thing to do is get a processor that runs cooler, not more/better fans. No matter how many/how good the fans are, it's thermodynamically impossible to reduce heat by moving it around. All more fans would do is keep the CPU cooler by transferring heat away from the computer, and increasing ambient temp, which would just mean that while running at full load it would get hotter in the room faster. Just pointing this out.
It's more about the GPU. The GTX 770 generates 200-250W heat under load, the 4670K won't go over 130W when overclocked (<90W on stock clock).