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Last Posted April 26, 2024 at 5:56 AM
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#14 If a tree falls: TF2 edition in Off Topic

Yes, that would work. That would make the wave joke reality instead of a joke. The sound is a mechanical wave whose starting time and therefore the wave function itself is determined by a quantum wavefunction (mathematician at heart, if you haven't noticed yet).
Who said you couldn't connect classical mechanics and quantum physics?

posted about 11 years ago
#12 If a tree falls: TF2 edition in Off Topic

You got the first one right but you missed the joke on the second one.

Show Content
All of the described behavior only applies to quantum particles/waves (most appropriate use of "/" ever), to complete the analogy the tree has a spin or all of it doesn't apply here because IT'S A TREE.

EDIT: You might have missed the hidden "wave" joke aswell.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 If a tree falls: TF2 edition in Off Topic
the301stspartanThe brit should've addressed the metaphorical meaning of the question that refers to quantum mechanics and the behavior of particles under observed and unobserved circumstances.

But the round didn't last long enough :(

Let's add some Schrödinger: The tree is in a superposition between falling and not falling, what happens to the sound?

And even more important: What is the trees spin/Does it's spin change before/while/after falling?

posted about 11 years ago
#86 Need a Gaming Mouse in Hardware
RakeSetsulWhat if i told you, that there are players in prem/invite who use the G500 or "worse" mice?
How does that matter in an objective view of mice? If schocky played with a wireless ballmouse and still wrecked people, that wouldn't make the mouse any better.

I fail to see the difference between hardware accel (not skipping, prediction etc., that really is bs) and software accel. Some people just don't like accel, some are fine with it. You can call it preference.
A mouse that isn't terribly flawed will neither make you better nor worse.
You just tell everyone that "Newer Zowie mice (AM, FK, eVo series), G400/G400S etc are the only ones worth buying."

I would like to hear your objective view on mouse shapes because all hands are the same, right?

posted about 11 years ago
#84 Need a Gaming Mouse in Hardware
MIndPAPASTAINPic + stuff.Lol'd at that pic. G500 "good sensor". Get a mouse with no accel or other hardware relaterd problems. Accel can be added trough software but hardware accel cannot be removed with one. Newer Zowie mice (AM, FK, eVo series), G400/G400S etc are the only ones worth buying. I know accel is personal preference, but hardware accel is BS.

What if i told you, that there are players in prem/invite who use the G500 or "worse" mice?

posted about 11 years ago
#3 noforcemaccel/mspd, useforcedmparms question in Q/A Help

m_rawinput 1 overrides these launchoptions.
It's called placebo effect.

posted about 11 years ago
#32 Rate my build please in Hardware
Comanglialol. "Doesn't help in gaming at all" Yeah it doesn't matter, neither does having a 3rd or 4th physical core. Why? Because the vast majority of games don't support more than 2 threads.

Also my statement on Logical cores for both AMD and Intel isn't technically wrong. I never stated they used the same way to get those logical cores. (which FYI for a thread about a PC build is entirely unnecessary and I shouldn't have too just to be 100% correct)

^this is what I was refering to, 256bit units are better than than multiple 128bit units in terms of speed.


I really like how all I was doing to begin with was not go into a bunch of technical jargon, but some people wanted to be really really technical about logical cores and don't actually help the OP at all.

1. Going by that logic you should buy single cores. Most applications are single-threaded anyway, so a multi-core CPU isn't worth it, right? You don't choose a CPU based on how much power is enough for most applications, you choose it based on how much you need for the most CPU-intensive application that you want to run.

2. AMD doesn't use logical cores at all.
Technically logical cores are what the OS uses and it's 8 logical cores for both the FX-8xxx and the i7s. The AMDs have 8 physical in 4 modules (similar to how intel built quad-cores by putting two dualcores in one package) and the i7s have 4 physical cores.
So technically what you said is wrong.

3. In theory one 256bit Intel core should perform the same as one AMD module when using 256bit instructions because the two 128bit cores in the module will be used together to process the 256bit instructions.
In theory the two 128bit cores in a AMD module should beat a 256bit Intel core when using <=128bit instructions because the intel core can only process one at a time.
The reasons why the Intel cores perform better are Hyperthreading and some other things which result in a vastly higher IPC.
Explanation for those who don't know what IPC are: Instructions per cycle, basically it processes more instructions at the same clock rate than AMD processors.

4. If you didn't want to go into technical jargon, you shouldn't have mentioned "logical cores".

OPs option are pretty much:
Your (comanglia's) build:
=Good overall performance in games

The same without a SSD and a better GPU:
-no SSD
+even better performance in games

Or element's build without the SSD:
-no SSD
=Good overall performance in games (some worse and some better than comanglia's build)
+best TF2 performance

posted about 11 years ago
#30 Rate my build please in Hardware
Comanglia-_- you really don't understand processors do you?

the i7-3770k has 4 physical cores and 4 logical cores. It's technically a 8-core processor. Matter of fact all AMD 8-core processors are just like the i7 in this regard they have 4 physical cores and 4 logical cores. AMD and Intel just market them differently.

No, this is wrong.

The Intel CPUs do not actually have "logical cores", they report that they have logical cores which means that the OS can and will run threads on those logical cores. One core runs the threads of two of the cores the OS "thinks" it has. Hyperthreading basically doubles some parts of the core so two processes can be prepared for execution at the same time so as soon as the process that is currently running on that core has to wait for something (not going into the technical reasons), the other pre-prepared process gets executed instead of just waiting.

You can disable Hyperthreading via the BIOS/UEFI and voilá the intel CPU your OS only displays the 4 existing cores of your intel CPU.

AMD's CPUs are consisting of modules. Each module has two 128bit ALUs and two 128bit FPUs that can also be used together to process 256bit instructions. Intel Haswell on the other hand uses 256bit units.

Intel: each pair of cores shown in the OS = 1 core with some parts doubled
AMD: each pair of cores shown in the OS = one module = 2 cores with some parts shared

posted about 11 years ago
#70 Need a Gaming Mouse in Hardware
TaroAll I'm trying to say is you should base your choice of mouse on personal preference and not how good someone on the internet thinks it is. That said there are a lot of mice out there that are fundamentally flawed in some way (sensor, software, durability etc) but it doesn't take too much research to find out whether a mouse is broken or not.

Some of the "shit tier" mice got placed there because of their lift off distance.

posted about 11 years ago
#238 The 120Hz Monitor Thread in Hardware
JerbenI have a i3 quad core. I have no idea what you mean by "previous resolution" but Im playing the game with my native 1920x1080 resolution. Im hesitant to buy a new card since I have newer built a computer nor upgraded one.

There are no i3 quad cores. It's a dualcore with hyperthreading (2 logical cores per physical core->better multithread scheduling than windows).

If you don't get >120 fps (preferably about 240) ALL THE TIME a 120Hz monitor won't help you. With 90 fps instead of 120 it would show one frame twice, the next only on time and the frame after that twice, then once and so on. Yes, that looks as awful as it sounds.

Don't get a 120Hz monitor if you can't get >120 fps all the time.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 Rate my build please in Hardware
RakeIf you only want to play tf2 and not stream, there really isn't a good reason to go for an amd cpu :7

The price maybe?
The Haswell Dualcore haven't been released yet and the cheapest Quadcore costs 50 bucks more than the fx-6350.

posted about 11 years ago
#43 Building new computer need elite techy help! in TF2 General Discussion

#42 You don't need a Quad-Core aswell, why do people buy it? Because it's faster.
A 2.5" HDD in a ATX mid tower is just pointless, it's way more expensive than a 3.5" HDD. If you want to save money then go for a 5400rpm 3.5" 500 GB HDD and save 10$ compared to a 7200rpm 3.5" 1000GB HDD.

posted about 11 years ago
#39 Building new computer need elite techy help! in TF2 General Discussion

#32 120Hz monitor without >= 120 fps is pointless, an ok-ish GPU won't do that in newer games. And 2*250$ for two 7870s wasn't cheaper than 400$ (one 770) the last time i checked.

#33 4670K typo or 3570K memories? :D

#34 Streaming shouldn't be a problem for the 4670K at least not in TF2. Streaming performance might be better for some games on the FX-8350, but you'd sacrifice performance in some games (e.g. TF2) for better performance while streaming or in some other games. I don't think that an i7 is possible with that budget and you'd only see benefits from it IF you start streaming.
Btw lightboost works for AMD too

#35 5400rpm 2.5" HDD, i stopped reading.

#36 "i5 4*3.2GHz" and "asus motherboard" are probably the most specific details i've ever heard.

#37 Yes, this is the internet, everything is an argument.

#38 No, Yes and No

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Issues since yesterday's update in Q/A Help
DerpI'm not really an expert on these kind of subjects but this sounds like a problem i had a long time ago. Expect what i had wrong was my sound, try putting
tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg 90
tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg 80
tf_dingaling_volume .75
snd_mixahead "0.05"
in your autoexec.

I don't think that changing the hitsound volume affects the server time.

#8 In the first movie the round timer and actual time are not in sync. It's slowed down by about 20%. The servertime itself is slower, for whatever reason. Apparently only the listen server is affected since you moved normally on other servers.

posted about 11 years ago
#31 Building new computer need elite techy help! in TF2 General Discussion
WaldoSetsulIt's more about the GPU. The GTX 770 generates 200-250W heat under load, the 4670K won't go over 130W when overclocked (<90W on stock clock).Definitely true on this, but the idea is the same, lower power components will keep the system cooler then more cooling equipment ever will.

Either way he doesn't want a low-end build he needs an ac or use liquid nitrogen, guess what's cheaper.

posted about 11 years ago
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