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Signed Up December 16, 2012
Last Posted April 26, 2024 at 5:56 AM
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#11 Pc is ded :( how do i live now? in Off Topic
Mamzzfunhaver1998How did it dieRam stick overheated to the point of melting and got all over the motherboard. Idk how, i just have a real shit pc.

1. I need to see this.
2. Best case it's just the stick that melted that's broken.
2nd best case the stick and the mobo are fucked.
But either way the rest should still be good to go, although I'm not sure if you should trust the PSU.
So we absolutely need pics, you need to salvage all parts that can be salvaged and then it's just a matter of getting a new (used) mobo from somewhere.
I mean what were the specs? If it's a few years old I'm sure I can find a shitty used mobo for 30€ or something like that and send it to you as Christmas present in exchange for photos of the melted RAM (I really need those pictures).

posted about 6 years ago
#10 Selling monitor and old pc in Hardware

I'd recommend paying significantly less for any pc that went through the wash, but I won't stop.

posted about 6 years ago
#7597 stream highlights in Videos
YeeHawSetsulWhy are you surprised that euros don't know how airstrafing works? The explanation is DARE you

Honestly, the fact that in 4 hours no one from NA went for the "euros can't airstrafe meme" and a euro had to do it for them means that the quality of intercontinental banter has reached a new low. TF2 is doomed.

posted about 6 years ago
#7595 stream highlights in Videos

Why are you surprised that euros don't know how airstrafing works? The explanation is important.

posted about 6 years ago
#4 Selling monitor and old pc in Hardware

Specs and price don't matter, who wouldn't want a 2014 mid-range pc in impeccable condition?

posted about 6 years ago
#56 2018 Chess World Championship in TF2 General Discussion

Yes, but you don't even have to go that far back because of the 3 wins in Rapid.
2012 Anand won vs Gelfand with only one win in the Tiebreaker, so even though there were two wins in the 12 classical games because the 4th Rapid match had to be played (a draw) the draw percentage is slightly higher.

posted about 6 years ago
#53 2018 Chess World Championship in TF2 General Discussion
monkeyjediHas this been the highest percent of draws in a world chess championship?

I don't think you can beat 100% draws in the classical games.

The Tiebreakers are a relatively new thing, but even if you want to count them there have been "worse" series, especially after these two wins.

EDIT: And we're done.

posted about 6 years ago
#3145 PC Build Thread in Hardware

And what's wrong with your old cooler?

Either way a 10% faster CPU will not fix GTA V, but I wish you the best of luck on your way to waste 350$ anyway.

Wrong thread.

posted about 6 years ago
#47 2018 Chess World Championship in TF2 General Discussion

Not necessarily negative, but it is odd.

It's one thing to not be 100% confident in your own evalutation and not wanting to play a complicated, roughly even position when you don't need to, since you're not guaranteed to get the better end of it, but it's a whole different thing to refuse playing a position that at the very least you should evaluate as even when you've got literally 4 times as much time as the other guy.

Most would at least play a couple more moves to see what happens, outside of some major blunder Caruana would've accepted a draw no questions asked even a few moves later because getting to move 40 in such a position where there aren't any quick moves with so little time is very difficult.

Keep in mind that the players can not agree to a draw until after the 30th move so Carlsen essentially offered it as soon as he could.

posted about 6 years ago
#42 2018 Chess World Championship in TF2 General Discussion

What the actual fuck?

This looked like psychological shenanigans to get Caruana into time trouble before move 40 by sacrificing accuracy for fast play and then he just offers a draw?

Was Carlsen just flailing around, somehow getting an advantageous position with massive time advantage and then decided he doesn't actually know how to play this at all so that 30 minute advantage is not enough or he's too nervous so he'd rather go for Rapid?

What the fuck!

posted about 6 years ago
#3142 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Nope, maybe someone else can help you out.
Other than that you can put in all the restrictions on a comparision site (e.g. or ) and then read a lot reviews.

posted about 6 years ago
#39 2018 Chess World Championship in TF2 General Discussion

Of course, I completely understand it, what I mean is that Bd8 and what followed wasn't really necessary, but in game 10 neither was really willing to commit to anything too complicated already. In game 11 and 12 this'll only get worse. Had they gone for it in game 10 I would've gone full hype mode, but they're both too smart to risk it so they won't in game 11/12 either. If you blunder in game 10 you've at least got one more chance at winning with white, in game 11 Carlsen doesn't have to risk it (assuming he's more comfortable with Rapid) and Caruana would have to play for a win with black, taking any risks in game 12 would be completely unexpected considering they way they've played so far.
Our best chance for hype games is some blunder in game 11 and either clawing it back to a draw or losing and forcing a do or die game 12.

And yes, the 6s match decide by 4s is exactly what I was getting at with my first post.

posted about 6 years ago
#37 2018 Chess World Championship in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah, I also had hope but you've got to put the breaks on the hype train a bit.
Because then you get stuff like Bishop d8 and they start willingly trading and end up with a draw again.

If this was game 5 or 6, maybe even 8 I'd be super hyped, but in game 11 I don't see Carlsen pressing for a win anymore.
Either something massively crazy happens and game 12 turns into do or die for either of them or Caruana goes for it if he really doesn't like his chances in Rapid, but realistically you have to expect it to be downhill from here.

posted about 6 years ago
#33 2018 Chess World Championship in TF2 General Discussion

Soon we'll be done with the formalities and the 2018 World Rapid Chess Championship can finally begin!

posted about 6 years ago
#3140 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Why would you need a new cooler? What do you have in mind?

Also I don't think your problem is fixable.
GTA V simply shits the bed whenever it's CPU limited.

As you can see while the 6700K is happily chugging along at 80 fps the 6320 (at the same clockrate, just half the cores) drops to an average of 20 fps with lag spikes equivalent to 3 fps. I don't need to explain that it does not make sense for a CPU that should be exactly half as fast to drop to 1/4th to 1/20th of the performance.
This is just GTA V being a broken piece of shit.

The solution is to either get a slower GPU or simply cap the fps.

If you want to replace your CPU anyway and not overclock your options are limited. I'm going to list base clock, all core and single core turbo for all.
i5-7600: 3.5, 3.9, 4.1 (your current CPU)
i5-7600K: 3.8, 4.0, 4.2
i7-7700: 3.6, 4.0, 4.2 (more expensive than the 7600K and the extra threads do nothing for GTA V, if anything they cost a few fps)
i7-7700K: 4.2, 4.4, 4.5
For everything else you need a new motherboard.
i5-8600: 3.1, 4.1, 4.3 (note the lower base clock, again the extra cores do nothing but at least they don't hurt you)
i5-8600K: 3.6, 4.1, 4.3
i7-8700: 3.2, 4.2, 4.6
i7-8700K: 3.7, 4.3, 4.7
i7-8086K: 4.0, 4.3, 5.0 (at this point you'd have to go over budget to afford the mobo)
i5-9600K: 3.7, 4.3, 4.6

Notice that your best case scenario is ~22% for 500$, but it won't fix your problem anyway.

Either you figure out how to read the actual model names instead of going by colours or I don't see you successfully ordering one anyway.

You should not compare SSDs by brands or colour, because the speed depends on the model aka what's inside the case, not on the colour or brand logo on the case.

posted about 6 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 ⋅⋅ 229