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#6 Nvidia 20 series announced. in Hardware
murkscribeMSRP for the 2080 ti is $999 btw, and fucking $1200 if you want the FE card on release, which was the price of a titan card.

The 2080 Ti simply IS the new Titan. Instead of playing stupid games by releasing a Titan for 1200$ and then later releasing the 1080 Ti with 1 GB less VRAM but higher VRAM clocks so the bandwidth is the same so that no one notices it's the same card with a price drop they'll either just straight up drop the prices or not. They'll still call the full chip Titan whatever but they won't have this terrible situation where two chips are identical and one is called Titan and more expensive for no reason and another Titan that's actually a different chip.

murkscribebut my guess is that the 20 series is gonna be short lived, since 7nm is gonna be around the corner.


posted about 6 years ago
#5 Play a .dem file on a server? in TF2 General Discussion

If a stream would look like a PowerPoint Presentation, why not actually make one?
That would be the next level of TEAM MANAGEMENT.

For real though your best bet is either having someone else stream it or some sort of remote controlled setup, which is really just a more fancy way of yelling at someone to pause RIGHT NOW.

posted about 6 years ago
#2994 PC Build Thread in Hardware

You're acting like 2400 would be 50% slower. 3200 isn't some magical minimum below which the thing won't work.
Dual channel and timings are important, then in third place is frequency.
The APUs are single CCX so they don't need high DRAM frequency to not suck on anything within the L3 because the IF never gets involved in those cases.
Above all is the budget. He needs to choose what he wants first because 2400G + 3200 + GTX 1050 isn't happening. Just 2400G + 3200 would work but then I still need to check the QVL because even the cheapest 3200 RAM is a waste of money good if the mobo doesn't like it and you're forced to the 2133 default (and you can bet the cheap ones will default to 2133, not 2400) because the thing won't boot with the XMP profile enabled. 2933 and 2666 are also perfectly valid options.

The 2600 exists now. There is no reason to get the 1600 anymore. Stock boost to 3.9 will make overclocking to 4.0 quite a bit easier.
You don't need thermal paste.
Zen is extremely picky with lower dividers (frequency divisible by 66.67 or 133.33 instead of 266.67) so if you're going to get 3000 MHz (66 divider) make sure it's on the QVL of the mobo. It'll probably cheaper if you order that from a different shop.
The A400 is a low end budget SSD. Not the worst but you have no need to save 30$. As soon as you mix reads and writes it shits the bed like all budget SSDs. As soon as it runs out of SLC buffer for writes (4GB) it shits the bed and runs at 70 MB/s. In other words if you dare to copy a file or write any file over 4GB it's slower than an HDD.
The 200R doesn't have dust filters which is just not acceptable at 70$.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 2600 3.4GHz 6-Core Processor ($269.99 @ Amazon Canada)
Motherboard: Gigabyte - B450M DS3H Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard ($99.99 @ Amazon Canada)
Memory: GeIL - EVO POTENZA 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($207.99 @ Newegg Canada)
Storage: Crucial - MX500 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($89.99 @ Amazon Canada)
Video Card: MSI - GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB Video Card ($239.99 @ Amazon Canada)
Case: Corsair - 100R Silent ATX Mid Tower Case ($69.99 @ Amazon Canada)
Total: $977.94
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-08-14 08:13 EDT-0400

posted about 6 years ago
#2991 PC Build Thread in Hardware

I wouldn't really recommend the cheapest case possible. Dust filters, cable management and 2 fans should be included, otherwise you'd miss them. The cheapest I could find with that is full ATX but I didn't search very long so you might be able to find something at about the same price or even cheaper in µATX.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel - Core i3-8100 3.6GHz Quad-Core Processor (£92.34 @ Aria PC)
Motherboard: ASRock - B360M Pro4 Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard (£69.98 @ CCL Computers)
Memory: Team - Vulcan 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2400 Memory (£68.99 @
Storage: Samsung - 860 Evo 250GB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive (£65.99 @ Aria PC)
Video Card: MSI - GeForce GTX 1050 2GB AERO ITX Video Card (£113.13 @ Amazon UK)
Case: Cooler Master - MasterBox 5 (Black) ATX Mid Tower Case (£34.99 @ Amazon UK)
Power Supply: Corsair - CXM (2015) 450W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply (£47.99 @ Amazon UK)
Total: £493.41
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-08-13 21:31 BST+0100

Get the 2.5" version of that SSD, for some reason it's 150£ on pcp but it should be the same price or cheaper than the M.2 version in any actual shop.
You could even get a 500GB SSD for 80-ish or less if you choose a different model if you wanted. 20£ more for twice the capacity isn't much unless you're absolutely sure you'll never need it.

Also this is TF2 so you might be able to get away without a discrete GPU.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 2400G 3.6GHz Quad-Core Processor (£128.40 @ Aria PC)
Motherboard: Gigabyte - GA-AB350M-DS3H Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard (£61.98 @ PC World Business)
Memory: Team - Vulcan 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2400 Memory (£68.99 @
Storage: Samsung - 860 Evo 250GB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive (£65.99 @ Aria PC)
Case: Cooler Master - MasterBox 5 (Black) ATX Mid Tower Case (£34.99 @ Amazon UK)
Power Supply: Corsair - CXM (2015) 450W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply (£47.99 @ Amazon UK)
Total: £408.34
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-08-13 21:31 BST+0100

Worst case you could just add a GPU later anyway. A used GPU would do as well and be cheaper.
Pcp isn't that great for the UK so I might be able to find a cheaper PSU and get the price for the second build down below 400£ so that even if you end up having to buy a GPU it would still be <500£ even with the exact same GPU as the other build.

The two main advantages of the second build would be being able to forego the GPU until you need something decently powerful for games that aren't TF2 (or maybe never and save some money) and the extra threads via SMT, again for things that aren't TF2.

posted about 6 years ago
#2989 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Well you can test it if you want. I don't have VTune installed on windows and I don't have TF2 installed on Linux and I don't feel like doing another benchmark series with different numbers of hardware cores/threads right now.
If TF2 suddenly scaled with threads then those with 8 cores would've noticed and told us about their fps doubling.
So I guess it's still accurate.

Also I'm not sure how it's conflicting with mastercomfig? The recommendation is hardware threadcount - 4 for more than 8 hw threads because just like I said more than 3 or 4 threads at best gets you single digit percentage fps increase and close to the hw limit it actually costs you fps. I can't vouch for threadcount-4 being the ideal setting but it seems reasonable.

So yes, beyond 2 cores SMT/HTT gets you almost nothing and isn't worth paying for. Higher clockrates always help.

Almost 1000$ is a lot for relatively cheap. It can get her a pretty good build but if she wants something cheaper then there's still some room before any corners have to be cut.

Generally it's ok but some choices are a bit odd.
The 1300X doesn't really make sense anymore. The 2200G is cheaper at the same clockrate and comes with an iGPU. Half the L3 but lower L2 latency so that about evens out.
There's also a lot of more expensive options that could make sense.
The 1400 is pretty meh, a bit more expensive and lower clockrate, but SMT. Oc'd you'd get the SMT which I guess is nice but not that overwhelming for 20$ since oc'd the 1300X would get the same clockrate.
1500X is ok, same clockrates as the 1300X but with SMT. Of course that only makes sense if more threads actually improve performance.
At the upper end of the spectrum would be the 1600 (6 cores + SMT, but -0.1GHz at the same number of active cores), 2400G (SMT + higher clocks + iGPU) and 2600 (6 cores, SMT, higher clocks).

The PSU is neither here nor there. The build doesn't need 620W and there's cheaper budget PSUs with the same or better performance and far better PSUs at a similar price.
E.g. budget:

45$ for an a/b/g/n wifi adapter is also a bit much. I mean for that price you can get a mini-ITX mobo with a/b/g/n/ac and those are overpriced as fuck. Either go for a cheap n or get ac. Even then you can get cheaper ac adapters.

posted about 6 years ago
#14 Would this run most games? in Hardware
jnki_aka_tungstena_m3me asked an honest question he didnt quite knew an answer to
question was: "can i replace a few parts and still run a few games good?"
i am fairly certain he was expecting that he would get a moderately detailed explanation if that was not the case

I am fairly certain that I did post a moderately explanation why that was not the case.

jnki_aka_tungstenSetsuljnki_aka_tungstenits almost like the guy knows all this stuffWho?

If he knows all this stuff why is he asking?

jnki_aka_tungstenSetsulWhat 500+ post thread?a thread where as the result, the whole community decided to became better and or kinder human beings
maybe youre not subscribed to anything else than "Hardware" or havent been active a past whole week on this forum but there is no way you couldve missed such a rapidly growing thread if you did

forgot to include the thread on the way

Wait, you think directly insulting a victim of sexual abuse for speaking out about it by calling her an "ugly gook cunt" is the same as making fun of someone for not doing their job properly?
I guess I am not a nice person then.
If someone gets paid to do a job and is either unable or unwilling to do it and that ends up costing other people money then being ridiculed until the cows come home is the least they deserve.

Now get that shit out of here, this is a drama-free subforum.

posted about 6 years ago
#8 Would this run most games? in Hardware
The slowest single channel RAM available because fuck performance if we can save 2$.
Shitty low end A320 mobo because fuck having 4 RAM slots and fuck being able to overclock and getting 8-14%) more performance for free (EDIT: assuming it's the 2200G, almost >25% with the 1200 so the choice makes even less sense). Instead let's save literally 1$.
Good, new HDD and an SSD? Nah, fuck that, let's get no SSD and recommend an HDD that has been out of production for 6 years because the manufacturer doesn't exist anymore.
Getting a decent cheap PSU that does at least 80+ Bronze (a 10 year old standard) is so 2017. Let's get a PSU that costs more than cheap 80+ Bronze PSUs and only does basic 80+ and even that only on paper because it fails the tests.

Seriously, any design made by an EE student in your chinese OEMs backyard by copypasting application notes can meet 80+ Bronze if you do not actively seek out the remaining stock of some of the absolute worst and cheapest, outdated, out of production components mixed with some current shit tier components.
Case doesn't really matter but only 1 fan in a 50$ case is a fucking embarrassment.
its almost like the guy knows all this stuff


jnki_aka_tungsteneverything in here couldve been explained calmly, its not like the person posesses all the tech knowledge in the world
thats why the guy asked a question in the first place

But I don't want to be calm, I want to be angry, because someone out there is getting paid to make terrible part list that will lead to terrible builds for people who deserve better.
the person = the guy = OP?
That's why I explained why it's bad and posted a better part list instead of just posting "it sucks".

jnki_aka_tungstendont get me wrong, i appreciate your continious help even though i never received any because i never asked for it
i even posted "thank mr setsul" in your personal appreciation thread like 2 years ago
but explaining stuff like this is completely unnecessary

It is very necessary. People need to know that this is not ok. Trust me, if I post something nice a long the lines of "well these things could be improved" about 97 out of 100 are going to ignore it. If it's trash, call it trash. Get angry. Slip all the useful information into the rant and people will remember.

jnki_aka_tungstencant you just tell him "bruh this hardware combination is inefficient, you also need an SSD and 1 fan in a case wont cut it" in a well written and worded way

See above.

jnki_aka_tungsteninstead you proceed the way you did

missed the 500+ post thread recently?

my 2 cents peace

What 500+ post thread?

posted about 6 years ago
#5 Would this run most games? in Hardware

If you consider something that basically starts with "it's shit" passive-aggressive then I wonder what you would consider actually aggressive? Booking a flight to meet the author and punch him in the face?

posted about 6 years ago
#3 Would this run most games? in Hardware

It would run, but it's definitely not the "Best Gaming PC Build Under $600 of 2018 (RIP CONSOLE)" because it's not even a good build.

R3 1200 after the 2200G was released just show that they didn't do their research.
The slowest single channel RAM available because fuck performance if we can save 2$.
Shitty low end A320 mobo because fuck having 4 RAM slots and fuck being able to overclock and getting 8-14%) more performance for free (EDIT: assuming it's the 2200G, almost >25% with the 1200 so the choice makes even less sense). Instead let's save literally 1$.
Good, new HDD and an SSD? Nah, fuck that, let's get no SSD and recommend an HDD that has been out of production for 6 years because the manufacturer doesn't exist anymore.
Getting a decent cheap PSU that does at least 80+ Bronze (a 10 year old standard) is so 2017. Let's get a PSU that costs more than cheap 80+ Bronze PSUs and only does basic 80+ and even that only on paper because it fails the tests.
Unsurprisingly the rest of the performance isn't anything to write home about either.
Seriously, any design made by an EE student in your chinese OEMs backyard by copypasting application notes can meet 80+ Bronze if you do not actively seek out the remaining stock of some of the absolute worst and cheapest, outdated, out of production components mixed with some current shit tier components.
Case doesn't really matter but only 1 fan in a 50$ case is a fucking embarrassment.

posted about 6 years ago
#15 Ryzen 3 2200g Streaming TF2 in Hardware

You can edit your posts, triple posts are wholly unnecessary.

What is the goal here? If you're going to buy new mobo and RAM for 150$ or more to upgrade to a more powerful CPU and then and up getting the cheapest Desktop CPU that AMD is currently selling you might want to reconsider.

Why do you need an APU? Do you not have a GPU?

If you want to use GPU encoding why not use your current GPU, or if it is ancient enough not to support why not buy a new GPU instead of CPU+RAM+mobo?

posted about 6 years ago
#131 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic
smzipeople were banned on etf2l for racism before btw e.g. darn and taimou

I think it's important to note that Darn ragequit an official match that was being streamed after those insults and recieved a one match ban.
Taimou had already been warned and permanently banned from the forum and then used team names for further insults.

I mean at this point we're so far past the intention of uberchain's tweets it's not even funny anymore.
If you want ETF2L to police everyone's twitter then glhf sifting through that shit, but just parsing all logs and banning all ETF2L players who have ever insulted anyone automatically would be easier.

Neither of this actually fixes any of the issues.

posted about 6 years ago
#496 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion
ComangliaThere are legitimate reasons to do a super mild "overclock" like this. Technically speaking if you go through the process of what most users go through and disable turbo and c states etc and do a small undervolt -50mV to -150mV possibly a larger decrease (personally haven't tried undervolting much) you can achieve a VERY stable system that'll have slightly higher idle temps but usually a significant max load temp decrease while still performing significantly better than stock. Also really good for those ultra quiet systems. I doubt phantom did this but it's not unheard of.

2.5% is not significantly better than stock.
If you're disabling c states to get a quieter system you're just shooting yourself in the foot, unless you're running at 100% load 24/7.

posted about 6 years ago
#6 Bare minimum for a server? in Q/A Help

Raspberry Pi is ARM and Valve does indeed not ship ARM binaries so it won't run at all.
Afaik SRCDS is basically single thread with one thread for networking which is fairly laughable so i3 or Pentium (or any dual core really, e.g. Celeron) makes no difference at all.

Most servers would be run on some 2.x or 3.x GHz Server CPU (although with a lot more srcds instances on a lot more cores) so literally any semi-recent pc you pulled from a dumpster would be about as fast even if it's a shitty low end Celeron.

posted about 6 years ago
#2986 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Go ahead. Or add me on steam.

posted about 6 years ago
#2984 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Right now a few 1080s are cheaper than their 1070 Ti counterparts. Those are worth it.

In half a year there should be new CPUs and a few new GPUs (hopefully in your price range) so you would get more for your money even if your budget didn't increase.
RAM should also get a bit cheaper again.
So yes, waiting would be preferable.
Yes, I'd help you with that build.

Apart from maybe a new SSD. Even if you do have backups (you really should, if not change that RIGHT NOW) having an SSD die is always annoying because it's guaranteed to happen when you're right in the middle of something.
Or figure out what's causing the problems if you're not sure if it's the SSD.

posted about 6 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 ⋅⋅ 229