The only way that I could think that this could be overturned back in your favor was if you had recorded not just what happened but also the coms that were happening at that time. Just because you are on your teams cam doesnt mean that you couldnt have been calling enemy teams health or using the third person to try and spot things that your team couldnt see. (Remember while in a comp config it restricts you to first person while in pubs it allows you to use third person while dead). Because you have yet to provide this I think the it would be hard to justify unbanning you just for the fact that the admins really dont know what you were doing and you had 23 seconds to join back and didnt. There were tell tale signs that you were in spec, 3rd person, seeing other teams health and uber, some guy on defense saying ????????/ after you joined.
fygguys im starting to think rgl is bad
Who would have thought