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Signed Up November 15, 2012
Last Posted June 21, 2018 at 7:14 PM
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#12 TF2 Crashes straight to desktop? in Q/A Help
MarxistI also doubt that it's a driver option since there wasn't an update during the night and my tf2 worked fine only a few hours ago :( lol

have you tried a system restore? Restore your computer back a week or two. If that doesn't work, try a few restore points. And when you say "there wasn't an update during the night", are you referring to Windows Update? What type of Graphics card do you have? Radeon, Nvidia?

posted about 11 years ago
#8 TF2 Crashes straight to desktop? in Q/A Help

usually the time it takes to troubleshoot the problem and find the culprit is longer than just re-installing the game. have you tried re-installing TF2? obviously saving media, maps, replay, screenshots, your HUD, etc...

I'd assume your sound/video card driver are updated? Does it crash in Windowed mode as well? Have you tried with no launch options (if you have any)?

posted about 11 years ago
#6 TF2 Crashes straight to desktop? in Q/A Help

When does it crash? Demo playback? Server initial join? Random?

posted about 11 years ago
#79 How To Improve Your Aim in TF2 General Discussion
Ggglygyhi op I liked your video so much i remade it. consider this the greatest honour ever bestowed upon you.

that damage per inches.... lol

posted about 11 years ago
#75 How To Improve Your Aim in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#73 How To Improve Your Aim in TF2 General Discussion
KellthYeah i thought they had something better to do...

Not smart to fight fire with fire. The coolant would be to let the negative comments such as "You're bad" slide and continue seeking advice to improve your game. You're "new" and don't want to come off as snotty.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 Looking for help with the Medic class in Mentoring
KellthWhere should i go then to get a real actually game that people would care about

Are you on a UGC Highlander team? If not, try to join one. Doesn't necessarily matter what level it is, as long as you are playing in actual matches against good (or better) teams. As the others were saying, there's not much to criticize when one team rolls the other. That is what happens in TF2Lobby majority of the time.

When you get more comfortable with your medic mechanics, hop into mIRC and join the Highlander pug channel.

9s (Highlander) - #tf2.pug.nahl

I'd also suggest looking at the Mentoring section of this forum. In addition, as a reference point, look up a higher level demo from a high lander match and study the medic mechanics. Positioning is half the battle. Start with that.

Do you every play on surf maps? Movement is important and sometimes a good surf can save a round :)

posted about 11 years ago
#53 Reincarnation - What's your choice? in Off Topic

How do those skinny ass wings support that huge bear? Regardless, if that actually existed, I would want to come back as one of his best friends. It looks scary :(

posted about 11 years ago
#46 Reincarnation - What's your choice? in Off Topic

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Reincarnation - What's your choice? in Off Topic
Not_MatlockRon Jeremy's dick.


posted about 11 years ago
#9 Reincarnation - What's your choice? in Off Topic
SnowyDo you have to be reincarnated on Earth?

No. Anywhere you like. Even a body part. I'd come back as a pinky toe. I swear it's the ugly duckling of the body

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Reincarnation - What's your choice? in Off Topic

I'd come back as an infinite loop of a pig.

posted about 11 years ago
#85 ESEA Client Trouble Threads Deleted From TFTV/ESEA in TF2 General Discussion
kermit_I swear people forget there is another admin.
Killing is literally punished because he is the more active admin that works overtime and does extra work that he does not have to.
I doubt most of the people in here complaining about Killing *who has no control over ESEA updates* would not put up with half of the stuff or do half as much as Killing does.

common man, you're killing me...

posted about 11 years ago
#66 ESEA Client Trouble Threads Deleted From TFTV/ESEA in TF2 General Discussion
KillingWhich is why my exact question is how could I have been more upfront and professional?

As I stated before, just relaying information and making people aware. Communication is key. All of us here know that you aren't the ESEA Client Engineer. You are the Voice (messenger). You are supposed to give information when necessary and constant updates to show you "care" about your clientele. What could you have done better? Well...

I am on these forums on a daily basis and not once did I see a post about how the Client will be down for this week (if there was one, please point me to it). As other people pointed out, how long did you (ESEA) need to get the client working? Another month? If you did not know it was going to be down, then obviously the "engineer" is not communicating well enough to you (or you to him). ESEA sure as hell will spam a mass email to all users about paying their fees on time, but no email in regards to the client having issues? Communication.

Did you and other ESEA admins know about this before this week? If so, why weren't matches pushed out until this was fixed? If not, why don't you communicate better with your company? We don't need an update every hour, but we at least want reliable information. Customer Service isn't always about getting things fixed, it's about putting the customer at ease with honesty and communication instead of unrealistic standards and false promises. It is built upon trust. All these people pay money and trust that ESEA is the best system for competitive gaming, but come to find out, they paid for something that doesn't even work?

Even as admins, you could have held a raffle of some sort. A way to show you're "sorry" by raffling something off free due to "our" (ESEA) incompetence. A free month of ESEA Premium? An unusual? I don't know, something that a good customer service rep would offer?

Ok, I'll stop there for now.

posted about 11 years ago
#40 ESEA Client Trouble Threads Deleted From TFTV/ESEA in TF2 General Discussion

The face of something is sometimes more important than what goes on behind it. That's what customer service is. As people already stated, it's one thing to claim to know when things will be resolved, but it's another to give a duration and repeatedly not hold to it. Sure, Killing has gotten comfortable with the community so he talks to us in sarcastic tones, but there's a time and place for that. People are genuinely upset *as they should be* and the "face" of ESEA isn't representing it any better than what's behind it.

The honest and courteous thing "they" should have done was posted about this earlier. Even if they had to delay the 1st week of matches out a bit more, it would have at least given the community awareness as to what is going on and why. But instead, schedules have been crammed and the only answers we have received in regards to this issue are "nope" and "tomorrow". I agree. "Nope", it won't be fixed "tomorrow".

posted about 11 years ago
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