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Signed Up August 10, 2018
Last Posted January 11, 2025 at 3:58 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ⋅⋅ 67
#18 Fireside Casts Updates in Projects
siyoNot only have we highlighted the vods on twitch, we are going to be regularly uploading anything to Youtube!

You can subscribe to us here :) (and shoutout to louster200 working behind the scenes for us hehe)

VODS ARE NOW UP TO DATE. If you've been interested in watching your old vod they'll forever be saved as both a twitch highlight and on youtube.

posted about a year ago
#15 RGL S11 Invite Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

congratulations to pabl0 for the first perfect game of the season(question mark?) nevermind, meyy had a perfect game on feb 2. vs. thrembology

also this is probably the first 4-0 in koth history where the combined medic deaths is literally 1 death

posted about a year ago
#1 2017 called, SVIFT are back in News


posted about a year ago
#71 RGL S11 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

It's time to pack it up. We'll be back next week with more focused Advanced coverage. Invite is reserved for the boomer casts :)

posted about a year ago
#1 RGL S11 W3B: thrembology vs. TM06 in Matches

Moving forward, we'll put a youtube link to the VOD after every match. At the very latest it would be put on the event page a day after the match end.

This is just a test thread :)

posted about a year ago
#4 RGL S11 W5A: GPG vs. 3D3M in Matches
Sale_boatWhy does it say 3D3M won?


posted about a year ago
#2 RGL S11 W5A: GPG vs. 3D3M in Matches

man those logs look so beautiful.

posted about a year ago
#1 RGL S11 W5A: GPG vs. 3D3M in Matches

sadge that one of our casters can't make it, but no worries! We have Marxist + row to fill in for this match. Time for another boomer cast :)

posted about a year ago
#38 4 suggestions for RGL in TF2 General Discussion
FactsMachinechellI can't remember if there's a normal thread for rgl suggestions sorry if I'm forgetting it.

Regardless I think the current way of seeing invite matches and stuff is miserable. The only reason I know when a match will happen is from a thread here on days/times I check. Checking the rgl page the matches are pretty much never played in order (as in if I want to watch a certain team, keeping track of when they have matches is essentially impossible). I'm not sure how much of this is due to constant rescheduling, but some of it also seems like a way the information is being presented.

If you look at pretty much any teams page right now, you'll see a group of played matches at the top, and then randomly clustered matches throughout. All this makes actually keeping track of a matchup or stream feel awful.

Maybe I'm an idiot and there's a really easy and logical and accessible way to get all the info I'm typing about but I have no idea what that is.

No, you're right. Keeping up with this game as an e-sport if you don't watch every match is fucking impossible. On HLTV, I can view upcoming matches in a readable format, check the scores for the match page that has all the stats or even just go to a results page if I want to check the score. If I want to find a match for this game, I have to navigate through like 3 or 4 web pages and none of the navigations on RGL are even intuitive. TFTV has an upcoming match mage with streams and stuff but the scores aren't usually uploaded after events are complete.

someone from tftv planning to show me how to parse logs so i don't update the scores until then. just understand that this season is way better before past seasons.

you only had rgl doing streams and the match pages didn't even have lineups. now we're posting the match threads as early as sunday night and on fireside, we're constantly in communication with the teams rather than running ad hoc and deciding last minute, "hey let's do a cast" which tends to have lesser outreach than preplanning everything the absolute start of the week

behind the scenes me and underscore are working while i'm playing on a team + underscore is dealing with projects and is also on the eu tftv coverage. just know we're trying our best despite the logistics + time that we have allotted to us. behind the scenes we're ensuring we inform casters/teams ahead of time, we're working on better graphics for our streams, and we're also working with other communities (e.g. collegiate tf2 league, tf2cc, the recent bball tournament, and ultitrio) to shine light on their endeavors too. you have a lot of casters for north america but only three producers in dolphin/me/underscore so our resources are stretched THIN.

we don't really have a graphics team on our end so our way of reaching out to people about announcements atm is via the TFTV/TF2CC/RGL/Newbie Mixes discord. maybe it's time to create a community discord while rgl develops their website functionality for that? what do you suggest (this question is pointed towards anyone really)

god bless arcadia and aad too for the work they're doing with rgl's website too. it's about fucking time we have people volunteering to help and listen to the constructive criticism for problems that are glaring and unaddressed at the moment

posted about a year ago
#3 RGL S11 W4B: THE GOBLINVITE ZONE vs. 3D3M in Matches

my apology to magma

posted about a year ago
#1 RGL S11 W4B: THE GOBLINVITE ZONE vs. 3D3M in Matches


posted about a year ago
#12851 stream highlights in Videos

twitch fucked up our auto publish but thankfully underscore local records

posted about a year ago
#3 RGL S11 W3A: THE GOBLINVITE ZONE vs. TM06 in Matches


posted about a year ago
#3 RGL S11 W4A: froyotech vs. 3D3M in Matches
IloSDoes anyone know if this this game was streamed? I wasn't able to tune in live and now i can't seem to find it on the linked channel.

it was probably blocked because of the muted audio from last stream, i'll go in and manually publish it

posted about a year ago
#10 bikini bottom: salty spitoon lfp in Recruitment (looking for players)

we got a demo sub but still need a scout sub/ringer at least, pls

posted about a year ago
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