lol @ artem editing his comment.
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198015614705 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:55348977] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:27674488 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | July 22, 2012 |
Last Posted | May 31, 2015 at 9:10 PM |
Posts | 50 (0 per day) |
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Interested in the 460, I can probably pick it up if you're in the city.
1) I think glock kills w/ headshot if no helmet
2) mixup
Didn't even know about the advanced stats feature til now.
Don't really see it being useful either.
Ruwin is back for now?
Anyone know if the CM Storm Spawn has malfunctioning issues @ around 8"/360?
(Enigma said he had issues with it @ 12inches)
On sale for $60 + tax. Cherry MX Blue.
Bye bye foster <3
Hope you can get it together soon :)
I didn't see the thread by flame and I don't like that it's been deleted, but couldn't flame go play for the first few minutes or is that not allowed?
Maybe you can ask one of the mods to put it on the "comp news" section up top .
ompskimTried it today, unfortunately most of the fonts (scoreboard, death/kill notices on the top right corner, respawn timer for everyone on the left, though the last one might be a color issue) appear far too small to see comfortably for my resolution (1280x720).
Great design though, love how it looks.
Hmm, you can try finding the following bit in ClientScheme.res and increasing the tall value by a bit to see if that helps. If you change it too much, some things might start cutting off, but I don't think a small change should cause any problems. (It should be the first specified font.)
"Default" { "1" { "name" "FuturaStd-Medium" "tall" "9" "additive" "0" "antialias" "1" } }
This should affect some of the fonts, particularly the scoreboard and death notices. However, other bits like the target IDs have the font specified manually. I'll do some more experiments with font sizes later.
drdonutmanI'm loving the style, but the fonts are too small and require too much attention to read.
I changed the default font size to 12 13 and some to 11 and it's helped significantly.
Thanks for the tip!
Edit - Changed to size 13 as default after taking screenshot.
Tried it today, unfortunately most of the fonts (scoreboard, death/kill notices on the top right corner, respawn timer for everyone on the left, though the last one might be a color issue) appear far too small to see comfortably for my resolution (1280x720).
Great design though, love how it looks.
HUD looks great. I think addition of some basic HUD crosshair would be a nice addition.