The people at DA definitely have a ton of reason to be angry with my team, we were a dick to you guys. I understand any dislike on your guys part. It's unfair to attribute our actions to the rest of our team, fucking you over was solely an action of Waldo and I. Kig, farns, leaky, zephyr, Mumbo, final light, and magus sorry for being an ass to you guys.
Alosec, we had been having team issues for several weeks before you left. What confuses me about this is that we didn't part explosively. I don't recall ever having a personal fight with you. In regards to the shit talking, the banter in between everyone on our team is not intended to be taken seriously. We never attacked any of your friends, nor did we attack you. I did call you med while we were playing, just like I called Waldo demo or audie and Q scouts. I don't take calling someone as their class as offensive, but since it did offend you I apologize. We swapped places for a couple scrims after weeks of fighting. It wasn't intended to be a selfish “I want to play medic let's swap all of our classes around to suit my individual needs” It was an attempted solution for our team that wouldn't end in disbandment. It didn't work and you left anyway, but it was an attempt to salvage a difficult situation. I don't understand how you interpreted it differently because it was a decision we made together as a last ditch effort. It's true I like going out to drink with friends on the weekend, but we never practiced on Saturdays so I don't see how my free time affected you.
Huck, El Nino didn't die because of one person. It died for a ton of reasons, I did have a part in it. I didn't want to put effort into highlander, and I said that from the start before I was picked up. We disbanded because of the caustic attitude of several players during the lakeside match causing our med to leave, which we then decided to quit instead of go to the effort of finding a new one. A decision I had no part in.
Waldo, after pretty much every scrim after coalplant week we talked about team and player issues. In regards to micromanaging, that was how we played as a team, we had an extremely quiet flank so I had to call our plays to be able to keep a grasp on the game.
Sorry to the people over at DA. Tune Squad had a lot of issues last season, and made a lot of bad decisions. Which is why we're going for something different for the next season.