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SteamID64 76561198013849050
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:26791661
Country United States
Signed Up July 30, 2012
Last Posted June 6, 2014 at 8:08 PM
Posts 73 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 1
Windows Sensitivity 4
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Mouse Zowie EC1
Keyboard Thermaltake MEKA G1
Mousepad RAZER Goliathus Gaming Mouse Mat - Fragged Control
Headphones Logitech G930
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#13 E3 2014 in Off Topic

Now I know im going to be in the minority about this and im fine with it but I dont see why everyone loves nintendo as much as they do. People shit on the COD series for milking that franchise as much Activision does but Nintendo do the exact same thing and people love them. I mean nintendo has been releasing the same 5 games since the 80s and 90s and people just love them for it. For both the COD series and most if not all of the nintendo series if you've played one then you've played them all. Its just something I dont get and why people have to be hypocrites with their likes and dislikes for franchises/companies is something I also dont get.

posted about 10 years ago
#163 Emotional Experiences in Off Topic
LinkuserslinkyI completely shutdown after that. I still feeling nothing towards anyone except one or two people.
Am I a bad person for being a cold individual and not caring about others anymore?

You're not a bad person for reacting this way. The way you reacted was a way for you to try and cope with what was happening. Shutting down and shunning all your emotions as well as other people, rather than addressing them is how different types of people cope. I reacted in a similar way with my family after my mom had snapped. However, after a few years like this I learned it was better not to react this way as it started bubbling to the surface at times despite my efforts stop it. You should try and talk to the people you still care for about how you feel.

Yeah I get what you're saying and I'd guess for most people it is just a way to cope but with me I had always been a numb person. Back then I wasnt as cold as I am now, like back then if a friend or family member passed away or something I felt kind of bad that that person was gone but it still didnt ruin my day like it did everyone else's. Back then I knew I should feel bad and that made me feel a bit bad for knowing I should feel a certain way. But now I know I should feel bad but I just dont care. It's almost as if I kind of like it a bit. And as far as those two people I still care about I know that one of them I care about just out of habit. Also I was never someone who talked about my feelings, I never cried and I never felt sad about a lot of things, and now I just seem to be reverting back that my old self but a colder and more numb version of my old self. But is it weird that I'm kind of glad that something like that is happening?

posted about 10 years ago
#160 Emotional Experiences in Off Topic

Losing the girl then losing a brother to a hit and run a week and a half later. I completely shutdown after that. I still feeling nothing towards anyone except one or two people. I've never felt more cold than when my sister came into my room to tell me my brother had been hit and killed the night before. She came into my room with her face covered in tears telling me that my step-brother who was basically hero to my sister and I growing up was hit i felt absolutely nothing and I just said "ok" and then went on doing whatever it was I was doing. I never called my step-mother who was basically my mother growing up to check on her and see how she was doing. I didn't go the funeral either. I'm not sure if this makes me a bad person or not. I dont feel a single thing towards my family even now as im typing this out. I don't mind saying that I don't care that it happened either. I am however sure that someday down the line that I will regret not going to the funeral and not checking in on my family after that. But currently I just dont care even though its all still fresh having happened just early last month. Am I a bad person for being a cold individual and not caring about others anymore?

posted about 10 years ago
#63 Thoughts on CEVO match scheduling in TF2 General Discussion
FzeroI feel like a lot of of us end up playing later than we should, yet most people in TF2 will attempt to work around your schedule. There are people that will also take advantage of CEVO's absurd start time for default matches. One thing that I hate is when people make up BS, and honestly Slinky seems to be doing that. Here is the reasons why I don't believe you were trying at that time.

1) I have never heard of anyone trying to schedule a match before 9PM est.
2) You explained that you tried, yet you said nothing in match comms about denying and reschedule the time/date. Furthermore, you explained that the person should talk to you on steam chat. Why would one want to do that if a team is saying nothing in match comms? The better idea would be to have proof.
3) You're team has scrimmed our team ALOT later than 9:30pmEST
4) Let's assume that what you said was true, you have people that have church late and dinner until 9-930. Why is it fine that church+food is OK, but a match isn't. So you're saying that you have a really early bedtime, but choose to explain that until after the fact. Wouldn't one that is trying explain that early as hell?
5) Lastly, how does your team even play ESEA? The default time is way later than 2 people on your team can play?

11:37 PM - slinky: lol i saw your forum post ist pretty funny
11:37 PM - Fzero is now Snooze.
11:37 PM - slinky: 1. yes, we've had as early as 8 edt
11:38 PM - slinky: 2. im not saying that i did say something in match comms. I didnt, i dont do it because we dont reschedule, other people do, we do it since they talk to us. we dont seek them out to not reschedule, its not our problem, its theirs.
11:39 PM - Fzero is now Offline.
11:39 PM - slinky: thats our ugc team, my cevo doesnt scrim
11:39 PM - Fzero is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
11:39 PM - slinky: 4. I never knew i had to give detailed reasons as to why my team can and cant play at certain times.
11:39 PM - slinky: and 5.
11:39 PM - slinky: we
11:40 PM - slinky: dont
11:40 PM - slinky: eve
11:40 PM - slinky: n
11:40 PM - slinky: play
11:40 PM - slinky: esea

posted about 10 years ago
#56 Thoughts on CEVO match scheduling in TF2 General Discussion
ChinGooIsnt "Our team is fine with the ffw" gaying him out of a match?

Because one of my players is on an invite team, 2 are brothers who on the weekdays go to bed relatively early and my demo travels for work. And when he isnt traveling for work he goes to bed early since he needs to wake up early. So yeah, they were fine with it.

posted about 10 years ago
#54 Thoughts on CEVO match scheduling in TF2 General Discussion

how did I gay him out of a match? my team has a FFL from the previous match kind of in the same fashion but you dont see me boohooing all over the forums about it, shit happens. Jaguar added me like a week in advance and didnt say a single word to me. I dont go out and talk to teams because for my team the default time is perfect for us so we dont feel a need to change the match, all the matches we've rescheduled have been due to the other team talking to me about it. Doesnt seem like thats my fault. Also hes saying that im "sniping" ffws, this is the first ffw we have.

posted about 10 years ago
#46 Thoughts on CEVO match scheduling in TF2 General Discussion
Air_JaguarFiend-story-honestly fucking pathetic on their part. at least think of a good lie if you're too scared to get shitstomped

9:54 PM - slinky: and two of my players has church or something on thursdays

sorry jag

my roamer and scout are brothers and they go to church on thursdays. you can ask them?

posted about 10 years ago
#6 pot - Demo/Soldier/Medic LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

A good demo that can put out the damage and also a good teammate.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Cevo team looking for scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

I'm making a cevo team to have fun on and to be able to chill and hang out in mumble with the team. It's not going to be super serious and we'll probably scrim 2 or 3 times a week just to have play with each other. If you think thats cool and something you want to do then add elle.

So far we only need a scout
The team so far is Mikeikeike, Bobby, Dane, Elle and I

add me too if you want c:

posted about 11 years ago
#1 lft soldier in Recruitment (looking for team)

wanting to play soldier for a low open team
i have prior experience in open.

posted about 11 years ago
#47 ESEA-Open Grand Final Prediction in News

that whole process took so long that my pain meds wore off and i played that entire gpit game in agonizing pain D:

posted about 11 years ago
#18 ESEA-Open Grand Final Prediction in News
SneakyPolarBearRastlemania almost undefated 8)

Rastlemania is the grand finals baby!
Losing on Smackdown builds hype 8)

posted about 11 years ago
#79 What headset are you using right now? in Hardware

I love my sennheiser pc 350se but I use an audio technica ath-AD900x and a blue snowball when it gets too hot in my room and I dont want my ears to get sweaty and gross since the pc 350 is a closed headset.
I also use a creative z series zxr sound card.

posted about 11 years ago
#14 hobo LFT Roamer S15 in Recruitment (looking for team)

chill, funny and very talented roamer. he won't disappoint. pick him up!
also a funny guy, one of the better roamers last season in open. dedicated and has potential. good pickup

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Roamer LFT High Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

chill, funny and very talented roamer. he won't disappoint. pick him up!
also a funny guy, one of the better roamers last season in open. dedicated and has potential. good pickup

posted about 11 years ago
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