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Signed Up August 10, 2012
Last Posted April 12, 2022 at 9:03 PM
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#32 Colour test in Off Topic
cage-wheres smaka


Here you go. My vision is diagnosed as "anomalous trichromacy" or, more specifically, protanomalous, meaning that the red cone photopigment is deficient, but not missing. Per the diagnosis, I supposedly have a vastly reduced sensitivity to the shades and hues of reds. My vision is somewhat unique in that it is also somewhat green-weak (deuteranomalous). Despite how it sounds, I don't have trouble discerning red from green, but it is incredibly difficult for me to identify hues and tints of most colors. The differences I can identify are usually related to the brightness of one color to the next more than the color itself... hard to describe.

I have trouble discerning anything darker than a standard blue from black, anything darker than a standard yellow from orange, and pinks from purples (most purples look black anyway). I don't have much difficulty identifying any of the standard colors by themselves (blue, yellow, green, red, black, white) but it is tough for me to identify changes in hues and tints between colors.

Colored text has a tendency to either be impossible for me to read or to give me headaches when I look at it for very long. Blue text on any background that isn't white or yellow is a recipe for a headache. I can't really read red text on any background other than white, either. Black and green text look identical to me unless the font is excessively huge. The plus side is that IPS panels are worthless to me other than for viewing angles. :P

It's strange to me how this translates to video games, because color-testing always shows my strongest region as being blue, but it is always excessively difficult for me to discern a blue item in a video game from the surrounding terrain. As a result, I always prefer to play on the blue team if one exists. Spotting blue players in TF2 is much, much more difficult than spotting reds.

In real life, the color deficiencies only really annoy me because I know they exist. I had no idea I had any deficiency until I took driver's education when I was 15. I get annoyed at traffic lights because half the time, the red light is an arrow instead of a circle, and it can be difficult to identify that it is in the top or far right positions at night. WHY IS THE RED ONE EVER AN ARROW?!

Enough rambling, here are my results:

Here is the tile sheet prior to submission:

Not that anyone would want to see me fail horribly, but I recorded the process anyway. I took some time debating on many of the tiles.

posted about 8 years ago
#17 Doom Closed Beta in Other Games

The DOOM beta is fun in small doses, but it has some major drawbacks that will ensure I don't play the retail game much, if at all. Some are simply bugs that may be worked out before the release, but many are chosen game mechanics.

It has absolutely zero air control, meaning you can't adjust your course midair regardless of what happens. If you try to make a jump and get somehow knocked out of the path or just barely miss, there is no way to adjust and correct yourself and keep from falling into lava. Doesn't happen often, but it's annoying when it does happen.

The entire revenant mechanic is frustratingly dumb. A giant monster with 275 health that kills you in one hit, flies, has unlimited ammo, and has demon's vision making enemies glow. All of that would even be OK if it was gone when it died, but no, the revenant coin just drops again and it can be spawned repeatedly until its timer fully decays, and then the timer starts over in 2 minutes or so...

Melee bashing is beyond brainlessly ignorant. It doesn't affect your fire rate, there's no penalty for missing, and all the weapons passively reload anyway, so if you're even remotely close to someone, there's no reason not to bash melee between shots. All that plus the fact that players bashing melee will quite literally teleport 15 feet to you to do the glory kill animation, giving it an effective range that feels like it's about quadruple the range of the longest demoman swords.

Direct rockets do 50 damage, while a moderately close SSG blast does around 90. I'm not saying that the SSG is too strong, but rockets are a joke. Rocket splash should be pretty low given that you can detonate the rockets mid-flight by right-clicking, but a direct should still do some damage. As it is, there's really no reason to use it over the SSG.

Directional sound is nonexistent, it seems. Sound from behind is very low in volume compared to things happening in front of you and there doesn't seem to be any obvious way to identify you're being hit, although that may have something to do with my color-deficient vision. Friends have told me there is sometimes a damage indicator arrow but apparently it's not there every time you get hurt? Not sure about that one.

The 60 FPS cap is super annoying. Forced motion blur is also annoying. If you run multiple monitors, the game can't seem to remember which monitor on which it should launch, so it will just launch on a seemingly random display. The options menu remembers the monitor you've selected, so the only way to fix it once it's launched on the wrong monitor is to change the video options, then change them back. The config menu is utter garbage--the only way to remove a pre-existing bind is to attempt to bind that same action to that same key a second time, at which point it will offer to remove it.

Muting players is annoying because it will just randomly unmute them and force you to repeat the process over and over. Also, if you have 'mute all players' turned on, it will not mute new players as they join.

Red. The game is red. The levels are red, the enemies are red, half of the powerups are red, the revenant is red. It's all red. My eyes bleed after a very short time.

Having said all of that, there are some good points to be made for it. The lag compensation is very very good. Even with a 200 ping, it is incredibly playable. The downside to this is that the server coding seems to favor both players when there is an interpolation timing issue. It's very strange to kill someone with a weapon, and then to instantly die to that player's shotgun blast after you've already killed them. The kill feed will even show your death occurring second. I've even been killed by someone bashing melee after I've killed them. It's bizarre and annoying, but the fact is that even on the worst servers where everyone has a 250 ping, nobody really notices much lag in regular gameplay.

The environmental climbing mechanic is very cool. There aren't any movement gimmicks or mechanics in this game so being able to grab onto ledges and such and pull yourself up is a nice addition. Makes me kind of hope that type of mechanic makes its way into other games.

TL;DR: Game is fun, but has some huge issues.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 Crosshair switcher/viewmodels in Customization

There are several ways to accomplish this. The way I handle it is with a set of aliases, binds, and config files. Your TF2 backpack has A, B, C, and D loadout slots for each class. I have written configs that will allow for different per-weapon settings based on which loadout slot is in use. I don't use tf2mate so my example may not look exactly like yours, but here an idea of how to accomplish this.

First, in your autoexec or some other config that gets executed via your scripting, add lines similar to these:

Show Content
alias scout_itempreset_A "load_itempreset 0; exec smakcfg/itempresets/scout_itempreset_A"
alias scout_itempreset_B "load_itempreset 1; exec smakcfg/itempresets/scout_itempreset_B"
alias scout_itempreset_C "load_itempreset 2; exec smakcfg/itempresets/scout_itempreset_C"
alias scout_itempreset_D "load_itempreset 3; exec smakcfg/itempresets/scout_itempreset_D"

alias soldier_itempreset_A "load_itempreset 0; exec smakcfg/itempresets/soldier_itempreset_A"
alias soldier_itempreset_B "load_itempreset 1; exec smakcfg/itempresets/soldier_itempreset_B"
alias soldier_itempreset_C "load_itempreset 2; exec smakcfg/itempresets/soldier_itempreset_C"
alias soldier_itempreset_D "load_itempreset 3; exec smakcfg/itempresets/soldier_itempreset_D"

alias pyro_itempreset_A "load_itempreset 0; exec smakcfg/itempresets/pyro_itempreset_A"
alias pyro_itempreset_B "load_itempreset 1; exec smakcfg/itempresets/pyro_itempreset_B"
alias pyro_itempreset_C "load_itempreset 2; exec smakcfg/itempresets/pyro_itempreset_C"
alias pyro_itempreset_D "load_itempreset 3; exec smakcfg/itempresets/pyro_itempreset_D"

alias demoman_itempreset_A "load_itempreset 0; exec smakcfg/itempresets/demoman_itempreset_A"
alias demoman_itempreset_B "load_itempreset 1; exec smakcfg/itempresets/demoman_itempreset_B"
alias demoman_itempreset_C "load_itempreset 2; exec smakcfg/itempresets/demoman_itempreset_C"
alias demoman_itempreset_D "load_itempreset 3; exec smakcfg/itempresets/demoman_itempreset_D"

alias heavy_itempreset_A "load_itempreset 0; exec smakcfg/itempresets/heavy_itempreset_A"
alias heavy_itempreset_B "load_itempreset 1; exec smakcfg/itempresets/heavy_itempreset_B"
alias heavy_itempreset_C "load_itempreset 2; exec smakcfg/itempresets/heavy_itempreset_C"
alias heavy_itempreset_D "load_itempreset 3; exec smakcfg/itempresets/heavy_itempreset_D"

alias engineer_itempreset_A "load_itempreset 0; exec smakcfg/itempresets/engineer_itempreset_A"
alias engineer_itempreset_B "load_itempreset 1; exec smakcfg/itempresets/engineer_itempreset_B"
alias engineer_itempreset_C "load_itempreset 2; exec smakcfg/itempresets/engineer_itempreset_C"
alias engineer_itempreset_D "load_itempreset 3; exec smakcfg/itempresets/engineer_itempreset_D"

alias medic_itempreset_A "load_itempreset 0; exec smakcfg/itempresets/medic_itempreset_A"
alias medic_itempreset_B "load_itempreset 1; exec smakcfg/itempresets/medic_itempreset_B"
alias medic_itempreset_C "load_itempreset 2; exec smakcfg/itempresets/medic_itempreset_C"
alias medic_itempreset_D "load_itempreset 3; exec smakcfg/itempresets/medic_itempreset_D"

alias sniper_itempreset_A "load_itempreset 0; exec smakcfg/itempresets/sniper_itempreset_A"
alias sniper_itempreset_B "load_itempreset 1; exec smakcfg/itempresets/sniper_itempreset_B"
alias sniper_itempreset_C "load_itempreset 2; exec smakcfg/itempresets/sniper_itempreset_C"
alias sniper_itempreset_D "load_itempreset 3; exec smakcfg/itempresets/sniper_itempreset_D"

alias spy_itempreset_A "load_itempreset 0; exec smakcfg/itempresets/spy_itempreset_A"
alias spy_itempreset_B "load_itempreset 1; exec smakcfg/itempresets/spy_itempreset_B"
alias spy_itempreset_C "load_itempreset 2; exec smakcfg/itempresets/spy_itempreset_C"
alias spy_itempreset_D "load_itempreset 3; exec smakcfg/itempresets/spy_itempreset_D"

I have lines like that for each class, and they all correspond to small config files in custom/smaka/cfg/smakcfg/itempresets. I nest them because I don't like clutter and my cfg folder only consists of the stock class configs and an autoexec. You'll need to change them to fit your own file naming/structure.

Next, you'll need to create the individual config files.

The easiest would be to open a command prompt from within the folder where you want to create these, which you can do by opening the folder in windows file explorer, hold shift, and right click, then choose 'open command window here'.

Then, paste this fun stuff into the command window to generate the empty files.

Show Content
copy nul soldier_itempreset_A.cfg
copy nul soldier_itempreset_B.cfg
copy nul soldier_itempreset_C.cfg
copy nul soldier_itempreset_D.cfg

copy nul scout_itempreset_A.cfg
copy nul scout_itempreset_B.cfg
copy nul scout_itempreset_C.cfg
copy nul scout_itempreset_D.cfg

copy nul pyro_itempreset_A.cfg
copy nul pyro_itempreset_B.cfg
copy nul pyro_itempreset_C.cfg
copy nul pyro_itempreset_D.cfg

copy nul demoman_itempreset_A.cfg
copy nul demoman_itempreset_B.cfg
copy nul demoman_itempreset_C.cfg
copy nul demoman_itempreset_D.cfg

copy nul heavy_itempreset_A.cfg
copy nul heavy_itempreset_B.cfg
copy nul heavy_itempreset_C.cfg
copy nul heavy_itempreset_D.cfg

copy nul engineer_itempreset_A.cfg
copy nul engineer_itempreset_B.cfg
copy nul engineer_itempreset_C.cfg
copy nul engineer_itempreset_D.cfg

copy nul medic_itempreset_A.cfg
copy nul medic_itempreset_B.cfg
copy nul medic_itempreset_C.cfg
copy nul medic_itempreset_D.cfg

copy nul sniper_itempreset_A.cfg
copy nul sniper_itempreset_B.cfg
copy nul sniper_itempreset_C.cfg
copy nul sniper_itempreset_D.cfg

copy nul spy_itempreset_A.cfg
copy nul spy_itempreset_B.cfg
copy nul spy_itempreset_C.cfg
copy nul spy_itempreset_D.cfg

Once you've created the files, you can dump your things to execute into the corresponding files. In your case, that would be to first dump your soldier things that you use for the RL in whatever file corresponds to the loadout slot where you have RL equipped. Then, dump the modified settings into the file corresponding to the loadout slot where you have the original equipped.

The last step is to add loadout binds to each class config file. In your soldier.cfg, add these (of course you can change the keys used if you prefer, and don't forget to change the binds in each class config to match the class name).

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bind "F5" "soldier_itempreset_A"
bind "F6" "soldier_itempreset_B"
bind "F7" "soldier_itempreset_C"
bind "F8" "soldier_itempreset_D"

If you've done everything correctly, you'll have 36 individual slot config files that will allow you to have four separate sets of weapon aliases per class that can be configured for individual weapons based on their slots. I understand that if you're not familiar with coding or scripting, this may look daunting. Here is a copy of my config that you can extract and view.

I will be happy to assist you (or anyone else) in tailoring configs like these.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 hud_fastswitch 0/2 menus with hud_fastswitch 1 in Q/A Help

You can get creative with a lot of things. I'm not certain I understand exactly what you're trying to accomplish here, but this may get you somewhat close...

alias +fs "hud_fastswitch 0;slot1"
alias -fs "hud_fastswitch 1;slot1"
bind "x" "+fs"

Essentially what this will do is pop up your slow weapon switch menu while you are pressing the key, but as soon as you let go of the key, it turns fastswitch back on and swaps to slot1 to dismiss the slow weapon switch menu.

posted about 9 years ago
#16 way to stop seeing leafyishere video suggestions? in Off Topic

I don't use the youtube recommended videos sidebar much so I don't really know if this will help anything, but youtube has its own history page. If you log in, on the left side panel, there is a history option. From there, you can remove individual items from your viewing history or your entire viewing history. You can also do the same for search history.

I haven't tested it, but if youtube isn't totally stupid, removing items from there should make them stop appearing in your suggestions.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 Is my cpu getting too hot? in Hardware

You can always check Intel's website to see the maximum deltas for CPUs. Here's the page for your CPU.

The maximum safe temp at the IHS is 71.45c which means that the cores will likely start throttling themselves down once they reach around 90c. If your CPU temperature sensor is showing under 75c during heavy loads, you are probably OK, but you may want to look into a better cooling solution. Modern CPUs are pretty good at not being damaged from running a bit too hot, but they'll throttle down and run slowly.

posted about 9 years ago
#191 Stabby talks class balance in TF2 General Discussion
GentlemanJonsmakersIt is incorrectly used more often than not--most people seem to think that it simply means, "the generally accepted standard" such as, "the sixes meta is 2 scouts, 2 soldiers, 1 demo, 1 medic."I take the point, but if it's used in a disparaging context (usually the case I think) then the simplification is a case of derogatory hyperbole rather than a lack of understanding, or more likely a combination of both

Hah, you could be completely correct, though I honestly think it's that the average person even in the TF2 community parrots the phrase without having any comprehension of what it actually means. When I think of metagaming, chess and military war games immediately come to mind. In TF2, I think of a last hold and subsequent last push, which, oddly enough, is essentially the opposite of what people are talking about when they use the term "meta" [referring to standard situations].

posted about 9 years ago
#188 Stabby talks class balance in TF2 General Discussion

Well, first off, you're absolutely incorrect. Words can very well be misused most of the time. Language can and does work that way. That's why there are correct usages and incorrect usages. Sure, languages eventually evolve to accept common misuses, but until it does, they are indeed incorrect. Secondly, I explicitly stated "in regards to TF2" as opposed to "in every instance of use throughout the language".

This is just a silly argument as nobody will ever change sides, but hey, it's fun, right? :P

posted about 9 years ago
#185 Stabby talks class balance in TF2 General Discussion
GentlemanJonGetawhaleThe standard 6v6 class composition has no connection to the word "meta" or "meta-game" but yet people insist on using it. It is overused and much of the time, it's incorrect. We're off-message in this thread now though. Believe me, I'm not clueless to the word and its meaning.I'm not suggesting you are clueless, but in my experience alone I've been hearing it for 25 years around gaming in this exact context. It may be a sub culture but that's easily enough time for it to be valid terminology by any standard.

Edit: I know what you mean, that things like achievements and other aspects of gamification are also metagame, but this isn't new, and it probably pre-dates the internet too, or at least the widespread public use of it.

It is used correctly -sometimes- in regards to TF2. It is incorrectly used more often than not--most people seem to think that it simply means, "the generally accepted standard" such as, "the sixes meta is 2 scouts, 2 soldiers, 1 demo, 1 medic."

That is not what it means. Don't get me wrong, I'm not arguing with any of you three (GentlemanJon/spartan/getawhale). It's just one word in a long list of words that are so frequently misused that they become somewhat accepted, like 'literally' and 'hacker' or 'hacking'.

posted about 9 years ago
#72 Stabby talks class balance in TF2 General Discussion

Man, this thread got big in a hurry. The guy posted his opinion; no need to trash him for it. Everyone has an opinion. Here's mine.

TF2 is 8 years old. You will never again see anything that is "fresh". Slight evolutions based around new items as they appear, maybe, but competitive 6v6 will not have a different 'standard rollout composition' unless leagues modify their rules heavily or one of the core classes gets nerfed into the dirt. Every composition has been tried. You think 2/2/1/1 is stale and that's because it is. 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 in highlander is stale as well. You limit classes to 1 in matchmaking and you'll see different compositions, you are correct. What you'll see is some really boring-to-watch rollouts of a scout, a heavy, a pyro, a soldier, a demo, and a medic where your mid fights will come down to 'who couldn't focus the heavy fast enough' or 'which pyro got a reflect earlier'. We've all seen what a spy is capable of doing situationally in 6v6. The same for a sniper. On the other hand, we've all seen what running one of them too long does. I'm sorry, but not only do I not want to watch full time heavies, pyros, spies, and engineers, I sure as hell wouldn't want to play that game.

The reason you see a core class composition is because other things have been tried and this one is quite literally the best in terms of mobility and skill ceilings while simultaneously not grinding the game to a complete halt (short of uber standoffs, which would exist with any composition).

Also, while I'm thinking about it, let's stop overusing the prefix 'meta' to describe everything anyone does. It's a silly prefix (not even a word by itself) that has been overused to the point of meaninglessness. :-O

posted about 9 years ago
#7 cp_badlands: TF2's de_dust2 in News

Good read. Well written, but it does have one error that I've been seeing more and more these days. Sacrificing is not 'sacking' as the latter is a totally different verb. A minor nitpick, I know, but if it's a published article on another site, it may be worth correcting. =P

posted about 9 years ago
#38 ban direct hit from dm in TF2 General Discussion
post on ur main u vagina

My tftv account wasn't linked to my main steam account because I was accidentally logged into an alt when tftv started linking to steam accounts. I haven't swapped because it's a pain in the ass to use the mobile authenticator + email every time I want to log in somewhere so nooooooooooo :P

posted about 9 years ago
#31 ban direct hit from dm in TF2 General Discussion

The whining in this thread is on par with reddit. :-O

It's freakin' DM. You realize you respawn instantly, right? Whining about weapons and classes and ammo and blah blah blah. Either go in DM and shoot people or don't. If you want it to be based around 6v6 stuff, that's fine, ban what's banned in esea, but just banning weapons because 'that's not what you should be practicing!!!' is pretty dumb.

posted about 9 years ago
#55 what keys do you use for your weapons? in TF2 General Discussion

h = slot1
j = slot2
4 = slot3

posted about 9 years ago
#77 Shooting at the Inland Regional Center in Off Topic

The reason a pro-gun vs anti-gun debate never goes anywhere is because there are two hive-minds of people who are heavily set in their own beliefs. Some of those beliefs are rational while others may not be. Most anti-gun advocates suggest that guns have no place in society in this day. They suggest that guns kill people; that making guns less available for the general public will automatically lower gun violence. It does seem like that would happen, doesn't it?

The problem is that the people who are ready to slaughter innocent people don't care about what you ban. If we had banned firearms from the general public 100 years ago, I suspect that gun violence could possibly be much much lower than it is today. Banning guns now will likely do very little since there are already millions of unregistered and illegally owned firearms in place. Weapon traffickers have been stealing and pawning firearms for decades and if the government were to perform a sweeping snatch and grab of all firearms, they would get ONLY the legally registered ones and a few illegal ones they manage to accidentally find. At this point, you would still have hundreds of thousands of illegal firearms out there that wouldn't be terribly difficult to get, not to mention the violent people who would simply kill people with other legally obtainable equipment.

Anti-gun advocates bring up the fact that some countries have banned guns and now gun violence is much much lower! Pro-gun advocates bring up the fact that other countries have banned guns and have had little to no success in lowering violent crimes. The fact of this matter is that none of those countries are the USA. We don't know how it would go here. Would the grand total of innocent lives lost be lower? Would it be a better life; would people feel more safe? Who is to say? It's a hell of a freedom to give up when the result would simply be a massive social experiment with no guarantees.

On the other hand, for every mass shooting that occurs, there are a dozen instances where an armed citizen stopped a violent act either by killing the aggressor or scaring them off. It's up to each of us individually to decide whether killing the aggressor is justified in any cases of self defense, but it's definitely justified in many cases, in my opinion. Sadly, these self-defense type cases don't hit the media all too often because they don't promote the agenda the big corporations want to push.

I'm not going to cite dozens of sources, but here are a few:

Here's a map created by which is a litany of self-defense stories collected since August, 2011. Obviously these are only the stories about which the website is informed. There are undoubtedly more.
Guns Save Lives Map

Unfortunately, there are also tragedies where a person believes they are in danger, so they open fire on an assailant only to later find out that the assailant was not an assailant at all. Here is an anti-gun website dedicated to 'debunking' pro-gun arguments (for contrast):

My bottom line:
The right to bear arms was intended as a failsafe against an oppressive government and for self-defense against aggressors, foreign and domestic. I fully believe that it still has a place in today's society, and it's not something I'm ready to give up.

For the record, I'm not trying to argue pro vs. anti-gun here, I'm just trying to explain why pro-gun advocates are so passionate about their beliefs and are therefore so closed-minded and unwilling to change their stance.

posted about 9 years ago
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