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Signed Up February 19, 2013
Last Posted January 7, 2023 at 6:31 AM
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1 2 3 4 5 ⋅⋅ 69
#21 NA Invite Top 100: Hub Post in News

surely someone wants to make an EU and an Aussie version aswell

posted about 2 years ago
#11 rahThread: EU vs NA girls-only teams in The Dumpster
RahmedCould help ease the anonymity of girls playing comp

Or just let them play with whoever the fuck they want

posted about 2 years ago
#28 included middle ban in TF2 General Discussion

obviously this ban is a complete joke you cant even draw the line at what point "throwing" an official starts, people offclassing excessively?, medic having a crucial drop? fail push? playing with multiple mercs? - and the length is also just ridiculous compared to what people have got in the past for e.g. not submitting demos multiple times, racism, flaming etc

The fact middle got reported should not even matter because what this will lead to is that people just call out someone for trolling their official and getting him banned for 3 months...btw calling out gazy for running perma pyro in a GF surely that guy is just throwing

posted about 2 years ago
#20 included middle ban in TF2 General Discussion
jnkismziany proof or are we just dishing out claims?dannyI was not the only one on my team that reported him, nor was the fact that I reported him even questioned by otherswipe your glasses old man

i get the reported part but i dont see the celebrating, if there is a party over middles ban i wanna be invited!

I am bringing all the badmins

posted about 2 years ago
#16 included middle ban in TF2 General Discussion
S4mskidannyFrom what I heard he was reported multiple times and the ban is based off of other stuff aswell, that being said I agree that 3 months would be way too harsh of a ban for just this incident, but im not familiar with the other stuff at all so i don't really know
Not sure why you're acting all innocent when firstly you're the person who told him to killbind, then you reported him to the admins and lastly have taken great joy since seeing the news of him getting banned.....

any proof or are we just dishing out claims?

posted about 2 years ago

we still believe..

Maybe you should start to not celebrate the title after making it out of groups so the let down doesnt hit as hard

posted about 2 years ago
#111 EURO 2020 predictions in World Events

Italy deserves most complete nations Team atm

posted about 2 years ago
#5 ETF2L S38 GF: nerdRage vs. FAINT Gaming EU in Matches
Thaigrr FAINT rn

1h later

posted about 3 years ago
#5 Funding TF2 competetive with Crypto in Off Topic

great another bubble the tf2 scene can live in

posted about 3 years ago
#2 Movement Mindset in Mentoring

Watch Matrix couple times

posted about 3 years ago
#8 rahThread: Seasonal maps in TF2 General Discussion

Reading your threads makes me wonder if you are trying to save tf2 or kill it even faster

posted about 3 years ago
#30 are steroids worth it ? in Off Topic

You must have a horribly low self extrem If you think anyone cares about you lifting your shirt flexing abs, steroids wont help with that

posted about 3 years ago
#45 What legacy will you leave for TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
AmaterasuBeing probably the first EU Anti-Cheat admin who will get banned for cheating and receiving a VAC ban just now...
As the gig is up, I will be honest and admit that I was cheating in this match I was using ESP to see invisible Spies and I got too cocky, I mean who will ever report an AC member? You can actually see it in the demos if you look for it.

I'm sorry to all my previous teammates and friends at ETF2L staff.

let me check my calendar whats the date again

posted about 3 years ago
#9 in TF2 General Discussion also exists and is currently pretty active add nR danny for further information

posted about 3 years ago
#29 Useful stuff to buy? in Hardware

a proper suit, shoes, shirt, belt and tie to go with it

posted about 3 years ago
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